Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sometimes Things Taste Metallic

Preti, Bush & Lady D

course on Monday was that of a couple of weeks ago, wisdom 'with the c *** I wrote it, floating in the ether.

The immigration agent told us a Mincio. Better that way. However
our visa can not 'be converted. Fourteen
January 2009: Bali.
for a while '.
until we get the new visa.

Now one says .... exciting, yes it is except that we are under a bit of slap ', working on the beast, the Lake which shatters the end of the right thumb to load the wheel of the tractor, the machine to buy before Christmas e. .. e. .. Some
ago Thursday, I went out early and I have traveled that day to buy the Quokka Gidge.
Once at home, behind a hot cup of coffee, I opened directly by searching for "delicate" and, at the first hit I found one. Just one. I call immediately and take notes.

Yesterday, Christmas Eve, and I was given the Dubix copper. That Lagoditodiburro drove the truck in the vineyard with the canister duemilalitri while Dubilix, with his superhero jumpsuit and mask to conceal his identity, the poor flocked to the rescue screws fungi and infection risk. Three thousand gallons of sulfites and copper to rinse away the arid torpor of 33 degrees.
He finished at 8, from 7. Now faded like old roses, and I Dubay he jumps on the couch thinking of a fresh oil and called Nigel. That forces us to go to him in 15 minutes. Six beers and
and forth, the two Italians on their speeding car new. But used.

Joseph is Hungarian. But also a bit 'German. It was revolutionary, crossing the impassable borders of the former Soviet bloc now to move into capitalist West Germany. Some years, broken dreams by the new world, and take part for Australia. A talker.
" In Hungary I was considered a German, for example because of my surname. Then I went to Germany, friends, brothers ... my father is German, my surname is German, is German. Oh no, you You're Hungarian. And why? German last name ... because you were born in Hungary. Ahhhh! Fuck them both and I go to Australia. " (Taken from poems by Joseph).
Joseph was also a priest, I do not know what order, married one of her maids. Monica.
Until it broke the balls, bloody bullshit, as he calls him, took his wife and converted to "Bush." I mean, who has lived for long periods in the bush. Hunting, fishing, living in freedom. Every now works in the city. Every now lives in a small farm down-south. Or travel.
And that's exactly what they're doing. - "I sell the Delica for this, we're going on a bit '. You see, I'm building the motor-home (truck / bus converted into a house with 4 wheels) and I retire. And if you buy the car from me teach you how to make the byodiesel. Fuck that. "-

Back from beautiful night with Nigel, we passed on the couch with Eri's family chatter, while the Lake tearing the salmon on slices of old bread to put it mildly dehydrated.
And the call ended, we opened gifts! That is the gift. The one we received. From our mechanic Steve.
Now think "And you? Your Gift? "

By Monica Joseph and we became friends, and as with Sneaky last year, there was the passing of the baton. The Delica. Mitsubishi Delica Van 4WD. Raga, a peccionata, but it's space! A van mounted on the body of a Pajero. Seven seats + luggage, convertible camper, 2.8 TD of 94, four-wheel drive.
Novemilacento dollars and a case of beer. Then for another case of German beer special ricare the air made me / us.
A couple of Saturdays spent together, then the car moved here, in the hills.
At this time there is an ongoing controversy on the family name. The Dubix pushing for the delicate "Delichina", Lake sketches considered as too partisan and raised in honor of the Aboriginal people, for the darting Djar (eucalyptus typical of these lands).

Labix Since the family is in trouble, the survey opens

If you have names to suggest a shoot immediately comment.

If you are the D or D, click your favorite name!

Merry Christmas to all!

Joseph, Monica, Deli, Motor-Home




Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monetary Contributions For Wedding Request Sample


