Saturday, September 13, 2008

What Does All Nighter Wood Stove Look Like


more than sixty years have passed by the events in question, namely the events that have divided Italians between the two opposing sides in the bloodiest civil war in their recent history, and has not yet reached genuine national reconciliation based on full recognition by all of indisputable values \u200b\u200band shared, starting from which to move forward, and the final delivery to the history of those tragic events in the past, into history that clearly can not inendersi as storage on the back burner of the events themselves or as an impossible, or even desirable, "embrassons nous" suggellante the general equation of them all the choices of the field made then, considering the only criterion of "good faith "of those who did, but, on the contrary, it should finally be based on clear, clear and definitive public admission by all but one of the two cases in play in '43-45 was the right one, regardless of the individual episodes of heroic behavior or conduct infamous recorded on one side as the other, and the consequent abandonment despicably hateful habit to exploit for its own quotas for political purposes, any more little phrase uttered by the opponent, on these subjects, which provided for the purpose, as is the case with statements of Alemanno and La Russa during the recent commemorations of 8 September and the first acts of resistance.
The claims, made in the past and partly still today, by some extreme right, to place the same importance to the choice made by those who, in 1943 and beyond, is in favor of restoring freedom and democracy, as a statement in the wake of the now inevitable outcome of the war for granted, and that's persevered in the war rather than as irretrievably lost, but fought in the forces of barbarism, the only justification of "good faith" that would animate them, can not be accepted.
The good or bad faith inspires everyone, or fortuitous circumstances for which many found themselves in the ranks "Republicans", should be evaluated on a case by case and certainly would lead us to feel deep feelings of respect for many of these fighters standing alone, but may weigh on the overall assessment of the total negativity of the cause for which they, sometimes even heroically fought: a cause whose triumph would mean the victory of the most brutal violence, oppression, intolerance.
Now, a fact is that those who hold responsibility at this time the government of our country, even if "right", these concepts seems to have, thank God, assimilated perfectly: the Minister of Defence, for example, in his speech to commemorate the events of Porta San Paolo has unequivocally praised that first note Resistance and exalted those who, in general, have restored freedom and democracy to Italy. The so-called "honor" that he turned to the admirable performance in the field of a unit deployed "on the wrong side" simply falls between those of individual acts of bravery awards that are honestly due, but that does not imply any change of opinion on the case "political" the service of which the men were fighting.
Therefore, the controversy triggered from the usual left our beautiful on those few words spoken almost in an aside it seems once again completely sterile and pretentious, especially when taking into account, for example, that it was a senior member of the same political side, Violante, a years ago to launch a far more sensational invitation to be sympathetic to the choice made by the young fighters of Salò, not earning much, then, that bipartisan applause.
If you really, these gentlemen, we wanted to give tit for tat, you would not reproach them for a very revolutionary - and therefore not designed to restore liberal democracy in Italy, but to plant a Soviet-style regime - of their more extremist wings Resistance of the formation of sixty years ago, every time the heirs of those who today claim to embody the best and the majority portion of those freedom fighters, as denying to others the right to share celebrations that should in fact belong to all Italians such as those of 25 April.
But the case does not seem to do it, because we are fully aware of what those realities are now things are completely unfamiliar to even the most direct of their distant descendants of 2008.
conclusion, in fact, for a true national reconciliation, because it really steps past that does not seem to want to do, be sure not to forget history, teacher of life, nor even assolversi reciprocamente da ogni responsabilità, ma si deve serenamente accettare che si tratta di un capitolo completamente diverso dalle vicende attuali, con le quali non deve continuamente mescolarsi.
Tommaso Pellegrino

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Snugtop Replacement Window

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