Sunday, December 26, 2010

Free Brent Everett Vids

Sant'Agata Bolognese - Podistica Boxing

Why I let myself get so easily? I had repeatedly said: I do not want. It's too far away is a tasteless, evil is a circuit: what is the taste? Without counting the cost of registration, out of all proportion. Of course, this is called a pittance for most, but not for me, I'm now giving up everything, not so much time ago, I considered essential. Here is found the reason for my failure: having suppressed every form of entertainment, the running events are the only two opportunities to exchange jokes and lighten up a bit 'mind. Why, even in the depths of the abyss without running I can not stand. I confess that sometimes I feel embarrassed with so many problems, including serious concerns, my thoughts are always at the time when I can put on your shoes and go running. Stupid, right? Yet, the few times when the guilt got the better of the impulse, I have derived no benefit: the difficulties, rather than dilute, have risen by nervousness remained free rein. Thus, the various dai vieni, dai vai, dai tanto devi pur correre hanno vinto la mia indolenza: e sia, facciamoci anche la "Podistica di Santo Stefano".

Partecipai a questa gara qualche anno fa, solo perché rientrava nel calendario sociale. Non ha lasciato particolari tracce nella mia memoria, ricordo solo il gran freddo e i colori delle nostre divise, come sempre numerose. Stavolta, invece, saremo in pochi – per quanto, ovunque mi trovi a correre, ci sia sempre qualche rappresentante del G.S. Gabbi mai visto prima. Quello che oggi mi sta superando, per esempio, non ho idea di chi possa essere. Per un attimo mi ha sconcertato, la somiglianza with males is awesome, even has the same hat: I'm about to say something, Hey, you put the turbo? But no, not him. In this one instead tries to attack is the last lap, and we are dealing with winds. I must be able to take advantage of his wake, whatever the cost. Here, after the curve changes the air, it goes a bit 'better. But I must have spent a lot, because I take signs of slowing down. He realizes it: turn, slows and encourages me. It is not a new face, but I can not say who it is. He glanced behind me: no comment, I have to worry about? Just so here is a girl I is far greater vigor. Another me had already been humiliated in the previous round, support and making me hello hello first off, I do not know if you please, or hoax. In fact, I already lost two positions. Yet I seemed to have slowed down much. Of course, the usual is putting his leg, incriccandosi right on the final has been good so far, now I was deluded to make it through unscathed to the finish, but today ... Grit your teeth, try not to think about it. Gabbi The boy is always with me, it seems willing to escort me. Final straight, past the intersection you see the arrival. But it is precisely here that one is low profile: damn, my opponent's history, I had gone to the top! False alarm not you, and vain is my attempt to follow it groped for the sprint. Did attempt to give everything in the last meters, at least to avoid further humiliation. The three circles of hell under the flood are finally over. Solita queue to exit the track. Several employees deliver cards with the order of arrival: to everyone except me, obviously I have not classified for any of the prizes. Moreover, in a race in which a reward of seventy men and ten women just hard to gain a significant position. We should have pride to boycott all events so unfair in this aspect, but I always end up with his helmet, then I should not even complain. Today, however, see all laden with huge bundles, while I'm left with a Sportina plastic containing a packet of biscuits and a detergent, well, I am quite nervous. I change as fast as possible, on the porch, indifferent to the curious stares of passersby. Then right at home, and I'll be cuddly if next year I'll be remotely touched by the idea of \u200b\u200brunners participate in the Santo Stefano.

In the afternoon, make some friends I know that I had been called to the ceremony. Why do not you know anything? I write to the organization requesting clarification: In response, I am confirmed my position, but without clarify why I had not been informed in time. The prize falls to me that I can collect it at the next tapasciata
... Partly relieved at the outcome, will still apply the above considerations.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

What Should My Doctor Do For Hip Bursitis

Corrida Progress - Castel Maggiore

Discussion useless if the others run without too many problems, even on icy roads, why should not I do the same? Yeah, why? It may be that I am not like other people. All face in fluency dirt paths, I feel swallowed by quicksand, many throw themselves headlong down from the mountains, I would call the mountain rescue, and many highlight the poetry of runners on snow, I swear anything that changes the structure of the asphalt. It will be a question of balance, muscle, head buggy: the fact is that if I do not feel supported firmly, within a crisis.

So today, I should starmene blissfully in bed. What to expect, with snow falling Friday to five degrees below zero this morning? If we give up a priori, however, I regret it, so I go and decide.

From second to fourth kilometer is an ice rink , warns Fausto.

I came just for a greeting, but I'm going to run at 11 on my own, now we slip too , states Francis.

