Sunday, November 11, 2007

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PARTY (especially if "UNIT ")... those words that still seems to scare the center-

In the center of the Italian politician has, for better or worse, seen the light of the Democratic Party, which has merged into a single entity two components, the Margherita and the Democrats of the Left, which once not far away, but that now seems prehistoric, were active even at the antipodes of each other, when they were still called rispettivamente Democrazia Cristiana (la Margherita era formata in larga parte dall'ex sinistra DC) e Partito Comunista Italiano.
L'operazione ha avuto aspetti felici e meno felici; ha fatto nascere un soggetto politico di concezione nuova, ma la cui efficienza nell'operare in concreto è ancora tutta da verificare; ha eletto un capo con un metodo democraticissimo quale le "primarie", ma così facendo ha creato confusione su chi si trovi ora a godere di più legittimante investitura popolare per guidare la baracca, se questo nuovo leader o il "vecchio" Presidente del Consiglio. Tuttavia, questa operazione è andata indiscutibilmente nella direzione giusta, o almeno in quella inevitabile, se davvero si ritiene che un sistema basato sull'alternanza al potere tra due possibili maggioranze di governo, sicure ed in grado di perseguire i rispettivi programmi, presentati con chiarezza agli elettori prima di chiamarli alle urne e da questi scelti con il voto, sia ormai una conquista irreversibile, dalla quale non si può più tornare indietro, qualunque siano le leggi elettorali o le riforme costituzionali in futuro adottate.
In questo più intraprendente e lungimirante del centrodestra, il centrosinistra ha superato due ostacoli che, da quest'altra parte della barricata, sembrano ancora costituire quasi dei tabù: intanto ha dato vita ad una significativa organizzazione politica che si fregia senza vergogna della qualifica di "partito", e poi ha capito che il naturale end of bipolarity has lead to the formation of more compact and stable level of simple "coalitions."
The word "party" in the Italian political world and especially in the center, probably cause allergic reactions strange since the cyclone in the early nineties has shattered the old system generally remembered as the "First Republic" will be because the constituencies That system is officially called all party such and such, because we will have a head like that with "party politics" source of all evils, the fact is that, from then on, everything is a revival of leagues, clubs, alliances, different unions (now the "circles" of pasionaria Brambilla blue), but an old and healthy "party", to the center and surrounding area, almost no one has more memory.
Instead we should catch up, do not copy the left, but do better. Hovers, indeed, a draft of the Freedom Party unity, but at the moment, not many seem to believe in addition to Silvio Berlusconi.
It 'important to overcome the mere "coalition", because if you truly believe in democracy of alternation in power between two political families can realistically with a solid majority to govern once elected, is no longer a case of putting too beyond.
may in the near future, to assert an electoral law that assigns the premium is no longer the majority coalition, but the most voted party, and also being an integral part in a united party would lead the inevitable number of internal cores to it to feel more sense of responsibility, the duty of loyalty to the project common, if they were not simply members of a coalition of different groups.
E 'purely pretextual claim, however, that the united party would lead to the mortification of the specific identity of the individual components that would give life in the British Labour Party, for example, live together, without dreams divisions, trends ranging from a sharp moderation in positions not that much different from those of our local left radical, so the Republican Party in the U.S. there is a Rudolph Giuliani and George W. Bush to think in opposite ways on various topics, without ever questioning the comuneappartenenza the same.
oppose the idea of \u200b\u200ba united party even in the center, at least among those components made it sufficiently homogeneous that it can reasonably do (also with good allies the Northern League, so to speak, one must recognize that the speech, at least in 'immediate, it might be a tad more complex and delicate, while SINCE certainly strive to include them too short even in times less), it means not having enough sense of the inevitable course of new national policy, the democracy of tense between the two sides, solid and compact, a guarantee of governance, it means to be nostalgic for a longer possible "center" which has no courage and will to stand irrevocably to one side or the other, it means regret (perhaps unconsciously) the consociativismo and the processor so sad memory in the history of their country.
should, in conclusion, to overcome that kind of fear that the very word "party" and more "party unity", it still seems to inspire in many areas of the center, so as not to get beat by the opposing party in readiness in adapting structures and the new mentality that moves inexorably.
This post was written also and above all in order to publicize the initiative in a blog roll to vote just because we have tried to advocate in these lines. E 'was promoted by his "Camelot", the most convenient way to join (this writer has done) is to visit the blog and from there click on the symbol round (type symbol dela CDL) with "THE HOUSE OF FREEDOM 'FOR THE PARTY UNIT" that appears in the margin of the homepage at the bottom right, giving you access to all the instructions to proceed.
I believe in all sincerity, whether it's an initiative that is worth paying close attention to and direct as many people as possible.

Tommaso Pellegrino