WHAT 'What made it particularly vulnerable OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM
Recent events such as the discovery of a "mosque" potential den of terrorists and school as "baby", near Perugia, and the last shot made by the brilliant Foreign Minister D'Alema on the need for dialogue with the good folks of Hamas terrorists, as well as the desirability of a termination or scaling of the "barbarous" U.S. activities of "Enduring Freedom" in Afghanistan, no doubt lead to some reflection on why our country - as well as throughout the West, of course, but although it tries to stand out for their special qualities of moderation and " humanity "- is in the eye of those who can not wait to see the world transformed into a beautiful Caliphate, with lots of greetings to the centuries of history and evolution of political, social, philosophical and scientific, which went from the Middle Ages to today, and what are the wisest attitude to be taken before this state of affairs.
The reality is that we in the West, as we now apparently reduced in the eyes of people, which has not experienced a similar evolutionary process and is therefore left to our simple minded to see all white or all black, unable to devise ways different from making an offense to react to another comparable, or to admit that a people can not arise compact against attack by an external enemy, we must look like a civilization now in fruit, without any credibility, nor fearsome, we dare say even more worthy of respect.
The unbridled opulence in which we live, the lack of serious war for over sixty years, resulting in disabitudine to wage struggles for collective causes very vital by all means fit for purpose and accepting the inevitable sacrifices and loss of life, as well as indulgence shown by our socetà to the spread of pacifism that seems, on the contrary, preached before the surrender to injustice and violence as preferable to any male and sacrosanct reaction to defend the dignity and freedom of all, we must make it appear Western, in the eyes of these fearless faithful of Allah, as a bunch of debauched only now ready to be trampled mercilessly and easily to new and more vital forces, just as it was at the time of the decadence of the Roman Empire, by the emerging "barbarians" pressing at its borders.
And what could ever imagine, the crazed religious tomes which are just beautiful that it would all be dead, of a civilization that shows far more concerned not to "offend" any religious sensibilities or hurt others (and that of his own species potential attackers) not to comply (no longer pretend to) its glorious Christian tradition, which was also in the past manifestations of fundamentalism, but that everyone, believers or not, must now recognize as the increased plasmatic Western culture? What can be concluded, that they will happily condemn to death anyone who barely deviates an inch from orthodox religion, in front of our general indifference to the blasphemous anti-Christian of all kinds, threats and slurs against the Pope and archbishops, some of fire stunned mathematicians call Christianity a religion for fools? And finally, before the claim of some Catholic flanges to pass off even the ravings peace to the very essence of teaching church (which, however, has obviously never denied the right to legitimate defense, with the means deemed most appropriate by individuals as part of public) that can be inferred, so that they casually speak of "holy war"?
The answer can not be always the same: radical Islam to the West is rotten, not the strength nor the will even to defend themselves, totally corrupt neglect and false freedom and the degeneration of morals from Satan, ergo worthy of being subjugated.
Enough, then, with the focus, the contrast between the protection of legality and security on the one hand, and solidarity with immigrants and other cultures, other, always and only on the latter. Enough with the guilt for the fact of belonging to the slice of humanity that most di ogni altra, malgrado le imperfezioni pur sempre esistenti nel sistema, si è bene o male saputa dare pace, prosperità, progresso e democrazia. Che questi risultati conseguiti diventino il nostro punto di forza, anzichè di debolezza; che, nell'orgoglio di difenderli, si sappiano dare ai nemici di queste conquiste, le risposte giuste, appunto nel rispetto di tali valori, ma ferme.
La speranza di rabbonire questi avversari semplicemente con sempre maggiori concessioni sul piano interno (ad esempio piùà moschee agli immigrati, o tutte le facilitazioni possibili anche a scapito dei locali) o internazionale (aperture di D'alema ad Hamas o critica dell'operato americano in Afghanistan) è invece puramente illusoria: più noi ci mostreremo ben disposti nei loro confronti, anzi, più essi ci prenderanno per deboli e ne approffitteranno per tirare a schiacciarci.
Il concorrente repubblicano alla corsa per la Casa Bianca Fred Thompson ha recentemente affermato che "questa gente ce l'ha con noi per quello che possiamo aver fatto di buono, non certo per quello che possiamo avere sbagliato". E ha ragione.
Chissà che non stia proprio nel cominciare a dare un'immagine di noi stessi quali avversari risoluti, giusti e decisi, in una parola avversari degni di rispetto, agli occhi di questi terroristi, il segreto per essere anche un poco meno vulnerabili alle loro offensive.
Tommaso Pellegrino