Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Get A Homemade Trailer Plate In Ontario

Torneo Allieve 2011 , 2° prova regionale: CRISTINA PULLIA 2° CLASSIFICATA ;-) e il coraggio della nostra Mavtina! ;-) :-)

Sunday, March 13, at the Palaunimek of Arcore , it was the turn of other athletes on our team to their "debut" in an individual competition, Martina Barenghi the "premiere" in action on the race track and federal Cristina Pullia already agonist teams in past editions, this time in individualistic 2011 Cadet Championship, the first band.

Cristina, recovering from a physical problem that still haunts the knee, is going through a period of "stop loading" in the work on three of the four tools of routine, focusing on the study elements of the parallel, the only tool that allowed it not to aggravate the discomfort in his leg, and for that he had recently seen "soften" the opportunity to participate in the league of specialization for which he was preparing, and Martina, a long time gregarious in the race team along with his more experienced companions, looked at the competition this weekend with fervent expectation and "anxiety" for what would ever make its debut race in the federation, just "stop" too it must be said, for a whole week because of a nagging flu.

If the conditions were "afraid" of not being their "top" for this was that the ultimate test regional predicted, our athletes have, however, submitted on time to the "starting blocks" in that Arcore, supported by almost all teammates noticed not to miss for anything in the world event, after having supported "the greatest" in the preceding days, with a note of particular merit for the two "big", and Erika Cecilia , which soon have designed new choreography to the beam and floor exercise for the small "Mavty" and "clean" ones created, again from them previously for the Cry.

Concentrate already warming and strangely serene you are facing the first gear, the parallel. Cristina safe and almost perfect start with a good exercise and Martina part with a bit ... 'anxieties
;-) Fortunately the group was compact in what was at first difficult to deal with the Mavty rookie coach behind companion just got them already from the tool side to give her a hand and reassure her, classmates and parents to be felt in the stands cheering their unbridled!

A deadly cocktail that has forced the tears of Martin doing "about face" and be sucked out from where they were also very good exercise for you ;-) and charge right in order to continue the race with fewer worries, Yay!

The girls go on alert, after every financial year immediately following the draw, not get distracted and take home together two excellent scores also Vaulting, nice jumps.

It 's the turn of the beam and Cristina surprising, perhaps signing the exercise more "clean" between those repeated in the last week of testing "in house", acrobatic shot recently, were not numerically so high as to give too much certainty on the outcome of the race, Brava. Martina decided
part, concluded the year with a couple of falls, thereby limiting the damage and doing, however, what you ask in any gymnast in the competition area that is "simply doing what one is able to prepare for training, nothing more, nothing less "satisfied coach.

conclude what will be the first round of competition at the fitness facilities where the coach will also take some small risk by changing the last una delle diagonali a Cristina, sostituendola con un salto artistico di valore, fiducioso che sia di gran lunga nelle sue possibilità… obbiettivo centrato ;-) Elegante davvero la Cry conclude il suo ultimo attrezzo e “a conti fatti” chiude la gara con un punteggio che inizia a far sperare in qualcosa di più di una semplice “partecipazione” alla gara; La competizione però è lunga e quasi 100 sono le ginnaste presenti a contendersi i trofei…

Solo all’alba delle 20.00 passate la lettura della classifica generale darà ragione a quei “sospetti” sul buon esito della prova di Cristina: SECONDA! Seconda classificata tra 100 atlete presenti! ;-) Podio, coppa, e foto di rito per una giornata che sicuramente non credo dimenticherà presto hihi.

A Martina un egregio posto a metà classifica che, come primo approccio, non è per niente male e ha reso comunque felice il suo allenatore per la forza di volontà ed il “coraggio” che ha saputo dimostrare in questa piccola grande prima avventura, Brava Mavty!!!


Butterfly Rash How Long Does It Last

Pieve di Cento - Marathon of the four doors

Incredible, at 12.30 we are already headed home. What is the substance of the rain? Or the organizers realized that end in the square when the awards were only the pigeons did not make much sense? However, what matters is to have in his pocket for a somewhat surprising result. This does not mean 100% satisfactory (if ever?), But at least pretty interesting. Species in this race, I always despised. Ungrateful! I that I admired, appreciated, almost long for, I came out every year folded in half. Yet it plays perfect on my path: straight lost in the endless campaign, melancholy horizons broken only by banks or houses, villages anonimi e silenti che appena ci notano. Peccato che questo periodo dell’anno la nostra pianura patteggi una sorta di gemellaggio con la Patagonia: il vento non da tregua. Chi vive in città a malapena lo nota, le costruzioni riparano e smorzano le folate, ma appena fuori dai centri abitati occorre armarsi di forza e pazienza per affrontare certi allenamenti. E io, che già esco alquanto malconcia dall’inverno, arrivo all’appuntamento con Pieve ricca di buoni propositi ma povera di energie.

