It 's finally the curtain fell on them also elections for the renewal of the European Parliament, these consultations, not deny it, always low "heard" by both the "palace" that ordinary people, if not as a mere opportunity to examine the course taken by the electorate freshest home to those who, for the time being, holds the responsibility of the government of the country and those who arrabatta you instead to put a spoke in the wheel, and possibly biting some consensus, as the opposition in order to draw useful conclusions only to the usual skirmishes that animate the political theater inside.
if not justifiable, this attitude of mind at least, is easily explained: despite the existence of the Parliament elected by universal suffrage and the single currency, in fact, the European Union, like it or not, is still far from ' be (and who knows if they ever become) what it says a federal state, as are, for example, the United States of America. With our votes for Europe, we do not elect, that is, a majority also express Executive Community has a real and effective powers to direct the government and, above all, with the exclusive ownership of foreign policy throughout the Union, thus becoming a single subject of international law. And 'So in a way natural that, despite the European directives governing now svariatissmi aspects of our lives and condition the country's politics, we can not perceive, approaching this election, that same feeling to make a fundamental choice for our ruled the destinies of proven, however, when it comes to voting for the policies or the administration, but, in the election campaign just ended and the current debates in the post-vote seems to have gone and you're going well beyond la fisiologica messa in secondo piano dei temi squisitamente europei per concentrarsi quasi esclusivamente sulle ripercussioni dell'esito della consultazione comunitaria sugli equilibri politici interni.
Nei mesi precedenti il voto, certe forze politiche italiane hanno deliberatamente scelto di trasformare la campagna elettorale per le europee nella più aspra battaglia senza esclusione di colpi, leciti ed illeciti, mirante a demolire l'avversario sul piano morale ed umano prima ancora che su quello politico.
Lo spettacolo è stato, a tratti, indegno; si è cercato di sfruttare di tutto: dai guai familiari del capo del governo a suoi presunti illeciti, dalle allusioni a suoi possibili rapporti ambigui con candide diciottenni alle ineleganti aesthetic and intellectual disquisitions on the qualities of certain candidates for part of the government.
in the objective difficulties to exercise reasoned opposition, brandishing valid arguments against a government that has significantly increased the security on city streets, which is improving the efficiency of public administration by introducing a culture of meritocracy, which will give opportunity to the earthquake victims 'Abruzzo to go and live in real houses a few months after the occurrence of the earthquake itself, and finally adopted a drastic but effective policy to tackle illegal immigration by sea, the opponents have not even scorned the use of low blows well below the belt even doubt as to the qualities of a good teacher of the Prime Minister for hypothetical new children, raising the just grievances of real children already grown, and grown well, and vaccinated adult.
the end, the poor antiberlusconismo end in itself, in the mouths of those who would rather have the task of institutional series suggest alternatives to government policy, has not been paying for these, and determined only the strengthening of the wing opposition worse , that the more prosperous the more latita good policy.
The results of the challenge are known: the coalition government in Italy has firmly held, as well as the center-right Sarkozy in France, while a crisis of the left that is not only our local but general, has led to big disappointment for the forces in power in most of the rest of Europe.
The PDL has come up with a slightly below expectations, it is true, but his two percentage points lower than in the general election just over a year ago, there are seven in less than reported in the same comparison, from PD, who also is satisfied to at least be able to stem a "breakthrough" unprecedented by the opposing party by imposing a "setback."
And 'in fact among the most well-established Italian tradition to see the glass half full after all the elections, and even those who have lost much or little it always feels a bit 'winner.
while substantially alter the balance between majority and opposition coalitions, the two leading players on the national political scene, indeed, we have both put something, even if in a very different, for the benefit of their respective allies "exuberant," but undeniable that there has been those who, by evidence, confirms that he has had so far operated in accordance with the expectations of those who elected him and who, instead, received a strong signal the urgency of a change in course.
Tommaso Pellegrino