course on Monday was that of a couple of weeks ago, wisdom 'with the c *** I wrote it, floating in the ether.
The immigration agent told us a Mincio. Better that way. However
our visa can not 'be converted. Fourteen
January 2009: Bali.
for a while '.
until we get the new visa.
Now one says .... exciting, yes it is except that we are under a bit of slap ', working on the beast, the Lake which shatters the end of the right thumb to load the wheel of the tractor, the machine to buy before Christmas e. .. e. .. Some
ago Thursday, I went out early and I have traveled that day to buy the Quokka Gidge.
Once at home, behind a hot cup of coffee, I opened directly by searching for "delicate" and, at the first hit I found one. Just one. I call immediately and take notes.
Yesterday, Christmas Eve, and I was given the Dubix copper. That Lagoditodiburro drove the truck in the vineyard with the canister duemilalitri while Dubilix, with his superhero jumpsuit and mask to conceal his identity, the poor flocked to the rescue screws fungi and infection risk. Three thousand gallons of sulfites and copper to rinse away the arid torpor of 33 degrees.
He finished at 8, from 7. Now faded like old roses, and I Dubay he jumps on the couch thinking of a fresh oil and called Nigel. That forces us to go to him in 15 minutes. Six beers and
and forth, the two Italians on their speeding car new. But used.
Joseph is Hungarian. But also a bit 'German. It was revolutionary, crossing the impassable borders of the former Soviet bloc now to move into capitalist West Germany. Some years, broken dreams by the new world, and take part for Australia. A talker.
" In Hungary I was considered a German, for example because of my surname. Then I went to Germany, friends, brothers ... my father is German, my surname is German, is German. Oh no, you You're Hungarian. And why? German last name ... because you were born in Hungary. Ahhhh! Fuck them both and I go to Australia. " (Taken from poems by Joseph).
Joseph was also a priest, I do not know what order, married one of her maids. Monica.
Until it broke the balls, bloody bullshit, as he calls him, took his wife and converted to "Bush." I mean, who has lived for long periods in the bush. Hunting, fishing, living in freedom. Every now works in the city. Every now lives in a small farm down-south. Or travel.
And that's exactly what they're doing. - "I sell the Delica for this, we're going on a bit '. You see, I'm building the motor-home (truck / bus converted into a house with 4 wheels) and I retire. And if you buy the car from me teach you how to make the byodiesel. Fuck that. "-
Back from beautiful night with Nigel, we passed on the couch with Eri's family chatter, while the Lake tearing the salmon on slices of old bread to put it mildly dehydrated.
And the call ended, we opened gifts! That is the gift. The one we received. From our mechanic Steve.
Now think "And you? Your Gift? "
By Monica Joseph and we became friends, and as with Sneaky last year, there was the passing of the baton. The Delica. Mitsubishi Delica Van 4WD. Raga, a peccionata, but it's space! A van mounted on the body of a Pajero. Seven seats + luggage, convertible camper, 2.8 TD of 94, four-wheel drive.
Novemilacento dollars and a case of beer. Then for another case of German beer special ricare the air made me / us.
A couple of Saturdays spent together, then the car moved here, in the hills.
At this time there is an ongoing controversy on the family name. The Dubix pushing for the delicate "Delichina", Lake sketches considered as too partisan and raised in honor of the Aboriginal people, for the darting Djar (eucalyptus typical of these lands).
Labix Since the family is in trouble, the survey opens
If you have names to suggest a shoot immediately comment.
If you are the D or D, click your favorite name!
Merry Christmas to all!

Joseph, Monica, Deli, Motor-Home


