Monday, August 23, 2010

Funny Newborn Message

5 passi in Val Carlina

Meglio badare a dove metto piedi: se alzo lo sguardo rischio di scoraggiarmi, recognizing the runners up there, curled up switchbacks that seem never to end. Today, however, I do not fold up. Indeed, it is on the wall first gain the lead. We are not even a third of the race, anything can still happen, but I can not deny I already see the finish line.

I feel charged, it was the vision of Chariots of Fire, two nights ago? By setting concrete targets and call frequently to mind is certainly a great help. Concentrated on my race, I draw inspiration from images of other situations that, here shortly, I will be engaged in similar challenges. In descent, the thoughts run faster, suddenly free to fly. It is also an opportunity to recharge your batteries for the next climb.
valleys and villages, staff and passers-inciting as rarely happens. At each step, is the first woman : pure energy. I need them now that a trail begins CAI, of those who, in my past as a hiker, faced with boots and trekking poles. I keep running, until I realize that it is more convenient to step forward. And 'in fact just walking quickly, his hands on his knees, which can overcome the fatigue that runners ahead of me. Wet earth and stone, the mountain above and below us: one foot out of place would have disastrous consequences. Hey, I'm first, and I have to stay until the end! Sooner or later it will end, can only get better. I smile at the thought of Jader, does not believe that I have been able to run (more or less) between these woods.

is light. Force, is not over, but the worst is over , encourages an assistant, finally on the asphalt. It takes a while 'before the return leg in turn. Other athletes proceed in the opposite direction: they are in front or behind me? My sense of direction is completely busted, but it does not matter. What matters is that, once past the halfway point (and understood, then, that those who were runners who had crossed before me), I see my opponent to emerge from the woods, decided to try (who knows how low I ...). The margin is significant, now we have to leave no room for failure, because the road is still long way. I feel heavy arms, to shake insist now that the ride is smoother, but it does not take much benefit. The limbs more involved, however, yet do well. I do not know what is missing, the data are conflicting on the distance of the race: the official flyer cites 18 km, but all spoke of 19 or more. Needless to face the difficulties are not over and every effort must be made in meters. A friendly voice encourages me: From Valentina, you just get up there and you're done ... Lassù? In che senso? Domande stupide. In quale altro senso, se non in salita? A differenza di molte altre gare della zona, caratterizzate dagli ultimi chilometri tutti in picchiata, qui si resta col cuore in gola fino alla fine. Perché anche quando, arrivati lassù , la strada volge in discesa, a circa un chilometro dal traguardo si imbocca nuovamente un sentiero di montagna che sale, sale, accidenti come sale. Poi, è vero, scende: accidenti, come scende. Sterrato in discesa: aiuto!!! Ecco: qui, ad uno sputo dall’arrivo, mi gioco la prima posizione. Cosa ho detto?! Dietro non si vede nessuno, i podisti davanti continuano a correre: chi sono io per non poterlo fare? Non saranno due stupidi stones to beat me. It is only one path: one foot here, one there, supports quick, light movements, you are winning, remember! Jader is there waiting, thinking what a joy to see you get in front of all.
is made. Finally, the asphalt, push with all his might to conquer the momentum of victory. The arrival area is very narrow, half-hidden by the roadside. But I feel triumphant. It will also be a race of little account, with little competition: My satisfaction is still a long way. An injection of confidence that only I know what I need.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor=ohio

E' morto Kossiga

Who is the writer as a little boy just thirty years old, useless or toxic youngster fuck plenty, including a raw party and a trip to the slot machines, remember that in the eighties appeared on the walls written in spray content: Kossiga Executioner is time for you to die.
Kossiga, in that distant time, it was feared interior minister and then president of the Council of Ministers.
Democrat, aristocratic Sardinian noble toga, cousin of the Communist leader Berlinguer and Mason, Kossiga that belonged to Italy that start with large strides towards the long crisis of the nineties, the decline from Tangentopoli ethical, economic and social standing.
Well, Francis Kossiga ... sorry, Cossiga has finally died after a long and controversial existence of VIP. This
ultraottuagenario and incensed "president emeritus" of the now discredited and creaking Italian republic, has left us forever, exhaling the last breath poison.
Great eulogies, awards of merit, memories stirred by the so-called public authorities and representatives of political miserable systemic toast by former "far left" opponent - now completely sold to capitalism, utilitarianism, relativism and nihilism Vendola - , questions on the part of the most critical and the rest ... "Fog in the Po valley, the other calm seas" come direbbero i compagni cabarettisti Cochi e Renato.
Kossiga fu un cinico dotato di senso dell’umorismo, fu un democristiano non credente [in questo, non certo il solo] e una delle principali fonti di Gossip del celebre sito Dagospia.
Di lui ricordiamo:
1) La restituzione della tessera della DC agli inizi degli anni novanta.
2) Un memorabile duetto televisivo con l’astro nascente del piccolo schermo di allora, un Piero Chiambretti camuffato da postino.
3) Le rivelazioni imbarazzanti per la politica sistemica.
4) Alcune battute esilaranti.
Di lui deploriamo:
1) Il look da tardo impero dC, anzi, DC.
2) Le picconate demolitrici senza una successiva pars construens.
3) Le rivelazioni imbarazzanti per la politica sistemica, della quale faceva parte.
4) Alcune battute esilaranti, ma intrise di cinismo insopportabile.
Kossiga fu veramente un Boia?
Ai postumi l’ardua sentenza.