I'm going home! And here begins the discussion above. Okay, well, birth. But do not be surprised if I go back now.

It is what I value when, after the third mile, are overtaken by a friend who rarely precedes me. Today the race is not for you . I confirm, I'm just waiting for the wriggling just simply disappear. The opponents who want to operate I have already greeted by a bit ', what sense does it continue to falter? But no, I continue. After all, others are not so far away, and this too will end sooner or later ... ice ends, yes, but very roughly: just when it seems we can advance business, here is the slippery stretch that slows the pace. Meanwhile, however, I recovered a couple of places, those lost in the moment of greatest difficulty: I do not know what it means in terms of rankings, but I still have to defend this small achievement. The icy air stabs, nothing more unpleasant sensation of cold tender submitted. Even thoughts are frozen to death, I take only the mileage reports and consider che non manca poi molto. Beh, è tutto relativo, ma cerco di vederla favorevolmente. Questo, del resto, è il mio territorio: sono le strade che mi vedono ogni giorno, in qualsiasi stagione, più o meno affaticata. A volte le percorro in un senso, altre nella direzione inversa; spesso sfrutto solo una parte del tracciato, di tanto in tanto compio l’intero giro. Insomma, oggi gioco in casa: potevo forse sottrarmi ad una simile occasione?
Sono riuscita ad agganciare un podista che mi ha fatto cenno di seguirlo. Procediamo dunque di buon passo. Beh, a dire il vero non sto controllando i passaggi: ultimamente, quando percepisco di non essere sui ritmi che vorrei, preferisco non accertarmene, to avoid losses in motivation. The downside of this practice is that doing so is a lack of stimulus for accelerated groped to earn second that could be significant. But now it is useless to think of the time trial, has never been so swinging gait. Last kilometer seems that the legs do not want to know more: damn you, now?! All we need is me who is aiming to take advantage of it hit me from behind. But I do not know the degree of risk: I've never looked back, nor do I now. Incitement on the final straight make me feel safe. Marshals shouting my name - and do not refrain from the usual joke about my little smiles. Scopro quindi di essere quinta. Le prime quattro sono outsider venute chissà da dove: non potevo ottenere nulla di più. Del resto, oggi è già tanto aver varcato la linea del traguardo.

Chiuso l’anno podistico. Un bilancio? Non sono solita analizzare il passato, né azzardare buoni propositi per il futuro. Basta comunque un rapido sguardo a ritroso per rilevare una pessima stagione primaverile e una timida ripresa nei mesi estivi e autunnali. Conclusione dignitosa e, oserei affermare, promettente: non stilo elenchi di belle intenzioni, ma inutile negare che proietto nel 2011 le ambizioni che aleggiano da tempo nei miei intendimenti.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gpa Bachelor Or Master

Marathon of Saint Lucia - Savignano sul Rubicon

Nel fine settimana è prevista neve. Omettendo per decenza le imprecazioni che sorgono spontanee, mi limito a considerare che, con molte probabilità, anche quest’anno la maratonina di Castel Maggiore sarà solo una classifica da consultare per mera curiosità. Peccato. Non tanto per un ipotetico risultato mancato, impensabile in questa fase esprimersi the best: a shame because the house is always a race exciting. But the idea of \u200b\u200bventuring out on icy roads does not touches me at all. Besides, my season ended last Sunday, in Savignano sul Rubicon. This is the second time this year, competing in that location unknown to me. Definitely for duty, which could never find pleasure in grinding hundreds of miles to compete in environments devoid of any attraction? The interest of society to certain events remains a mystery to me on which I avoid puzzling. Of course, I would have avoided the latter tranquilizer evidence was decisive were it not for my position in the annual ranking: ebbene sì, allo stato attuale delle cose devo tenere conto anche di certi dettagli. Quindi, corriamo questa Maratonina di Santa Lucia, e vediamo di correrla al meglio.

Tralasciamo il fatto che si definisca “maratonina” una gara di 14 km circa, e dimentichiamo anche la fatica della maratonina vera, corsa appena una settimana fa e scarsamente smaltita. Qui si tratta semplicemente di non farsi prendere dall’ansia di prestazione e di mantenere un ritmo il più possibile brillante: è nelle mie possibilità, quindi nessun problema.

