By February 11 or better on 22 Bahman in the Persian calendar, the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Kamenei, promised "a punch in the face to the West ": it may be that what happened on February 9 in front of the Italian Embassy in that country, and other diplomatic missions in Europe, is to be understood as the starter, the warm-up exercise to the most blatant signs preludente , or all, at least for the moment, to be considered out there.
In that time, a crowd of several dozen young hotheads, sign and green bandanas, he delights in throwing stones and eggs at the Embassy Tehran, shouting "death to Italy," Berlusconi to death "and other similar amenities, before being dispersed by police without any dramas in the space of twenty minutes. The official version of regime of the ayatollahs is that they were students rather pissed because our embassy has offered refuge to "troublemakers" involved in recent anti-government riots, but it is virtually certain that these exuberant young men were the reality of the "Basij", ie members of a particular militia , an official from the most notorious "Pasdaran", used mostly to work in civilian clothes, squads in action against dissidents, and in safeguarding Koranic orthodoxy amongst young people and student, where he was cleverly infiltrated.
Now, of course, if anyone can come spontaneously to jump for joy at the fact itself that our countrymen have had to suffer such an attack, we must prevail in addition to the objective consideration that it all worked out without any damage to persons or property, knowing that the Iranian regime to push for a similar, all things considered clumsy reaction can not be Another was that the attitude of clear and specific choice of field operated by Italy in recent days about the situation in the Middle East and issues relating to Iran more directly, and it is this attitude that has done great honor to our country and our Executive .
As known, during his recent trip to Israel, Prime Minister Berlusconi has finally sent it in the attic any remaining policy cerchiobottista o "del piede in due staffe", caratteristica dell'Italia degli anni e dei governi passati, per schierarsi nettamente da una precisa parte, in un contesto internazionale nel quale non è più possibile mantenersi neutrali spettatori e pare ormai evidente, ad ognuno dotato di buon senso ed in buona fede, quale sia la parte giusta da sostenere.
Berlusconi ha innanzitutto garantito massima solidarietà ad Israele, unico stato di tradizione democratica dell'area mediorientale, da tempo impunemente fatto oggetto, da parte di Teheran, di minacce di distruzione totale; minacce rinnovate, quel che è il colmo dell'affronto, proprio in questi giorni di commossa comemorazione mondiale dell'Olocausto. Contro l'Iran - che persiste in refusing the helping hand of the international community and pursuing a nuclear program suspected of wanting more than just the end result in obtaining the atomic bomb, and that continues to stifle in blood every yearning for freedom within it - the Italian prime minister has called for the harshest penalties, the full support of the dissident movement and the progressive abandonment of Western entrepreneurs lucrative commercial relations with that regime.
courageous stance which, as written by the former Chief of Defence Staff Mario Arpino on "Liberal", "we are proud, but we could not think to leave it free of" the Iranian response is proof that Berlusconi caught in sign that the opponent was the point in vivo.
remember when, upon returning to the government of the Prime Minister in 2008, by Al Qaeda or similar environments, there was a cry as "Allah curse Berlusconi 'or equivalent phrase. I was pleasantly surprised, that phrase meant that Italy had returned to driving someone to the greatest enemies of our society believed a credible opponent, who at least consider, if not feared, because of its colorless predecessor, however, you can bet that never would have even wasted the breath to throw a "stramaledizione.
other hand, I felt enraged and felt offended When, some time ago, the indifference of our agriculture policies tiepidina class as usual on these issues, Ahmadinejad called Italy "friendly country" s or down there. But how is it possible, this figure who commanded a bloodthirsty theocratic regime and defying the West with the bogeyman to build an atomic bomb, to insinuate that my country's friend was, moreover, without even receiving them from those who would give her a response in kind?
Now the question is at a crucial point: Iran does not want to listen to reason and a continuing uranium enrichment activities that if they were to carry nuclear weapons, given that these are the only state in the world to declare outspoken in wanting to cancel another off the map, it would create a situation of unprecedented danger for peace and unacceptable to the international community.
Now it seems the aim is to make the commitment to the sanctions (thanks to the courageous action of pressing Italian). Some hope, but unfortunately minimal, you can still put in the eventual success of an internal revolution. The last option would be the military, always to return as much as possible, but never by excluding completely a priori.
But here we are in the field of futurism.
Tommaso Pellegrino
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