Sunday, March 13, at the Palaunimek of Arcore , it was the turn of other athletes on our team to their "debut" in an individual competition, Martina Barenghi the "premiere" in action on the race track and federal Cristina Pullia already agonist teams in past editions, this time in individualistic 2011 Cadet Championship, the first band.
Cristina, recovering from a physical problem that still haunts the knee, is going through a period of "stop loading" in the work on three of the four tools of routine, focusing on the study elements of the parallel, the only tool that allowed it not to aggravate the discomfort in his leg, and for that he had recently seen "soften" the opportunity to participate in the league of specialization for which he was preparing, and Martina, a long time gregarious in the race team along with his more experienced companions, looked at the competition this weekend with fervent expectation and "anxiety" for what would ever make its debut race in the federation, just "stop" too it must be said, for a whole week because of a nagging flu.
If the conditions were "afraid" of not being their "top" for this was that the ultimate test regional predicted, our athletes have, however, submitted on time to the "starting blocks" in that Arcore, supported by almost all teammates noticed not to miss for anything in the world event, after having supported "the greatest" in the preceding days, with a note of particular merit for the two "big", and Erika Cecilia , which soon have designed new choreography to the beam and floor exercise for the small "Mavty" and "clean" ones created, again from them previously for the Cry.
Concentrate already warming and strangely serene you are facing the first gear, the parallel. Cristina safe and almost perfect start with a good exercise and Martina part with a bit ... 'anxieties
;-) Fortunately the group was compact in what was at first difficult to deal with the Mavty rookie coach behind companion just got them already from the tool side to give her a hand and reassure her, classmates and parents to be felt in the stands cheering their unbridled!
A deadly cocktail that has forced the tears of Martin doing "about face" and be sucked out from where they were also very good exercise for you ;-) and charge right in order to continue the race with fewer worries, Yay!
The girls go on alert, after every financial year immediately following the draw, not get distracted and take home together two excellent scores also Vaulting, nice jumps.
It 's the turn of the beam and Cristina surprising, perhaps signing the exercise more "clean" between those repeated in the last week of testing "in house", acrobatic shot recently, were not numerically so high as to give too much certainty on the outcome of the race, Brava. Martina decided
part, concluded the year with a couple of falls, thereby limiting the damage and doing, however, what you ask in any gymnast in the competition area that is "simply doing what one is able to prepare for training, nothing more, nothing less "satisfied coach.
conclude what will be the first round of competition at the fitness facilities where the coach will also take some small risk by changing the last una delle diagonali a Cristina, sostituendola con un salto artistico di valore, fiducioso che sia di gran lunga nelle sue possibilità… obbiettivo centrato ;-) Elegante davvero la Cry conclude il suo ultimo attrezzo e “a conti fatti” chiude la gara con un punteggio che inizia a far sperare in qualcosa di più di una semplice “partecipazione” alla gara; La competizione però è lunga e quasi 100 sono le ginnaste presenti a contendersi i trofei…
Solo all’alba delle 20.00 passate la lettura della classifica generale darà ragione a quei “sospetti” sul buon esito della prova di Cristina: SECONDA! Seconda classificata tra 100 atlete presenti! ;-) Podio, coppa, e foto di rito per una giornata che sicuramente non credo dimenticherà presto hihi.
A Martina un egregio posto a metà classifica che, come primo approccio, non è per niente male e ha reso comunque felice il suo allenatore per la forza di volontà ed il “coraggio” che ha saputo dimostrare in questa piccola grande prima avventura, Brava Mavty!!!
Cristina, recovering from a physical problem that still haunts the knee, is going through a period of "stop loading" in the work on three of the four tools of routine, focusing on the study elements of the parallel, the only tool that allowed it not to aggravate the discomfort in his leg, and for that he had recently seen "soften" the opportunity to participate in the league of specialization for which he was preparing, and Martina, a long time gregarious in the race team along with his more experienced companions, looked at the competition this weekend with fervent expectation and "anxiety" for what would ever make its debut race in the federation, just "stop" too it must be said, for a whole week because of a nagging flu.

;-) Fortunately the group was compact in what was at first difficult to deal with the Mavty rookie coach behind companion just got them already from the tool side to give her a hand and reassure her, classmates and parents to be felt in the stands cheering their unbridled!

part, concluded the year with a couple of falls, thereby limiting the damage and doing, however, what you ask in any gymnast in the competition area that is "simply doing what one is able to prepare for training, nothing more, nothing less "satisfied coach.

Solo all’alba delle 20.00 passate la lettura della classifica generale darà ragione a quei “sospetti” sul buon esito della prova di Cristina: SECONDA! Seconda classificata tra 100 atlete presenti! ;-) Podio, coppa, e foto di rito per una giornata che sicuramente non credo dimenticherà presto hihi.