Gomitate e imbottigliamento subito dopo lo sparo: calma, è tutto sotto controllo. Anzi, avere evitato una partenza a razzo può essere solo produttivo. Il plotone si sgrana di lì a poco, fate largo che passo io! La giornata è luminosa, fredda ma non gelata. Le gambe sembrano girare discretamente, centrare l’obiettivo è ormai una certezza. Mi metto in scia ad un compagno di società mai visto prima, ovviamente mantenendomi a distanza di sicurezza. Quando avverto un accenno di rallentamento, mi stacco e sorpasso. Il Rubicone è alla nostra destra, poi lo attraverseremo per tornare verso il punto di partenza. Il percorso non è male: lunghi rettilinei di campagna, come piacciono a me. Peccato che, dopo il giro di boa, un leggero venticello ci soffi in the face for it is weak, it makes you feel. I begin to suffer. A young runner in red to me than almost whistling. And it also makes the usual leg to make me lose precious seconds. It's just a moment, now passed and sent back to proceed, after just missing. Another mile, another, then again and finally the last one. What will? You're passing a lot of people can not you see? All right, men are so mean little, but it is a great satisfaction, no? We come back to town, we have now. Me next to a guy who encourages me, try to urge them to resume even the girl in red: thanks for the trust, but that passed me km ago, those who see more? Obviously, my answers are only virtual, I know better than to waste my breath. Not even his comment heartening message: Behind you do not have any. Hooray, but in the remaining two kilometers can reach the whole world. Hey, I'm saying? At this point, whatever my position, can no longer change. The rest are still in good thrust, in fact, I even try to push a bit 'more. I put a bike path that I am deviating from the path, forcing me to stretch for several hundred feet: Risk! Fortunately I do not have rivals at their heels, a few hundred yards and you're done.

But yes, let's face it: I was Bravin. I got what they wanted, and this should suffice. Of course there is always something that does not satisfy me, but we know that they always will. Now go willingly into hibernation: is it safe in my next life be born bear - indeed, some already are.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pontoon Boats Unstable

Maratonina Voltana

who had spoken so enthusiastically of this race, will then have to explain to me what we find so appealing. The fact that the women are divided into two categories would be enough to save me the cost of registration (I find it incomprehensible that the races do not comply with approved Fidal all the same regulations.) But curiosity wins: if you like many, will also be worth it, and it is also worth to test my legs over the classic distance of the half marathon.
If there is snow or ice, however, do not move. These were the premises: disregarded. Our area was spared from the snow that much of central and northern bleached is true, but it is equally true that the freezing temperatures have paved roads.
Come on, it just slips here, where cars do not pass, but the path is clean ... Yes, you're right. What do you know the conditions asphalt out there? You know what I say? I do a mile and go back!

Competitors high level, even from outside the region. For me is a mystery. I am here almost by accident, but all these people flocked to the marathon of Voltana just do not understand.
Well, fired, let's start running.
Attendance family in front of me - yes, even here the usual opponents, but it was budgeted. The control, others more or less known to overtake when I realize, the signal of the first mile, the My Garmin has stopped at 400 meters: what have I done? Restore it, but now the collection is busted. I'm running at an acceptable pace, the challenge is to keep it until the end. I have already forgotten the ice: it is true, the road is almost perfect. There are those who want to test it in detail: before me, in fact, a barefoot runner. I do not know if you deserve the compliments or a straitjacket, but there you are: the excess and I continue on my path.
We are hurtling along a riverbank when I hand a crown of blond I had glimpsed at the beginning: she has speeded up or I'm falling? I actually lost ground, the slight headwind I sta infastidendo, ma ancora di più mi disturba il simpaticone che mi si è incollato alle calcagna. Sopporto per un po’, poi provo a scostarmi: niente, un’ombra. Quasi sento il suo fiato sul collo e, peggio, i suoi piedi sfiorare i miei: MI STAI TROPPO ATTACCATO! Zero reazioni, adesso lo meno! Calma, stai perdendo energie per colpa di ‘sto deficiente! Il ristoro è la mia salvezza: il furbastro si ferma e io proseguo, voglio proprio vedere se riesce a riprendermi…
Strappo in salita, non ci voleva. Sono ancora in discrete condizioni, cerchiamo di non ammosciarci.
Un po’ di discesa, provo a lanciarmi, ma il tract is too short. And now: dirt! I missed just ... And I just passed a tough cookie, you'll see that I now hang up. What I'm slowing down? I do not know, I avoid checking out. I also try not to curse too much, better to save all the forces still available. Finished the dirt road (terribly long), again a tear at the end of which are undermined by another opponent that I had left behind at the start. Damn, like running! It seems dragged by his hare, who screams all the time. Lucky you ... I have to grit your teeth and think that two kilometers are trivial. Come on, yet another, how will it? You can almost start counting the steps, how many are in 500 meters? The stopwatch at the finish line shall unceasingly: 01:30:50-51-52 ... That sucks, but at least make sure that no shots on 31. Seems to be made, however, lacks the official: I will stay in doubt until the rankings come out.

