Why I let myself get so easily? I had repeatedly said: I do not want. It's too far away is a tasteless, evil is a circuit: what is the taste? Without counting the cost of registration, out of all proportion. Of course, this is called a pittance for most, but not for me, I'm now giving up everything, not so much time ago, I considered essential. Here is found the reason for my failure: having suppressed every form of entertainment, the running events are the only two opportunities to exchange jokes and lighten up a bit 'mind. Why, even in the depths of the abyss without running I can not stand. I confess that sometimes I feel embarrassed with so many problems, including serious concerns, my thoughts are always at the time when I can put on your shoes and go running. Stupid, right? Yet, the few times when the guilt got the better of the impulse, I have derived no benefit: the difficulties, rather than dilute, have risen by nervousness remained free rein. Thus, the various dai vieni, dai vai, dai tanto devi pur correre hanno vinto la mia indolenza: e sia, facciamoci anche la "Podistica di Santo Stefano".
Partecipai a questa gara qualche anno fa, solo perché rientrava nel calendario sociale. Non ha lasciato particolari tracce nella mia memoria, ricordo solo il gran freddo e i colori delle nostre divise, come sempre numerose. Stavolta, invece, saremo in pochi – per quanto, ovunque mi trovi a correre, ci sia sempre qualche rappresentante del G.S. Gabbi mai visto prima. Quello che oggi mi sta superando, per esempio, non ho idea di chi possa essere. Per un attimo mi ha sconcertato, la somiglianza with males is awesome, even has the same hat: I'm about to say something, Hey, you put the turbo? But no, not him. In this one instead tries to attack is the last lap, and we are dealing with winds. I must be able to take advantage of his wake, whatever the cost. Here, after the curve changes the air, it goes a bit 'better. But I must have spent a lot, because I take signs of slowing down. He realizes it: turn, slows and encourages me. It is not a new face, but I can not say who it is. He glanced behind me: no comment, I have to worry about? Just so here is a girl I is far greater vigor. Another me had already been humiliated in the previous round, support and making me hello hello first off, I do not know if you please, or hoax. In fact, I already lost two positions. Yet I seemed to have slowed down much. Of course, the usual is putting his leg, incriccandosi right on the final has been good so far, now I was deluded to make it through unscathed to the finish, but today ... Grit your teeth, try not to think about it. Gabbi The boy is always with me, it seems willing to escort me. Final straight, past the intersection you see the arrival. But it is precisely here that one is low profile: damn, my opponent's history, I had gone to the top! False alarm not you, and vain is my attempt to follow it groped for the sprint. Did attempt to give everything in the last meters, at least to avoid further humiliation. The three circles of hell under the flood are finally over. Solita queue to exit the track. Several employees deliver cards with the order of arrival: to everyone except me, obviously I have not classified for any of the prizes. Moreover, in a race in which a reward of seventy men and ten women just hard to gain a significant position. We should have pride to boycott all events so unfair in this aspect, but I always end up with his helmet, then I should not even complain. Today, however, see all laden with huge bundles, while I'm left with a Sportina plastic containing a packet of biscuits and a detergent, well, I am quite nervous. I change as fast as possible, on the porch, indifferent to the curious stares of passersby. Then right at home, and I'll be cuddly if next year I'll be remotely touched by the idea of \u200b\u200brunners participate in the Santo Stefano.
In the afternoon, make some friends I know that I had been called to the ceremony. Why do not you know anything? I write to the organization requesting clarification: In response, I am confirmed my position, but without clarify why I had not been informed in time. The prize falls to me that I can collect it at the next tapasciata
... Partly relieved at the outcome, will still apply the above considerations.