Saturday, November 15, 2008

Persuasive Writing Work Sheets

we must all be "OBAMACONS?

L'interminabile maratona delle elezioni presidenziali americane si è alla fine conclusa, giorni fa, con la vittoria nettissima del primo presidente di colore della storia di quella Nazione: il democratico Barack Hussein Obama.
Francamente non ricordavo un simile coinvolgimento emotivo, da parte dei miei connazionali, in nessuno dei precedenti eventi analoghi di cui conservo cosciente memoria. Sarà per la presunta svolta epocale, e comunque per la sicura novità, rappresentata dall'ascesa alla massima carica politica del Pianeta di un afro-americano relativamente giovane e non apparentemente favorito da natali ed estrazione sociale tali da farcelo immaginare as predestined to such peaks, it will be because the recent, gradual and sluggish, also of our transformation into something vaguely similar to the two-party democracy of overseas there has actually made it more familiar and exciting challenges this kind of election last vote between two candidates, carriers of two different ideas, leading a country, the fact is that we saw for the first time, we, real eproprie manifestations of organized pro-Obama supporters, with lots of vigils, species in the headquarters of the Democratic Party, pending the verdict of the polls to tears and emotion the announcement of the result.
As for me, even though they are known to recognize me in shaping policy, in ambito italiano, può dirsi l'omologa del Partito Repubblicano USA, ho fatto mio il pensiero espresso dal nostro ministro della Difesa La Russa, secondo il quale lo schierarsi apertamente per l'uno o per l'altro dei due candidati in un un'elezione presidenziale americana (considerarli cioè "come Coppi e Bartali o come Veltroni e Berlusconi") fa tanto "provinciale", e me ne sono rimasto ad assistere all'evento più o meno distaccatamente, ben conscio del fatto che lì, dopo tutto (al di là dell'innegabile influenza che hanno, sul mondo intero, gli orientamenti dell'amministrazione USA), non si stava decidendo chi sarebbe stato il "mio" presidente, e che l'America rappresenta una realtà troppo diversa da quella nostrana because they are applicable tout court the usual criteria of analysis are valid for the Italian market.
In other words, could not and should not be so automatic that it is only because of the PDL or supporters of the Democratic Party in Italy, it was also, respectively, Barack Obama or John McCain during their election compared to the conquest of White House.
overseas, in some respects, because we live almost in another world: the existence of a national health service similar to the Italian, to limit ourselves to one example, here we have taken for granted even by the less progressive and welfare of disabled of a political opinion in America has barely timidly advocated by Democrats more socially sensitive, and figured if it touches the minds of most conservatives.
If so, even in the United States itself, perhaps because the overwhelming charisma of not even honest patriot and old Vietnam veteran McCain, there has been a real massive migration of ex-Republicans of iron in the fascinating field of Democratic candidate of color - including the former spokesman for Bush-Mc Clellan, former Governor Weld of Massachusetts and the former secretary of state Colin Powell, for which he has coined the neologism "obamacons", that is, conservatives for Obama - in even more so were many of the personality right and center-right of our house to express with similar decision preference: a Francesco Storace who went on to write on his blog "Obama or death," a Paolo Guzzanti, which has accepted without problems that would have voted for the Democratic candidate, a Frattini said that "It would be better president. "
With Barack Obama certainly won the Americans' desire for change after eight years of a Republican administration is not without its shadows, and it was reaffirmed with force in the world, the best traditional image of an America where all can achieve their dreams, to be ambitious. Already
these seem to us good reason to believe the electoral outcome and look forward with confidence to the future. On a more
Specifically, the new president promised then to rest their future hinges on political conduct, fortunately, well away from certain fantasies regarding his alleged acquiescence or even increased its almost "pacifism" in international affairs and the fight against terrorism, embroidered upon him by some, this maybe a bit 'naive, left our local, which is likely to remain somewhat disappointed in the face of what will be revealed after the fact.
To name a few, Obama is for peace in the Middle East, but a priority over all other considerations to protect the security of Israel is not willing to accept an Iran with nuclear weapons and does not exclude the use of force against it, he wants to gradually leave Iraq, but also devote more attention to Afghanistan, both from a strictly military in the diplomatic realistically, and it is his intention to strengthen significantly the Marine Corps.
Among the major advantages that the election of Obama can lead, compared to what one might have expected in the case of a victory for McCain, there are certainly greater ease of how to overcome differences that has arisen recently with Russia at international level, and some more attention paid to social and public health, on the inside.
The question that arises, in conclusion, it is so if, even for those who consider themselves unashamedly a conservative in the political context of our Italy, the liberal American might be the man that put the best hope of some future fill nell'incasinatissimo world in which we find ourselves living.
current state of things, I think we can venture a positive answer to the question.
may be that the "obamacons" are a category to grow in Italy.
Tommaso Pellegrino


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