Well, all things considered, in a polar day, with zero motivation, a couple of miles off road and two little rise, it's not gone bad. Of course, if I had not lost all those positions ...
Changing rooms and hot showers, at least those. Coming home I fall asleep, wondering what there is still so appealing in this race.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whiteheads Under The Eyes

Modena: Corricittanova

How will I have thought of participating in a race outside the program (and outside the province)? I could not even aspire to the rich prize: you know, when there is money at stake, that's all the runners run a fairly good level, to occupy interesting positions in the standings. Excluding any ambitions to compete with the best athletes, no question of considering any possibility of personal record, not even taking into account any scenic attractions logistics of the race in question, what can he induced me to lift up the phone to dictate my membership? I find forse più allettante correre tra tanta gente che allenarmi in solitudine? Da quando in qua? Eppure, cercando di dipanare le mie ingarbugliate elucubrazioni mentali, ravviso una timida preferenza a spremermi in un contesto competitivo piuttosto che in un allenamento individuale. Insomma, a prescindere dal risultato, se fatica deve essere, che almeno sia per conquistare un traguardo tangibile – ergo: siccome temo di non essere abbastanza determinata per portare a termine una seduta come dovrei, meglio avvalersi di maggiori stimoli al fine di concludere degnamente la tabella settimanale.

Mentre le mani anchilosate dal gelo tribolano nell’applicare il pettorale the tank, I wonder what sense my presence here. I'm shivering, and not metaphorically. I know it is the first race in the rain, nor the last. But one thing is to honor a commitment to planned and prepared with care, another question is about to suffer knowing that the reward will be almost nothing. Yet, there must be something perverse in our minds if, despite everything, we are here to warm groped, waiting for the shot. Stephen is right, maybe you would not have home course? Obviously, I ran, but at least I would not have suffered the pre-and post ... Enough! Now I'm here, might as well commit to the end. The advantage is that today nobody expects anything da me, nemmeno io, e non dovrò neppure lottare contro le solite avversarie: le uniche che conosco sono inavvicinabili, tutto il resto è puro anonimato. Ecco un altro elemento che giustifica la mia presenza in questo non-luogo (siamo nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale): ho già risaltato in diverse occasioni i vantaggi di correre liberi dai consueti riferimenti. Sconosciuta tra sconosciuti, gara che si delinea metro dopo metro: tutto da scoprire, giocarsi tutto dall’inizio alla fine.
Anche qui sterrato, ma allora è un vizio! Che razza di corsa è mai questa? Sottopassi, capannoni, manca poco che finiamo in qualche scantinato. Calma, mantieni la concentrazione, stai andando abbastanza bene e, per una volta, non sei partita come una forsennata. Se almeno riuscissi ad attaccarmi a qualcuno…possibile che non trovi mai un trenino che faccia al caso mio? Al contrario, un furbetto mi sta seguendo a ruota, riparandosi dal vento contrario. Sentirmi tallonata mi manda su tutte le furie: mi trattengo dall’insultare il fenomeno di turno solo per non sprecare energie preziose, ma non intendo certo favorire il suo gioco. Mi scosto per liberarmi della sua fastidiosa presenza, vai avanti tu che sei così forte.
I passaggi sono ancora buoni, chissà se riuscirò ad insidiare la ragazza in rosso che mi precede di poco. Ecco the usual leg wraps, it did not. Losing ground, I must resist, I'll recover soon as the trouble you will be attenuated. You'll find the momentum, I can even pass a runner: small satisfaction to me to be charged. When there are 5 km, I think the first five yarns are smooth and fast, we try to keep up the pace. I'm still pushing, will it? I'm not controlling steps, the screen is wet, even my glasses are: the priority of protecting the eyes must be at the expense of visibility. Especially since the rain has turned to snow. We are on the way back: new dirt, warehouses, subways ... endure everything, now it's done.
The card that I hand over the arrival reveals a twentieth. A little 'disappointed, I confess: I did not imagine having so many before me. Jader is rather happy, I celebrated like I had won: Of course, expect to see after a few minutes after the shot, sadly, because the weather retreat. The weather, threaten to destroy me now, the race ended. Just stops, everything from freezing pipes this hellish day on my members - already tried. I crawl to the parking lot, I get in the car and I can not stop shaking. I know I should soon get rid of wet clothes, but they are not able to move a finger: I'm so evil to be scared. Perhaps it is fear to shake: slowly off the gloves, open the bag, I take off immediately to wrap nell'accappatoio. The tremors will last much longer, however, I feel safe. Today was a good test of strength, which ended more dignity.