Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kidde Fyrnetics Keeps Beeping


As each occurrence of that critical date, even in view of this April 25 there was already almost resigned to attend the usual controversy, low alloy and operations of appropriation of the feast by one political side well-defined operations in the past always favored, admittedly, also by the virtual absence in the relevant context and the waiver for a quiet life, with the necessary energy to reclaim its role in fighting the Resistance, or at least their right to celebrate as all their regained freedom, on the part of those actors in other policy approaches that are often far more sincere supporters of the ideals at the base of our democracy than are the apparent owners of the festival, but not as aggressive and the possibility to channel large masses in its support, in the squares where only those who make more noise seems to have citizenship rights.
Instead, this year, something seems to have finally moved in the direction of mutual come meet the Italians and of meaning-recurring as truly "national" rather than limited to a single party.
The President of the Republic, a gesture made even more significant because its one of the most influential personalities of the left always ritenutasi sole repository of history and values \u200b\u200bof the partisan struggle, he went to Montelungo where to start against the Germans were not the partisans, but the regular military reconstitution of the Royal Army, and he recalled that "no part of any fallen (...) is undeniable respect and compassion."
The opposition leader urged the government to participate in the celebrations of 25 April, as he had never done before (perhaps in the secret hope that rejected, in order to have the pretext to trigger sterile polemics, as in the best traditions of each year to this date), and they accepted, even though they are not going to Milan (as he would like the Franceschini) or in another place "hot" Northern Italy, the scene of the actual facts of insurgent sixty-four years, where waiting for him would be especially masses mobilized by political forces prevailing in quel contesto (e quindi, inutile negarlo, da quelle di sinistra, con tutta la buona volontà ben difficilmente immaginabili ad osannare Berlusconi) e che, comunque, non avrebbe certo costituito una cornice adatta per la presenza di un capo di governo, ma prma presenziando alla cerimonia ufficiale nella capitale e poi recandosi in quel di Onna, già teatro di una strage nazista ed oggi provata dalla tragedia del terremoto abruzzese.
Negli interventi di tutte le personalità della maggioranza, secondo taluni ancora in bilico tra nostalgie mussoliniane e conversione all'antifascismo, la piena adesione ai valori democratici e costituzionali, trionfanti con la vittoria di quanti, nel '43-45 combatterono contro il nazifascismo, è stata clear as never before, and if this could appear in a certain way granted in respect of members of the PDL from Forza Italy has always been at the forefront in the defense of liberal values, it proved not to be less convinced by also the former National Alliance, namely the party that descended from MSI a few years ago certainly not be suspected of excessive anti-fascism.
The next step was the full acceptance of the request made by the opposition (who knows if, again, looking for the brawl in the case of a response to peak) to withdraw a controversial bill that would have equated Republicans fighters, partisans and co-belligerent of the Royal Army nel comune diritto a cavalierati e vitalizi.
Al netto accoglimento di questa richiesta, e alla netta presa di posizione su quale sia, tra le parti in lotta nel '43-45, quella da ringraziare per le odierne libertà democratiche, non ha mancato di associarsi neppure il sindaco della capitale ed ex dell'estrema destra Alemanno; lo stesso che, giorni fa, è stato bersaglio di gratuiti apprezzamenti non propriamente benevoli da parte di un patetico sindaco di Parigi che vogliamo credere solamente disinformato sulle reali posizioni del suo collega romano, e non in aperta malafede.
Parrebbe, quindi, che più nulla possa offrire il destro ad insinuazioni sulla mancata condivisione dei valori fondanti della nostra Repubblica, almeno tra le major political forces for democratic change to the country's leader.
certainly will not notice a few blocks to the progress of the train of history, as those who have so foolishly (but predictably) denied Formigoni in Milan, or as someone who will not run out of time positions now also on the opposite political side. But are people and groups who are self-marginalization, that will always be less and weigh less. The
condvisione values \u200b\u200bbase is essential in a modern democracy worthy of the name, there is no great country in which it has not been realized, and then you can, indeed we must, differentiate and compare notes on everything else .
Tommaso Pellegrino

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wholesale Price Of Wings

sudden rain

... and then appeared a prince.

happened when the four, Lou hub and the Italians, after a chair collapsed under the arbor, were rejoicing giust'appunto an unusually warm and dry Mid-Autumn evening with a little 'of spirit when Hub, telling one of his apocalyptic adventures of jaguars and spirits felt imbued with a gentle shiver down gently from the elbow toward the wrist. Tutt'intento in the recount, gave a fleeting glance to his right arm casually noticed a bug (bagarozzo) sizeable walk undisturbed. With a lightning movement grabs the insect which he is unexpectedly pulp between your fingers.

What the f *** is that??

  • F *** ing smashed bugs, responds Mozzy raising glasses in Moscow on the bandana, to better observe

  • How comes? Exclaims Lou eyes wide

  • Do not know, the bloody thing too soft!

  • Let me Have a look

Lou concludes, welcoming the pulp on the right palm, the spreads a bit ', is the casting of sniff and exclaims:

- Moooooozz! That's bloooody stinky shit! How lucky you are!

- Hey, I never hear about raining shit

We all looked up to heaven, including Fatty, smoky eyes clouded by a blanket of darkness

The first coat does not reveal any miraculous time in arrival, no JJ was just to move to capture some of that embrace quietly exclaims

  • That's Mr.Frog! Verdoso indicating a creature perched on a beam of the patio, co 'Culina just above the arm of hub.

  • Never heard about shitting on Mozzies Frogs!

  • Never Thought They Could shit That much!

And while you never wasted at will, our ranocchiotto for the principality, with a leap conquered land and quiet, without any blemish, he continued proudly, leaving behind Stubbies and ashtrays, until you reach the last rock of the floor outside. We stopped, had to think for more 'than a minute, and when The Little Prince Our attention flickered in the artificial fountain. What Lou received his fiftieth birthday exactly.

Mr. Frog comes home every night, usually after dark. During the day going to work, get the food, saw some friends and comes home every night. Usually at night. We do not know where to go during the day, but once he decided to spend some 'time in the heat of the plastic cap backpack Erika.

JJ It was reassuring to return to the fountain with gentle caresses and sweet words.

A volte accade che torni prima del tramonto e allora si siede sul bordo della fontanella e all'imbrunire canta la sua melodia cra cchiante, fino a quattro, cinque volte consecutive. Dopodichè, rassegnato per un altro bacio mancato, salta negli oscuri abissi della sua fontanella elettrica e spegne la luce.

Ma non temete per il futuro di Mr.Frog, prima o poi JJ lo bacerà.

Meno 6 a Melbourne, gli Australop si preparano al saluto. Il lavoro è stato lavorato. Ancora un po' di cosette da sistemare per alleggerire il backpack. Delikina ha iniziato a fumare come a murderer is a doctor, it seems serious (fuel pump?). Fingers crossed.

The first rain came. The real one, overwhelming, beautiful and abundant.

And she brought (every year! Says Lou) of the blacks who seem beautiful millipede curled Merdin sparrow. Only people living on the inner walls and in the morning for the first time I saw them, was the first coffee, I immediately thought:

"and now what is this animal that horizontal shit?"

The entrance to the stud

Painting a

Painting 2

Day greeting to Mao (and Parents)

Mr.Frog 's house

cuddled by Leah Sheah