Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why Do I Keep Getting Thrush


L'intolleranza e l'antidemocraticità dimostrate da quel pugno di sedicenti dotti professoroni e dal loro degno discepolame nell'impedire a papa Benedetto XVI di intervenire alla solenne cerimonia presso la loro università, che, malgrado l'accaduto, ci si ostina ancora a chiamare "la Sapienza" (???), sono per lo meno pari allo sconcertante patetismo e all'anacronismo di quel certo modo di essere anticlericali e di intendere la laicità sfoderati in questa ben poco edificante vicenda.
Oggi l'anticlericalismo come logica conseguenza del libertarismo, dela genuina aspirazione ad una vita civile regolata da leggi ed istituzioni svincolate dai dettami e dalle autorità proprie di una data religione, can certainly be said that it no longer has reason to be at least more than half a century in this part and this part of the world. A
liberalaccio to the bone as this writer can not of course does not include, for example, the reasons for anti-clericalism of the Risorgimento, understood as a rejection of the temporal power of the clergy at that time hampered the process of democratization and national unity, but it was here a feeling of hostility to the very different mission in the spiritual and moral authority of a Church, which is close to its jurisdiction, unlike the temporal functions. Just one example of one of the largest of these same "anti-clerical" hardcore of the time, a Giuseppe Mazzini (sorry if it is little), stated that the atheists try to great pain, a sign that his was not averse to the message released by the clergy in his capacity as "institutional" but the abuses perpetrated in the same area "land".
Today there is no longer a real political power in the hands of Church leaders, nor their ability to ingest heavily in the life of democracies through the work of long arm-strong disciplined parties subject to their directives.
accuse the Church to interfere in national political life, derogatory or define the Pope "the head of a foreign state", are now at least ridiculous attitudes: the Pontefce has not the slightest intention of driving in any How does the work of our legislators, nor have the means to do so, so much so that this has always gone forward regardless of any desire or his dissent. As for a threat to take the form as "head of a foreign state", it lacks those divisions which Stalin asked how many there were, and if they had any, would use the not: a man of peace, the pope, so peace to lend too often, unintentionally, to be used even by the usual elements pseudopacifisti and landing several, in fact light years away from its real world of values, and perhaps ready to give him some more as soon as his speech does not come back just as comfortable with their almost never crystalline order. Since the Church
can not in any way constitute a danger to freedom, secularism and the democratic institutions, one can not require it to relinquish its authentic and unique mission to continuously urge respect for the values \u200b\u200bof which he is custodian, and that it does with all means at his disposal. Put them in qualsasi occasion, the gag is, as well as an intolerable affront to freedom of expression which must be accorded to anyone, a step towards forms of religious intolerance typical of well-known illiberal systems, which are the exact opposite of the true secular society .
Tommaso Pellegrino


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