Saturday, June 9, 2007

Maintain Confidentiality Through Letter


With his behavior in the "case" Visco-Special, and in the Senate debate that followed on June 6, one gets the impression that the brave Prodi government, the main responsible for the most serious crisis of distrust in politics never crossed by the Italians in recent years has really touched the bottom.
Not only was there a fierce torpedo armed corps commander of the state "guilty" solto to defend their prerogatives in terms of employment of its staff from undue interference exercised by a deputy minister plus non nuovo a simili uscite (lo stesso Visco, già ministro delle Finanze nel 1997, ebbe infatti un'analoga disputa con il predecessore di Speciale, Mosca Moschini, e in tale occasione emerse appunto chiara l'esclusività della competenza del comandane della G. di F. a decidere impiego e trasferimenti degli appartenenti al corpo, con il semplice obbligo di informarne per notizia l'organo politico), ma lo si è voluto anche infamare, in Senato, dandogli papale papale dello "scorretto", dell'"inqualificabile", dello "sleale", il tutto senza neppure riflettere sulla sconcertante contraddizione insita nel fatto di avere, poco prima, offerto un posto di rilievo in un'istituzione prestigiosa come la Corte dei Conti proprio ad una persona which was deemed so reprehensible.
Arrogance without limits, therefore, publicly nell'apostrofare a faithful servant of the State, as well as damaging in practice, and self-confidence to believe such blatant power easily do without even a little to disguise his own clumsiness and bad faith by saving a bit ', at least, the appearances. Not to mention the ridiculousness showed off the sadly hilarious Padoa-Schioppa in his quotations and historical comparisons. If some is exaggerated (but not that much) compared to the poor deported Special Captain Dreyfuss - as many, including the writer, is on first come completely spontaneous - even assimilate to MacArthur, the American chief fired by Truman during the Korean War because otherwise he might have dropped some candy on the heads of the Chinese atomic, thus triggering the third world war, he knows even grotesque obvious that, in any true democracy, the military is subject to civil rulers, and they have fully right and duty to remove them before combining disasters, even at the cost of challenging the popularity of the demigods MacArthur, but the commander of G. F. was not going beyond its legal rights or preparing some kind of catastrophe, and then remove it was an act contrary to, or at least alien to the "fight to defend the law" necessary for the people as the "defense of the walls" second thought Heraclitus, too, poor fellow, learnedly quoted Economy Minister omniscience.
The real country, said at the beginning, is now running out of patience for such a mediocrity of its political class, and one of the causes of his despair is precisely the excessive radicalization of the comparison between the two political camps.
You should give all calm down a little, well, face it, right as left, but if they are scripted as everything that our government can do to show the Italians recover its interest in a calmer atmosphere and meet their real needs, how can you claim that the opposition is more miti consigli?
L'esecutivo ha, per ora, superato l'ennesimo scoglio in Senato e rimarrà anche questa volta in sella, avendone, nonostante tutto, il diritto.
Di questo passo, però, che ne sarà della credibilità, della dignità anche internazionale di un'Italia che si dice tra le prime democrazie del mondo? Ecco qualche cosa per la quale combattere è davvero necessario come la "difesa delle mura".

Tommaso Pellegrino