Oggi, però, qualcosa ha girato per il verso giusto. Che cosa, non saprei dire. Voglio pensare che la preparazione stia dando i suoi frutti, else if not?
I approximates to the starting line quite serene. Moreover, there is little here to play: it is already so successful in placing among the top twenty, at most we can aspire to a category prize. My most direct opponent is right next to me, intent on playing with the runners around us. The bear, however, is as always on her. Do not I take familiar faces, we left early because I just started to feel cold. Today I must break the spell: to address the race, this race for me. No time, once again, that church I always suck.

In the first few kilometers I keep a safe distance, too much crowding around her. It is true that in the group is being repaired, but you know that I can not run from so many feet. The pace is good, but oddly conservative: I would bet on a greater momentum, if only to acquire a safety net. I'm getting closer, I can not help it. I note and raise the pace. Well, I'm here. Already imagine a fight to the meter, like a month ago. After the tenth mile, to protect the bank, the next gear. Without wondering whether it is appropriate or not, break the delay and I'm leaving. I expect a reaction, I will certainly now riagguantata. But no, proceed overtaking on the right and left. Unconscious? Maybe, but I turn on in the mind of the film Stralugano and try to relive it. That performance was! A shoulder to shoulder nerve-racking, until I decided to give a boost just when there were about ten kilometers arrival. Why should not do that today? I focus on my strengths, I still have and I have until the end. I do not look back, never. Everything is projected in front of me. In the last few kilometers to the wind, I put to the test is not particularly strong, but at this stage just a breath too much to make me suffer. I'm slowing down, but do not feel the classic signs of a crisis that ammosciano legs, reducing them to crawl to the finish line. Missing a mile. From it's over , spurs me a boy, inviting me to follow him. I try, and I can not. I can still push, to pull a final apnea: schiatterò, patience ...

Marescalchi I can see from afar, my name rings out where I'm coming. The trial I inflict a bit of disappointment. Details. Small thickness compared to the two main satisfactions of the day. The second of these: I did my best time in this race, running today for the sixth time. Another piece of my puzzle: I almost start to believe that I can complete it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Golds Gym Membership Prices 2010

Walk Walk Castenaso

As always angered me, and as always I realize I'm the only one to do it: thus ending, for the umpteenth time, with one eye shut, trying not to listen to my guilt. Why, if I was coherent, not participate in all these races so blatantly out of order. Specifically, Article 15.2 of the Rules FIDAL for the organization of events : "The awards for each position classification must be the same for both male and female categories."
The events that follow this rule are a rarity. If the Federation is the first to use, let alone companies, or even runners. Nobody seems to notice, either directly from the participants. Yet the issue should not only address the few that come to win a prize, and should not be regarded as a mere matter of principle: we are talking about totally ignored regulations, total indifference. Perhaps should be a mass boycott, who knows. In fact, you want to disregard, either for convenience, you also need a team, everything proceeds as if nothing had happened - and myself, with my participation helps ensure that the practice remains unchanged. My simple and therefore remains a useless outburst.

vent other, and different content, is what I would refer to those who, a few days ago, had begun to complain about the excessive heat ...
In the snow line to withdraw Award category, can we? The only good thing about this race was that all the practices after the race (rest, retirement packages, awards), took place behind a comfortable porch, quite agile. Why keep a system running? Better to change everything, right? Then we do the rest remains in its usual place, while distributing race packs make them from a truck parked near arrival, the awards celebrate the official in the gym while the category awards deliver them in a corner of the playground: just to liven up a bit 'jogging movement. Of course, we strive to mess with the order of arrival, so as to further enliven the comings and goings of runners fatigued and disoriented.
begin to lose clarity, I realize I am now free of reaction: I hold my package like a plush, almost managed to warm up. At the restaurant does not get there, I can not do: I just want to throw myself in the car and be home as soon as possible. I can hardly think back to my race. Come è stata? Il Brava Vale! di Jader gridato al mio arrivo farebbe pensare ad una prestazione rilevante. Io, naturalmente, avrei molto da ridire. Certo, considerata la voglia (zero) che avevo stamattina, la tentazione di concludere prima ancora di iniziare, il rattrappimento totale in prossimità del via, potrei affermare che ho chiuso alla grande. Ovviamente non è così, devo però ammettere che non ho avuto cedimenti né vistosi cali di ritmo. Anzi, mi sono sentita in spinta dall’inizio alla fine. Con fatica, sia chiaro, tanta fatica: gestita però con tenacia e sopportazione. Sarà che avevo puntato ad una preda succulenta: quasi un miraggio, tanto risultava inaspettata. Pensavo davvero di poterla grab, I believed until the last kilometer. But believe it was not enough. If only the time trial could give me some indication - ergo, if I had pressed the stop button instead on lap. Tap instead wait for the release of official results to know the response. Therefore, adjourn the proceedings, too cold to think.
This time of year is always very critical for me, winter me destroys the idea that I'll have to endure for so long I still exhausts further. So risk of going into the reserve, found himself deprived of the energy necessary to enjoy the summer - when it arrives. I can not afford it. The last mile is always the most affected, but soon starts to think about next time: it's just bite the bullet, the rewards will come.

