Sunday, February 27, 2011

Golds Gym Membership Prices 2010

Walk Walk Castenaso

As always angered me, and as always I realize I'm the only one to do it: thus ending, for the umpteenth time, with one eye shut, trying not to listen to my guilt. Why, if I was coherent, not participate in all these races so blatantly out of order. Specifically, Article 15.2 of the Rules FIDAL for the organization of events : "The awards for each position classification must be the same for both male and female categories."
The events that follow this rule are a rarity. If the Federation is the first to use, let alone companies, or even runners. Nobody seems to notice, either directly from the participants. Yet the issue should not only address the few that come to win a prize, and should not be regarded as a mere matter of principle: we are talking about totally ignored regulations, total indifference. Perhaps should be a mass boycott, who knows. In fact, you want to disregard, either for convenience, you also need a team, everything proceeds as if nothing had happened - and myself, with my participation helps ensure that the practice remains unchanged. My simple and therefore remains a useless outburst.

vent other, and different content, is what I would refer to those who, a few days ago, had begun to complain about the excessive heat ...
In the snow line to withdraw Award category, can we? The only good thing about this race was that all the practices after the race (rest, retirement packages, awards), took place behind a comfortable porch, quite agile. Why keep a system running? Better to change everything, right? Then we do the rest remains in its usual place, while distributing race packs make them from a truck parked near arrival, the awards celebrate the official in the gym while the category awards deliver them in a corner of the playground: just to liven up a bit 'jogging movement. Of course, we strive to mess with the order of arrival, so as to further enliven the comings and goings of runners fatigued and disoriented.
begin to lose clarity, I realize I am now free of reaction: I hold my package like a plush, almost managed to warm up. At the restaurant does not get there, I can not do: I just want to throw myself in the car and be home as soon as possible. I can hardly think back to my race. Come è stata? Il Brava Vale! di Jader gridato al mio arrivo farebbe pensare ad una prestazione rilevante. Io, naturalmente, avrei molto da ridire. Certo, considerata la voglia (zero) che avevo stamattina, la tentazione di concludere prima ancora di iniziare, il rattrappimento totale in prossimità del via, potrei affermare che ho chiuso alla grande. Ovviamente non è così, devo però ammettere che non ho avuto cedimenti né vistosi cali di ritmo. Anzi, mi sono sentita in spinta dall’inizio alla fine. Con fatica, sia chiaro, tanta fatica: gestita però con tenacia e sopportazione. Sarà che avevo puntato ad una preda succulenta: quasi un miraggio, tanto risultava inaspettata. Pensavo davvero di poterla grab, I believed until the last kilometer. But believe it was not enough. If only the time trial could give me some indication - ergo, if I had pressed the stop button instead on lap. Tap instead wait for the release of official results to know the response. Therefore, adjourn the proceedings, too cold to think.
This time of year is always very critical for me, winter me destroys the idea that I'll have to endure for so long I still exhausts further. So risk of going into the reserve, found himself deprived of the energy necessary to enjoy the summer - when it arrives. I can not afford it. The last mile is always the most affected, but soon starts to think about next time: it's just bite the bullet, the rewards will come.


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