Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jon Cryer Earns Per Episode 2010

comedians who are no longer 'LAUGH SHOULD NOT BE THE MASTERS OF THE SCENE

Con l'ultimo post pubblicato su questo blog, risalente ormai a quasi due mesi fa, ci eravamo lasciati in una situazione che sembrava preludere all'instaurarsi di un clima politico finalmente soddisfacente, o quanto meno da paese "normale", in un'Italia fino ad allora travagliata (l'assonanza di questa parola con il cognome di uno dei massimi animatori delle piĆ¹ squallide esibizioni, di piazza e not in the streets, always seek to maintain the level of confrontation between the national political parties as far away from the canons of civility and mutual respect desirable in every country, is purely intentional) from a violent confrontation between the two sides almost the preceding imperfect bipolarity, excessive heterogeneity and number of small parties that made up the same and the presence in them of extremist flanges which made it difficult taking common positions, and then government action. With the advent of the Executive
weblog center-right parliamentary majority backed by a more than solid, it seemed a new era on the verge of opening: blocks of majority and the opposition finally sufficiently homogeneous ouster by the Chambers of extremist groups on both sides, almost a two-party with no more than a couple of parliamentary groups on each side, the definition of clear roles and distinct and therefore no "mess-ups, of course, but also no aversion ruling and good intentions of openness to dialogue and cooperation "bipartisan" where possible and desirable. Exactly
quell'esordio almost two months, you can not help but notice what appears to be the idyllic picture just described, unfortunately, not a little spoiled.
Mr Berlusconi's team wasted no time to start the programs for which the Italians had given the helm of the country, and did so with a determination to which he had not used anymore, and that inevitably has offered the right instrumental to the attacks of those who, when they found themselves in government, found themselves unable to operate with a similar punch due to the weakness of their majority and internal divisions.
So, that's established standards for the protection of nomadic children reduced to slavery worse than the adults of their own people have become "racist", and other, setting up an immunity to the highest levels of the State (other countries also provided immunity from civil also protects the same right of voters to be governed by those who voted) have been branded as "ad personam" the interests of the Prime Minister, even provisions in favor of the lower classes as the abolition of the ICI first house, and the Robin Hood Tax "card" for the elderly would be trifles of little account, if not humiliating or even harmful measures, and this step forward.
In the opposition, than there appears two months ago, the degeneration of the situation was frightening.
For the latest election, Veltroni had good left foot that, by comparison, can be regarded as the perfect gentleman socialist Boselli, just because they did not want to integrate fully in PD, and had instead embarked on the most illiberal forcaiolo and former antigarantista magistrate of the country's history, as he had pretended to accept the condition to go after, in a single parliamentary group with the national Walter. Then, the former magistrate forcaiolo the only parliamentary group refrained from doing so and was thrown to the fish, rather, to fill the void left by the disappearance of the Parliament of the radical left, which power the old, evil hatred antiberlusconiano ruling, which it was thought almost closed at the launch of the new government. E 'of these days perhaps the definitive break with the former magistrate forcaiolo Veltroni, who, in the practicability of civil opposition, and probably still believes imposed the ultimatum: either with me or with q and new fellow travelers that you have chosen.
Yeah, because we have decided to support in its fight against anti-Knight, the former comic pathetic and sad that there were several during the Roman event a few days ago, gave the worst show of rudeness and vulgarity that they could give, with a lot of insults directed unacceptable to the Pope, the President of the Republic and so on and so forth, to the point of indignation not only the leader of the opposition more institutional, Veltroni, but even many of the same members recently dell'ultrasinistra output Parliament and other antiberlusconiani iron as the director Nanni Moretti, God forbid that we should, at this rate, end up regretting.
To conduct this kind indulgence to be there. For the incivility and intolerance, no tolerance. Those comedians are no longer laughing should not be the masters of the scene. Making satire is a right and laugh, but they no longer satire.
Under the spotlight back to the spectacle of a serious and sound policy, government and opposition.
Tommaso Pellegrino