Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Filme Online Incesto Italiano


Voilà, the games you would say now made. While the world is witnessing, on the one hand, in the long run, and we do not always easy to understand, marathon election preparation of what will be poi la vera e propria sfida finale per arrivare a sedersi sulla poltrona di presidente degli Stati Uniti, e, dall'altro, al viceversa rapidssimo consumarsi di ciò che ha avuto tutta l'aria di essere soltanto un semplice rito volto a conferire il formale sigillo di investitura popolare ad un'elezione presidenziale russa in realtà già del tutto scontata nel suo esito, in un ambiente politico obiettivamente ancora molto da perfezionare in fatto di vera democraticità, anche in Italia parrebbero a questo punto defintivamente disegnate le formazioni destinate ad affrontarsi, fra non molto, nella prova elettorale che dovrebbe inaugurare, dopo le non entusiasmanti esperienze del recente passato, una nuova fase nella vita politica nazionale, caratterizzata be an important step on the road to building a true democracy of alternation in power between the two main alternatives: the transition from large coalitions opposed, too often very diverse, one of the major parties, the very fact to be so, at least in theory, considerably more compact and reliable.
We, on this very blog, welcomed (and a bit of envy for being them and not us, first to reach this result) the merger of the two main components of the old into the new center-left Democratic Party, then, after some 'time, clarified some misunderstandings in the center-right passing, something similar has happened also on that side of the fence, with the birth of the People of Liberty, not even a real party, admittedly, but a new political entity with all the credentials to become one as soon as possible after the presentation to the election of all components under the same symbol with a single program and a commitment to then form a single parliamentary group in the next legislature.
appear before the voters "alone" or nearly so, ie without the weights, to your left, ceilings and red, to your right, the usual vane centrist partitucoli and figures (the ones, so to speak, famous for not having almost never participated in two elections followed in same field), the PD has chosen the way of clear proposal of a team united in adhering to a program and ripe to govern a country west of our days, if (hopefully not anyway) would be triumphant. In other words, we must recognize that, finally cut ties with the friends of those who shouted in the streets "10-100-1.000 Nasiriyah" and caused endless embarrassment for Italy as well as the literal inability to govern tolerably for the Prodi government The team really looks like something veltroniana finally eponymous party comparable to the U.S. or the British Labour Party, that is, as the kind of center-left can not obviously be our strength political affiliation, but whose existence and good health we believe are essential for the functioning of democracy as we understand it: real political opponents in a context of democratic competzione with whom any constructive dialogues are also conceivable (never mess-ups!), and enemies in almost a civil war.
On the opposite side, the PDL was similarly shaken back inconvenient and embarrassing former fellow travelers of the fringes of the extreme right anti-system, and who does not have simply wanted to understand or accept that it can no longer be the era of old alliances, but the big parties, which must now take on the joint to be submitted to voters only if those feels to engage in it to the point of giving up their own symbols and lists (only about the Northern League can be justified, at least for now, a separate discussion). As already stated elsewhere, the fact that they form part of a party is in itself a guarantee of membership far more confident and irreversibly to a program that does not simply pile up in a coalition abandon them if necessary without too much trauma. It has been suggested by many that the PDL has become a right-wing party, and not center-right, for refusing to apparently the casiniana UDC: in reality, it remains the major component Forza Italy, which is exquisitely center-right, and that their movement newly formed that claim to embody the "Right" the most authentic is left off line. Respingedo the UDC, he simply said no to a small force which appears not yet resigned to the inevitability of the new trend taken by the Italian politics, still clinging to the idea of \u200b\u200ba "center" not having the choice of coherent field and final a bipolar view, a small force that is now showing as fully labile was now become his adherence to the values \u200b\u200band programs of the center-right (and how little we have, after all of the fair, put the same PDL not resent in the team ), pouring on former fellow travelers, and five years of rule, judgments that appear to out of the mouth of bitter rivals ever, rather than from that of aspiring allies just days before.
A functioning political system based on a comparison of large parties that present voters with clear plans, credibility and real opportunity to lead the country if kissed by success at the polls, instead of the old armed brancaleone put together for the sole purpose of beating a suitably demonized enemy, and then incapable of any Government line of effective, consistent and constructive, so it is that the great challenge that Italy must win for the future. Someone
goals and objectives that this state of affairs is in the tradition of our country, that if it is natural for the Anglo-Saxon world, in these parts have a different story. We say that if the stakes are trying to improve as much as possible a system which, as it was, you could say come to fruit, it is worth also to make the experience of others, regardless of the necessary adaptations without natual be applied to each specific national situation.
In this period, with the eyes the examples of elections in major states of the world, there's food for thought to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat might be the most appropriate.
Tommaso Pellegrino