Sunday, December 19, 2010

What Should My Doctor Do For Hip Bursitis

Corrida Progress - Castel Maggiore

Discussion useless if the others run without too many problems, even on icy roads, why should not I do the same? Yeah, why? It may be that I am not like other people. All face in fluency dirt paths, I feel swallowed by quicksand, many throw themselves headlong down from the mountains, I would call the mountain rescue, and many highlight the poetry of runners on snow, I swear anything that changes the structure of the asphalt. It will be a question of balance, muscle, head buggy: the fact is that if I do not feel supported firmly, within a crisis.

So today, I should starmene blissfully in bed. What to expect, with snow falling Friday to five degrees below zero this morning? If we give up a priori, however, I regret it, so I go and decide.

From second to fourth kilometer is an ice rink , warns Fausto.

I came just for a greeting, but I'm going to run at 11 on my own, now we slip too , states Francis.

I'm going home! And here begins the discussion above. Okay, well, birth. But do not be surprised if I go back now.

It is what I value when, after the third mile, are overtaken by a friend who rarely precedes me. Today the race is not for you . I confirm, I'm just waiting for the wriggling just simply disappear. The opponents who want to operate I have already greeted by a bit ', what sense does it continue to falter? But no, I continue. After all, others are not so far away, and this too will end sooner or later ... ice ends, yes, but very roughly: just when it seems we can advance business, here is the slippery stretch that slows the pace. Meanwhile, however, I recovered a couple of places, those lost in the moment of greatest difficulty: I do not know what it means in terms of rankings, but I still have to defend this small achievement. The icy air stabs, nothing more unpleasant sensation of cold tender submitted. Even thoughts are frozen to death, I take only the mileage reports and consider che non manca poi molto. Beh, è tutto relativo, ma cerco di vederla favorevolmente. Questo, del resto, è il mio territorio: sono le strade che mi vedono ogni giorno, in qualsiasi stagione, più o meno affaticata. A volte le percorro in un senso, altre nella direzione inversa; spesso sfrutto solo una parte del tracciato, di tanto in tanto compio l’intero giro. Insomma, oggi gioco in casa: potevo forse sottrarmi ad una simile occasione?
Sono riuscita ad agganciare un podista che mi ha fatto cenno di seguirlo. Procediamo dunque di buon passo. Beh, a dire il vero non sto controllando i passaggi: ultimamente, quando percepisco di non essere sui ritmi che vorrei, preferisco non accertarmene, to avoid losses in motivation. The downside of this practice is that doing so is a lack of stimulus for accelerated groped to earn second that could be significant. But now it is useless to think of the time trial, has never been so swinging gait. Last kilometer seems that the legs do not want to know more: damn you, now?! All we need is me who is aiming to take advantage of it hit me from behind. But I do not know the degree of risk: I've never looked back, nor do I now. Incitement on the final straight make me feel safe. Marshals shouting my name - and do not refrain from the usual joke about my little smiles. Scopro quindi di essere quinta. Le prime quattro sono outsider venute chissà da dove: non potevo ottenere nulla di più. Del resto, oggi è già tanto aver varcato la linea del traguardo.

Chiuso l’anno podistico. Un bilancio? Non sono solita analizzare il passato, né azzardare buoni propositi per il futuro. Basta comunque un rapido sguardo a ritroso per rilevare una pessima stagione primaverile e una timida ripresa nei mesi estivi e autunnali. Conclusione dignitosa e, oserei affermare, promettente: non stilo elenchi di belle intenzioni, ma inutile negare che proietto nel 2011 le ambizioni che aleggiano da tempo nei miei intendimenti.


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