Eugenio Avati Ostilio
18 agosto 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Maintain Confidentiality By Letter

Camminata di Baigno

Cercando di non soccombere alla salita più impegnativa, l’atleta si lancia all’inseguimento dell’avversaria che l’ha appena superata. Sembra ci siano margini di recupero, la distanza si sta accorciando: bisogna crederci. All’improvviso, però, le sabbie mobili avviluppano le scarpe della sfortunata podista che, smarrita nel fango, rinuncia sconsolata alla competizione.

Non c’è proprio nulla da ridere. Ebbene si, sono l’unica imbranata incapace di correre sui sentieri. Due pietre sono sufficienti a mettermi in crisi ma, se il tratto è pianeggiante e asciutto, bene o male - beh, diciamo pure piuttosto male – ce la posso fare. Se invece il percorso sterrato è in discesa or wet (do not even want to think of the two coexisting conditions), it is apparent that the duck is in me, flutters on the edge of the track, trying not to be too much of hindrance to all runners (and I stress, all ), which continue cheerful towards the goal.

Needless to say the race for me, ended up in the quagmire. A couple of miles have been more than enough to numb the legs or the recovered asphalt or descent have served to awaken. Even I managed to hang on to the partner / competitor, raggiuntami, spurred me to follow.

immediately store the bad result and we stop to slap him. After all, these are nothing more than chances of passage are other important appointments, those do no wrong.

Monday, August 9, 2010

How Much Subway Steak And Cheese Sub Cost

Porretta Terme - Camminata RM

Race lived with unusual detachment. It will be the period, at least particular.
Yes, I admit it: I also had to deal with hot weather. My training program does not care about the weather, the body does not care about instead of the program. Result: maximum performance with minimum effort. It makes sense then desperately disheartened? No. So, I console myself by reading the tips on how Pizzolato survive the summer and decide to adapt the table to the season. Even the races, then, must be contextualized in the complex preparation, thus minimizing the competitive component. What is certain is that, as it seeks to circumvent ambitions and expectations, will always be impossible to avoid the hidden power of the chest: If you decide to race, that race is.

the first mile I think I could go back. May already be exhausted from the climb? Who stands before me does not seem to acknowledge any difficulties. I must resist! I will fulfill my secret dream, but at least sell life dearly before giving up on a victory already obtained. A stranger than me, and it is quite a setback. But in me are fighting against a party who wants to stop that which appeals to its wonderful resources. With complicity of the brow, won the determination: the mate who greet me so far before I throw a pitch and dive. I know that a truce will be short-lived, the street will be back soon to rise, perhaps with greater arrogance. But I try to take advantage of the favorable inclination to leave the legs. Energy recovery, which are also activated to resume ascent. I feel better, in reasonable thrust. If I think I'd want to retire ... Sometimes I feel the scent of pines, sin fail to appreciate the view. Some will say you have spotted two deer. I, when I run, I barely realize who I'm next. I feel annoyed footsteps behind me, far too close. I hate to be heels, my irritation is palpable, to me it is sufficient to turn his head so that the runner is made of hand. Looks a bit ', is one of my fellow company. Each time it identifies a new one, but many are we?

We proceed in rapid descent, already more than halfway through the race. A dirt road makes me swear: he spoke of the wheel path entirely paved! Few tens of meters, but enough to bring out the geek in me and let me get over some runners (fortunately, only men). Found the asphalt, recovery momentum and try not to put hand brakes on the steepest sections. I see the unknown che mi aveva superato diversi chilometri fa: devo raggiungerla! Provo a cambiare marcia, ma i tornanti e le pendenze spezzano il ritmo e mi impediscono di puntare dritto all’obiettivo. Quando la strada si appiana e si individuano le distanze, manca appena mezzo chilometro all’arrivo: troppo poco per recuperare una posizione.

Mi classifico sesta: risultato anonimo e prestazione insignificante. Cerco di incamerare gli aspetti positivi di una gara senza luci né ombre: che almeno frutti come allenamento.