Thursday, December 27, 2007

Diff Half Head Full Head Highlights


Giunti al termine di questo benedetto 2007, si ha la netta sensazione di trovarsi ad assistere, oltre che all'astronomicamente inevitabile fine di un ennesimo giro del povero Pianeta attorno alla sua fulgida Stella, con contemporaneo inizio di un nuovo tragitto d'identico percorso, anche all'inizio e alla fine di ben alttre cose, che, per il momento ci è alquanto difficile definire con chiarezza, sicché, affinchè tutto possa filare liscio, o almeno si possano limitare al massimo i disastri, ci si sente motivati a scambiarsi i consueti auguri per il nuovo anno caricando gli stessi di particolari significati ed intendendo scongiurare particolari ansie.
Nel variopinto mondo della politica interna, ad esempio, now seem clear and discounted only two things: that nothing is more clear and obvious to anyone, even to insiders, and that whole era is now in agony, if not already completed. The star now looking to see what the new year, and with the new political season, we will reserve. The bipolar
"old way", to be clear what has kept us company around over the last thirteen years, is over, what will take over will mean an improvement of the system it unquestionably product, based on principles such as the 'alternation of power between two opposing ideas at every electoral lists and direct selection by the citizens of the leaders di governi tendenzialmente destinati a durare per l'intera legislatura, oppure potrà contribuire ad indebolire tale stato di cose, anche se non sarà facile sradicarlo subito del tutto, reintroducendo elementi di infausta memoria quali elezioni a metodo proporzionale e con le "mani libere", ed alleanze di governo e capi degli esecutivi decisi nei "palazzi", soltanto dopo il voto.
Auguri, quindi, per il nuovo anno a chi dovrà decidere, a questo punto, della sorte del Paese: del rafforzamento di conquiste degne di una vera democrazia moderna ed ormai bene o male molto radicate, ovvero della loro gettata alle ortiche.
E auguri soprattuto agli italiani, che non meriterebbero politicanti cui passasse anche soltanto per l'anticamera to deprive the brain of the acquired right to be able to choose directly, by voting, alliance and the government program as well as the person of the prime minister. These, mind you, conditions are absolutely essential to any electoral system is finally adopted: majoritarian, proportional, or remote voting during a live transmission of Raffaella Carra, German, English, turkish or Kenya.
Someone said that the bipolar system would not work in Italy, which would be passed that would make even "disgusting" That bipolarity, my dear sirs, well "Italian" and with all faults conceivable, is the key to good operating regions, provinces and municipalities that is under the for all to see, is providing governments (good or bad, we will not give opinions here) settled for a whole term, or at least long enough to be able to conclude something, and not everyone in power for a few months, as was a First Republic to forget in this respect, he did say the former, or post, fascist Fini that the Nazi Holocaust was the "absolute evil", and the former, or post communist Veltroni that Nazism and Communism were more or less the same thing has, in short, slowly removed from the ghettos dell'antisistema forces, finding the right conditions and incentives, could be retrieved and integrated policy to "true" in a democratic country, to be played between opponents alternative to each other, but mutually respectful and condividenti basis of the most fundamental values.
ideal continuation of the reform process on the road to a truly modern and functional democracy may well be that in that direction seems to be the formation of the Democratic Party, on the one hand, and the Freedom Party on the other: the simplification of life policy through the merger of two big entities, one of cetrodestra and the other center-of-bush essentially homogeneous small parties among themselves and whose very survival as a separate subject does not respond to any need, therefore, more logical or utility (raise your hand, for example, who knows what to say big difference "ideological distance between un'Udeur Mastella and an Italy of Values \u200b\u200bDi Pietro because they can not stay in a single subject, maybe priprio the PD, where is also already merged their SIMILAR Margherita).
So, New Year's greetings and good work to those who sincerely strive to secure a political future of Italy continues to increase the power of citizens to choose directly alliance of government and prime minister, leaving the service of the now totally useless and small parties a landscape as a result simply and clearly able to restore the confidence of the Italians in their political class. A special wish, of course, the cavalier Berlusconi, for the successful conclusion of its challenge to those who, in his own camp, struggling to understand that it is precisely this unity in the struggle to return as soon as possible to the country a good government and the prestige that has dirtto sacrosanct that raises the question of strong electoral base of ' current opposition.
E cards, however, seems also to those who paddle in the opposite direction, convinced that the wise years ago embarked on the road, it is high time to depart radically knows that he is not just to require more than all of our sincere wishes .
wish you a warm-to completely change the subject, but with undiminished concern Destne and image of our citizens - to many of our men and women engaged in the fight against terrorism, and various threats to peace inside and outside national borders, in areas where the situation is already quite hot (Afghanistan) or it could become (Lebanon, the Balkans), that is not their unfailing support the country, and the need for their safety and ability to work is never after irresponsible ideological prejudice or petty domestic political tactics.
Greetings to those who, by the changes in store for the new year, expect some positive news on wages, prices, taxes, employment, loans, quality of life in general: And best wishes to those who will have to ensure that these expectations be disappointed as little as possible, placing their partisan interests or chair.
Well, good luck to all. To those who have and those who will give dora. However you think.

Tommaso Pellegrino


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