After months of waiting and amalgam Friday, 17 hours The immigration agent informs us that our tourist visa can not 'be converted into work and saw that we must leave the country for a while', and indeed, now that the deadline could see our visa had expired and were illegally in Australia and not return for three years. Che però si informava meglio. Tragicomico. Anni di infinitamente soffici sogni, mesi di intenso lavoro e integrazione per seguire quel che l'anima ti dice essere per te il giusto e poi così, per un cavillo burocratico se ne va affanculo tutto. Di venerdì, che significa lunedì. “Ecco cosa prova un negro” è stato il mio primo pensiero. Ma si, sti cazzi, andiamo giù in città questo week end, e quel che sarà sarà. Arrivederci e grazie.
Susy ci aspettava con le birre in mano e un concerto in divenire in quel di Perth. Un concerto di Music on the Swan River. For free. "Come on come on, I have a friend who comes to us."
Bus-Train-Foot. At two stops, I say no two buses whizzing in front of us ignore our signs. Foot-Bus-Train-Foot. Reached the next stop walking, we perched on the roadside, ready to throw in the wheels for the cause of the collective. And this time, already late, so we do not let it slip. Had it not been for the unexpected. A yellow shirt flapping accompanies Matrioska before my eyes which looked like a body to say the least familiar. I get up, look at Erika, outreach, he breaks out, about Erika ... " MMMao, you Mao! " jump off the bus after two stops, with the agreement Ribecco wheel of the station. Let's go back and see him run Tugging like an orangutan than 96 years with a heart attack in progress. Hugs undertaken. Time the next bus and we salute you. See you later! the station in Freo, like Warriors The Warriors, the Eurasian met. Me and Dubay, cigarette in mouth and foot on the railing to make mention of Germany (2) which together with Susy, our colleague from the Black Forest, (but he lives in town) strides briskly toward us. Together with them a native no, indocinese, o qualcosa del genere. Lo sapete che nelle saghe serve sempre il diverso sennò non funziona. Scambi di abbracci e via, si va alla city a notteggiare. Sul treno si familiarizza e ci si carica per il concerto. Saltiamo giù e tipo squadrone della notte si mangia l'asfalto fino al primo take-away. Whopper, patatina, coca, rutto cavernoso sturatutto. Un must, per noi guerrieri metropolitani Riprendiamo l'attraversata, sbranando il cibo a passo spedito, giù fino all'esplanade. Giriamo l'angolo e una folla di famiglie placidamente appollaiate tipicamente australiane (che significa con frigo, birre e tavolini al seguito) ci accoglie e ci rispedisce all'ultima fila. Too late. But not for the concert, which begins ... uh ... I do not remember, then move on a. .. ahem ... and who knows ... even up to Va Pensiero, who are proud (and a little forced) hand to his chest in tune, the thought of being with one foot in the past and a future, which could be passed because of that visa, and then let us sing to the future, which questioned whether the new Italy, but also a bit ' the past is fine if you do not know already Australia or Italy. A concert of classical music. On the lawn of the Esplanade, all on the ground, running kids and parents to tease and sbevuzzare, night lights and shadows of the city. And behind us, the slow pace of the Swan River, sailor and ask for more? Un visto! Dopo il concerto la pattuglia si è divisa. Alcuni a casa, noi, irriducibili guerrieri delle lavande, siamo pronti a imbracciare numerosi boccali di birra. Noi, cioè E&A Susy e Michael. E Mao! Northbridge, il quartiere dei locali. Spalanchiamo le porte del saloon e conquistiamo il bancone. A noi la prima pinta. Che poi è stata pure l'ultima. Che I farmes alle 11.30pm sono già alla terza fase rem. Un sonno bestia tipo palpebre in ribellione che srotolandosi si accasciano fino a terra. Giusto il tempo di assistere alla prima scazzottata coi controfiocchi Far-East style con tanto intervento della polizia e leviamo le tende. Warriors retreat. A couple of Oretta and we will be at home. But today goes well. That is wrong. Train 40 minutes of waiting. Yay. Freo. Taxi. two and half hours of waiting. All queued eh. For heaven's sake, all kind, just a couple of scoundrels, but that I remember were the 2.43am when I nervously torn a kebab indecent. And there were still eight people before us. Ah! the cramp of the door! As such, the one that takes you back when you're in the queue at the counter of the post, you do not spring until you sit down. And who remembered him more '! was just before dawn when, shrunken and ruttanti (cursed take-away) we finally managed to conquer the bed. Surrounded by the naked silence noisy. Wow, how long is the life of the city!

- The Day After -

I do not know if it was two hours from our sleep when the phone rang. Rings to a four-five laps if they are facts. Until the Lake, hair and underwear semizampa, dragging behind her headaches and a dip feline manages to grab the phone and put an end to that tragic attack. By pressing the wrong button. "Hello?" Roger! How are you! "" Er, yes, Actually, the situation is ... I'll pass you Erika, I can not explain - and cowardly to leave the task Dubix, which sgrattuggia scalp nervously explains with clarity and disarming the situation in which Roger, startled, tries to make suggestions. What he leaves tomorrow Overseas.
That is Monday. The day of truth.

Concert at sunset ...

