Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tally Solutions 7.2 Memory Access Violation

Appunti (Farming)

It 's time of the rains in these parts, a little late to tell the truth, but Luckily they made it. Good for lavender, fine pearls screws (maybe), good for olives (not believe), great for the weeds. And the garden is not it?
Lake must recognize that finds a certain fulfillment after rainy nights, going to open up in their pajamas at 7 and control the uncontrollable, touch the untouchable, what has always been the territory of Nigel, the rite of years of hard work, or check the meter of rainfall in millimeters of penetration into the soil. Practically a Mac for Farmers.
A pole, a funnel size calculated on certain parameters and cazzettino with the measuring cup.
And you go there, and empty controls. See you at the next day. You'd really? Colleagues are here: Oh Andy, quanti millimetri oggi? E il Lago tronfio e pavoneggiante “sa”.
Poi vado giù, la Dubix ha già sparato la Moka al fuoco, si sorseggia e si butta un'occhiatina al suolo dell'orto. A tal proposito, devo ufficialmente informare che è uscito il primo tomato varietà Roma (mai sentita). Una scorreggetta di 6 mm.
Dopodichè si aprono le danze, io, con un velo di relax, sigaretta ,... , mi arrampico sulla Jeep e vado, la Dubix, precisa, fa le sue cosine e parte. Pioggia, vento, grandine. Col Quad. E come un Elvis Presley delle praterie calvalca I suoi 40 (?) cavalli rigorosamente con la mano destra. La sinistra in tasca e la cicca in bocca. Oggi sono 60 mattine consecutive. Una scudiera.
The work focused on the general cleanliness of the farm in anticipation of the party of spring (which is held regularly for at least fifteen years) and Sig.Michail wed the son of Vladimir, the Czar of the seventh Gidgegannup. Roger. In less than three setttimane. Clean
general 'is divided into:

  1. spraying the pesticide on the lawn (1 acre) (That is 250 gallons of product a shot - in motion, with the tank that seems to' na cowboy, Lake spruzzeggiava Tutino on the meadow with the mask and type what you see on the show Americans in this form, here, that one)

  2. Weeds - (500 acres), land Dubay. Every so often you see liggiù, olive trees, run around (the Quad) and collect hundreds of cute little flowers scattered here and there. How sweet when he comes back, right hand driving, and 20 kg bag over his shoulder.

  3. removal of fallen trees, sawdust and pieces of the trunk Guys, it's a hoot. I do not know if you have never used an electric saw, but one thing is stratospheric. Even today I have made a couple, then I threw the firewood in the woodshed and we'll get it for next year. But before all that Peter, who is now back down every morning, I log chains and pulls them out with the tractor.

  4. Mowing (250 acres) Lou - Whipper Snipper Dubay - Tractor. Lou is engaged. Every time I see her go down there, between the rows of lavender, embraced her with love and graceful dancing. He sings a tune of diamonds and turbines, and she can not 'resist, and' Mr. Snipper, Whipper Snipper, indomitable heartthrob. 11 km of dances. Nothing however be noted on Dubay, usually hand in his pocket, the usual cigarette in mouth, turns around and makes cables and batteries, jump on the tractor and slash all that lies below.

Then for the rest to general glances here and there, go buy the number, type valves for water, 1200 kg of cement (second tomorrow Round), portare I macchinari a fare tagliandi, ecc. La Dubix è tornata la Regina Incontrastata dell'Excel, sparando report tipo monitoraggio litri di acqua per vite per stazione. Chissà se avrò anch'io, un giorno, un report sui millimetri di pioggia.

- Fine parte 1° -


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