Excuse Letters For Wedding Ceremony

Arcore - 2° prova regionale di Categoria Allieve 2011

Seconda prova regionale, oggi, del Campionato di alta specializzazione categoria Allieve 2011, al Palaunimek di Arcore, first test, the two provided by the federal calendar, which was attended by our two young athletes Camilla Magni (cat. L3) and Martina Caradonna (cat. L4) , absent proof to last for technical instructor.

A bit 'of irons in the fire that for both, although with some "lightening" in the technical program for this test than the elements "in the study, presented today to test some new post" arm up "in the field of competition.

Camilla, in a routine set of 5 tools will be challenged today from scratch in the first jump (in competition) with the table of the vault (which in this category sostituisce la pila di tappeti con cui si dilettava nelle precedenti categorie) e, non ultimo per importanza, inseriva una serie acrobatica nuova alla trave, vanto di poche a giudicare dalle concorrenti oggi.

Se la tavola poteva presentare qualche “imprevisto” (cosi per lei come per le altre atlete “mini” presenti alla competizione), risolto comunque alla “bene-meglio”, non si può dire altrettanto per la serie “flic-salto smezzato” alla trave… Reduce dai 2 minuti di prova durante i quali esprime un’ottima qualità d’esecuzione, complice un’entrata molto approssimativa, perde la concentrazione e incappa nella seconda caduta all’attrezzo, ahimè, only "chance" to confirm the good style that characterizes the beam as well as earlier in the trial.

concludes with decent performances to other tools, although simplified in the program and terminating in the tail of the class standings L3.
Too bad, now remains to wait for other regions of the charts for "hope" is still good enough score to enter the inter-test at the end of March, although the possibility is very remote, the intention remains to resolve the habit " Black Out "in the field of race, very annoying, despite our athlete takes on the training sample something else.

Martina inizia invece alla trave dove raccoglie, in un esercizio senza cadute, un punteggio un po’ troppo “scarno” giustificato però da un esecuzione troppo pasticciata, almeno per le linee nei salti che, si sa, decimo dopo decimo, possono penalizzare fortemente il risultato. Procede bene al corpo libero diretta verso quello che sarà l’esordio di oggi per lei, il suo primo salto completo al Volteggio.

Prove “minate” da un campo di gara non pronto e ridotte nel tempo per continui spostamenti e aggiustamenti della Tappettatura costringono la Marty a pochi salti di prova purtroppo, ma con grande determinazione e serenità se li fa bastare centrando l’obbiettivo and scoring race of the jump in fine style (congratulations also came from the jury and technicians). Accomplices

for her the previous tests, this time positively, claims also focused the ultimate tool, but not changed in composition in the starting value, and with a very respectable race ends in 7th place in a category, the ' L4, bare-bones, a symptom that, apparently, the athletes "ready" to maneuver on the 4-edge tools in this category, they are now, alas, just a few, Thank you so earned for that E 'among them " few ";-)

coaches and all we can do and sooner or later work pays off, it goes without saying that appear serene on its commitments can not be an accomplice of a good test ... it makes you think that athletes prepared for what was their staff, and went into a trance to the beam in the grip of concerns, the other, shortly before raising his arm to the judges, seeing that he was about to begin the exercise simultaneously with its "companion of many adventures, he looked at her smiling and almost" Tugging "to greet the other side of the gym!

"In medio stat virtus," Virtue is in the middle ... steady job, concentration and peace of mind to be there in the field of race to return at once, neither more nor less than ten times as much work is achieved in practice.

appreciated the participation of Cry who backed her companions from "unfair" competition in the field

;-) A special thanks to my two "big" who helped me all morning to face a work order that had divided and removed our two athletes in the field on different tools for each rotation! You have been very good and I think your little companions think so.

There is believed to have perhaps, but the contribution and support, even in the presence of those faithful friends of all time, just as the most competitive stress, fa una bella differenza. Se poi nel loro piccolo provvedono pure a “correggere” e “consigliare” come risolvere i problemini in prova quando l’allenatore è obbligatoriamente distante… ( Erika con Martina in parallela ;-), e Cecilia in parallela e laccetti con la sorellina) beh, un servizio niente male! Brave.

(Classifica odierna: )

A breve la classifica definitiva e i “conteggi” per sperare nelle qualificazioni previste tra un mese circa.