... and night

Mao one two three!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Can I Join Army With Graves Disease

Waiting for the ox heart

Zucchini (1.8 Kg)

What is the artichoke with us

Salutation (runs) sun

Brother Pachino

Inhabitants of Veggie ( Christmas Spider)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

E71 Application Use The Front Camera

The Veggie Update Diluvione (The Temple of Time)

Mamma Helga has finally arrived. Seeing her leave the airport in late spring in triple jumper now takes us to Italy and to you all. But I'm keeping you apart from the spring, which must be a bit 'chilly over there ... arrived home, a lot of talk centered and sleep early. Tomorrow, like any good fitting provides the walker on the farm. And so it was, or at least the first 700 meters. Why return from Helga ruzzula lavender to the ground. Sprained ankle. Then one wonders ... why? Because right now, the first day, after months of waiting for his visit here? But Helga rash bite the bullet and shooting. Or so 'it seems, since the aftermath of the fall are still clearly visible. Major projects were in mind, but none of them involved a battered ankle. So we bunkered down at home, then it is not even so bad. Of things to tell us we have several and even though we could not show "that wonderful Australian people, "the farm it is still a case in point, a kind of summary for travelers without a lot of holidays. The days pass quickly, but do not skimp in giving us little surprises every day, where drops of morning dew are off to strong sunshine and singing birds are quick to give you bensvegliato (if not to wake up at all) and starry skies immensely accompany our rest, where trees dance to the rhythm of the wind cheers our sight and the smell of freshly cut hay and blends to accompany new and intense floral fragrances. The animals, without fear, and almost as neighbors, show and share a bit 'of their privacy. Everything had been calculated alla perfezione, l'ingresso di Meggie nella famiglia, I giorni di ferie, destinazione paradiso. Ma come sempre, I conti li puo' fare solo l'oste, che oggi si chiama destino. Ci si potrebbe stressare per accadimenti come questo (tipo il Lago che, smaniante, già sognava bianche spiagge e lunghe distese desertiche nei suoi occhi), ma anche se il motivo è e rimarrà oscuro (o forse no), un perchè ci deve essere. E a suggellare questo, piogge incessanti hanno scalzato il sole dal suo trono sin dal primo giorno di ferie e come in una partita a risiko, la strategia della “vita” prevede che non cessino fino all'ultimo dei nostri giorni off. Piogge purificatrici, docce fresche per l'anima. Joining this small misunderstanding with the boss too, to confirm to us that perhaps was not the time of posting but the harvest. Reflection. Also because after months of hard work and the environment is always a time of rest, as long as the money shots. So here we are still at home, without physically, but free to travel with the mind. Meggie is a rustic lady attempatella, distracted and back 'a bit' dodgy maybe, but witty and bright. Founded in 1969, with unquestionable purpose of freedom, had retired to private life by a friend, with whom he delighted to pass the time of his "disengagement" between ocean fishing trips and afternoon nap passed in the garden. Made no mention of her relationship with her intimate friend, but we know from reliable sources that have often slept together. Meggie trasferirisi and decided to spend some 'time with us a few days ago, with renewed intentions of intense life, some to live a second youth, but in retrospect those old ladies lived and still vigorous and curious. Meggie is our trailer. Our first, new, old trailer. Today is our fourth of five days off, and Helga, and Meggie, they can not socialize as the customs and ways require, but there will be other occasions. Meggie is however still trying to familiarize themselves with his new home, and Helga is discovering Australia through the manifestation of the little things, those things because of our hectic lives we often ignore or take for granted. On the other hand has established important and lasting relations with swarms of friendly flies and imperturbable, and not the love that they never feel lonely. Now the time is not lacking and no one looks at his watch. Let the light and dictate the action and marked the time of rest, we leave the task of the vegetable cibarci according to his ideas of growth and seasonality, having pulled his ear, ready to catch the clumsy hand of the silent Kukubarra, that as a good Bernacca of heaven invariably sings its heartbreaking lament to herald the arrival delle di piogge. Proprio come un'ora fa.

