Field' in a normal country? TIME (MAYBE) SE PO 'FA'.
seems that, finally, our Italy now has the opportunity to start slowly on the road to become what might be called just a normal country, which is to say nothing special or exceptional, indeed, something that Europe is full and the rest of the civilized world, but also something that, for us, already represents a huge step forward compared to what we have been until very recently. Where was, in fact, the norm in a system where, at each change of political colors of the majority, the first concern of the new masters of the steam was to dismantle as much of the work done by their predecessors? In a situation that saw government crippled more by the whims of the flanges less accountable to their heterogenous internal coalitions of reference that is not real opposition? In an impotence to intervene effectively on issues such as waste Campania or hazards and inconveniences associated with uncontrolled immigration and illegal immigration, much to let them slip up to unimaginable levels of severity in any part of the civilized world, and many, many other amenities that we have cherished all these years that we liked define "transition", without really knowing what it was and transition to what?
The obvious answer is that, in all this, there was no trace of its normal.
Now, the government finally disappeared in Love, who has decided not to bestow the most unthinkable atrocities ache was a breath of life (the last one of the income of the Italians whipped on the web, at the mercy Mr Voles to anyone on the planet use them for lawful purposes and not), and with the advent of the new government, since the parliamentary sessions for the trust seems to have changed something.
also favored by the non-election in parliament of radical elements on both sides, in the classrooms where they decided that the trust has now established an unprecedented atmosphere of seriousness and serenity in the majority-opposition relations, the intention of both to play their roles without prejudices, and talking and meeting venendosi even where this is possible and desirable: Berlusconi launched there, not without good-natured mockery of the motto heralded by Veltroni throughout the election campaign, the joke in Roman dialect "If bit 'does'" not sono mancati neppure degli applausi bipartisan, così come non è mancato qualche squallido rigurgito dei vecchi toni di contrapposizione violenta e pregiudiziale, già all'interno del Parlamento durante la seduta stessa (Di Pietro) e, successivamente, fuori dalle aule (Travaglio), ma, nel complesso, il nuovo stile instauratosi nei rapporti tra i due schieramenti pare evidentissimo, il rispetto reciproco è fuori discussione e l'opposizione ha creato un "governo ombra", com'è nella migliore tradizione anglosassone, che sembra avere iniziato a svolgere il suo compito seriamente.
Qualcuno dirà che, così, la politica è diventata piatta, che, essendo ormai rappresentati in Parlamento quasi soltanto i due major parties, already "accused" in the election campaign to have very similar programs, it is virtually ceased to exist any real opposition. Instead, this is the political landscape of a country finally normal: those that are currently lacking, and which you do not have any nostalgia, are in reality only the noise of the forces opposed to everything and everyone for bias, an end to hatred himself towards the opponent, the impediment to the effective work of government, but the opposition, the real one, it is to swear that when the time comes, you will feel all right, and the government to listen , as it should be in every true democracy that respects.
In Naples, you are no doubt already seen the complete change of important consequences: "rubbish" bell and disaster wild immigration seem about to be tackled with determination, energy and resources would have been unthinkable.
The government is efficient, internally cohesive and strong-willed, say the opposition is sufficiently "cooperative", made by a responsible person now, realistically aware that the resolution of such problems can not anteporsi macroscopic logic of opposition to any ruling or ideological between factions. So
Living in a normal country, relying on a renewed leadership that you consider a starting point, and not the end, the settlement to the government after being elected by the citizens, and then rolled up his sleeves to seriously seek immediate solutions that can no longer wait, a management subsidiary, but not sabotaged by intelligent and constructive opposition, perhaps, for the Italians, today " If bit 'does'. "
Tommaso Pellegrino
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