Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How To Masterbate A Women Vidios


It 's done. After a period of a couple of years decided to forget the polls open on Sunday and Monday have set out clearly, in defiance of those who have raised the specter of new scenarios of election results and subsequent ungovernability ambiguous or difficult governance Italy il ritorno alla guida del Paese di un Capo di governo e di uno schieramento politico che gli italiani hanno già avuto modo di ben conoscere e dei quali probabilmente, visto il loro inequivocabile verdetto, non conservavano poi un ricordo così orrendo come tutte le parti a ciò interessate hanno tentato in tutti i modi di farci credere; un Capo di governo ed uno schieramento in grado ora di riprendere il lavoro da dove la fine della legislatura che li ebbe per protagonisti e l'avvento della calamità prodiana l'avevano interrotto, seppure in un contesto profondamente cambiato, rispetto ad allora, e con nuove e difficili sfide da raccogliere.
Il temutissimo "pareggio" dovuto alle magagne della legge elettorale vigente, con mancanza di una maggioranza especially clear in the Senate and in the background, the ghosts of unpresentable "mess-ups" or scenes of panic not knowing which way to turn, has thus been averted: the victory of the successful party is very clear and it was argued that a substantial bipartisan approaching our system to that of most advanced Western democracies. In short, the much-demonized "porcellum" (still to be reviewed at least in some respects), applied in the right way, it worked well, but who knows what would have happened if it had proceeded, in his time, to set up a provisional government headed by Marini or others, and the establishment of any new electoral law.
The new "revolutionary" more is undoubtedly clear that nothing short of drastic simplification of the policy framework and range of parties represented in Parliament, with the emergence of a bipolar system strengthened and characterized by the disappearance of the old mega-coalitions in everything and its opposite, replaced by Two new factions, each consisting of a few elements linked together by very solid arrangements, now almost two superpartiti for themselves more capable of covering almost all the seats available in the two rooms, having been a large part of external training for these two cut blocks outside the limits of the barrier provided by the electoral law, with the result of coming, on balance, with four or five groups MPs instead of the more than twenty of the term just ended.
We believe that, in determining this outcome has been especially conscious and logical behavior of an electorate, perhaps more mature than they have imagined the same politicians (who have never ceased to insist on the so-called "useful vote" , that is given to those who have real chances of winning) and less prone to the temptations of anti-politics and vote "protest," given to those who know very well that nothing can not do with it. And 'it is clear that, in a system based on a majority of the premium, which may be to govern, given to who gets the most votes, and electoral threshold anti "dwarves", to have chances of success are only those parties or large clusters in which they can recognize the widest possible segments of the electorate, overwhelmingly composed of people tend to be moderate or oriented to the right or left, so it will never reach sufficient numbers Who represents the most extreme ideological positions or even if it is insipadamente placed in the center-center.
's so happened that have been totally excluded from the new Parliament, along with the thousands of strips representing nothing at all that crowded with their improbable symbols our ballots (one of which, my heart cries to note, was called "Liberal Party" ), even formations that might have deserved a slightly 'less poor, as a radical left "Rainbow" or a Right-of Storace Santanchè, both ended badly because it got in the running this time, "alone" and no longer incorporated in large coalitions bandwagon, as in previous consultations.
They will always be in time to become aware of mistakes made and the changes occurring in the national political scene, and then to return in the near future as standard-bearer in parliamentary life, from the major parties, the fights in the name of the values \u200b\u200bvery special they believe. Otherwise, if they can not or will want to do this, you can also a bit sorry 'to everyone for loss of those that can, nevertheless, be considered valuable contributions of thought, even if outside the schemes more orthodox, otherwise in a little 'dull and gray halls of the House and Senate, but the fact remains that the purpose of the mechanism a modern two-party democracy of bipolar or not is to ensure parliamentary representation at all costs, even those who remain unable to integrate into the mature political parties to assume the responsibilities of government, but to create the best conditions for governability and to remove an obstacle to what would be the same. Now that the Chevalier
rimonterà riding in such unusual conditions for safe its magiore (both in terms of numbers of unity of the coalition), simplification of the policy framework and renewed prestige, can finally be addressed with energy and serenity unknown to the previous government, many problems that our struggles poor country.
For our part, continue to be supported and we wish him good job from now on.
Tommaso Pellegrino