Gamba di Legno e i Pirati Massaggiatori

Meggie and Eri

Meggie, le ancelle e il pescatore

Aspettando le mosche dopo la pioggia

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

25th Birthday Quotes Funny

clipboard (what's yours is mine. And even yours) and Cranes Dams

Ora mi toccherebbe parlare di cose antiche, visto che pigrizia e lavoro mi hanno portato a non accennare in tempi piu' freschi come il ns cottage è stato "quasi completato".
"Roadside collection, l'ultima frontiera del riciclo" poteva be the title, but other things have happened in the meantime and old emotions are mixed with new ones, leaving us only the essence of this experience.
But back to us. As happened last year for Sneaky (somewhere I have written it) this year, in that spring, they left the Roadsidecollections, or any district organized the collection of furniture and odds and ends one week every six months identifying where each family can 'literally throw away every tool and furniture just outside the door, leaving what you do not need more' (or bored) to those who decide to go there. Common practice in Australia, where you do not throw anything. What I do not need and you and end.
Now one can 'think of heaps of' Naples type garbage, or one of the usual begging LagoDubay. In fact, the quality of junk and 'definitely more' high and far from stinking. Indeed, every bendidio is available and the infamous pair, still they give impeccable, they have not jumped at the chance.
Schumacherone Lake, at the wheel, furtively hovering around the eye with valuable merchandise and selected the big cat. DD The sisters, however, as soldiers in a battle to the death, separated from the ground troops and attacked each pile, elbowing often with malicious intent to deprive us of our treasures.
Tables, chairs, stereo and ornaments, vases, fabrics, furniture and kitchen equipment, all carefully stacked, garden after garden, you look winking, as if to say: I, I! Take me, not me!
And the trio of Gidgegannup, known to act with compassion and love, has brought home more.
Just to tighten it a bit ', bread machine, centrifuge machine, mixer, and I do not remember what other devilish power will make our kitchen as a laboratory professional in the food, our room is fully equipped to pick up and every corner of the Our patio has been transformed into the living room outside.
Now, since I have no end, I write ... the end!
to you the photos

Roadside View

are looking ...

treasure ...

Beta Test 1

Beta Test 2

returned from a Roadside e. ..

... the "new" sofa ...

- End of the clipboard -

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Persuasive Writing Work Sheets

we must all be "OBAMACONS?

L'interminabile maratona delle elezioni presidenziali americane si è alla fine conclusa, giorni fa, con la vittoria nettissima del primo presidente di colore della storia di quella Nazione: il democratico Barack Hussein Obama.
Francamente non ricordavo un simile coinvolgimento emotivo, da parte dei miei connazionali, in nessuno dei precedenti eventi analoghi di cui conservo cosciente memoria. Sarà per la presunta svolta epocale, e comunque per la sicura novità, rappresentata dall'ascesa alla massima carica politica del Pianeta di un afro-americano relativamente giovane e non apparentemente favorito da natali ed estrazione sociale tali da farcelo immaginare as predestined to such peaks, it will be because the recent, gradual and sluggish, also of our transformation into something vaguely similar to the two-party democracy of overseas there has actually made it more familiar and exciting challenges this kind of election last vote between two candidates, carriers of two different ideas, leading a country, the fact is that we saw for the first time, we, real eproprie manifestations of organized pro-Obama supporters, with lots of vigils, species in the headquarters of the Democratic Party, pending the verdict of the polls to tears and emotion the announcement of the result.
As for me, even though they are known to recognize me in shaping policy, in ambito italiano, può dirsi l'omologa del Partito Repubblicano USA, ho fatto mio il pensiero espresso dal nostro ministro della Difesa La Russa, secondo il quale lo schierarsi apertamente per l'uno o per l'altro dei due candidati in un un'elezione presidenziale americana (considerarli cioè "come Coppi e Bartali o come Veltroni e Berlusconi") fa tanto "provinciale", e me ne sono rimasto ad assistere all'evento più o meno distaccatamente, ben conscio del fatto che lì, dopo tutto (al di là dell'innegabile influenza che hanno, sul mondo intero, gli orientamenti dell'amministrazione USA), non si stava decidendo chi sarebbe stato il "mio" presidente, e che l'America rappresenta una realtà troppo diversa da quella nostrana because they are applicable tout court the usual criteria of analysis are valid for the Italian market.
In other words, could not and should not be so automatic that it is only because of the PDL or supporters of the Democratic Party in Italy, it was also, respectively, Barack Obama or John McCain during their election compared to the conquest of White House.
overseas, in some respects, because we live almost in another world: the existence of a national health service similar to the Italian, to limit ourselves to one example, here we have taken for granted even by the less progressive and welfare of disabled of a political opinion in America has barely timidly advocated by Democrats more socially sensitive, and figured if it touches the minds of most conservatives.
If so, even in the United States itself, perhaps because the overwhelming charisma of not even honest patriot and old Vietnam veteran McCain, there has been a real massive migration of ex-Republicans of iron in the fascinating field of Democratic candidate of color - including the former spokesman for Bush-Mc Clellan, former Governor Weld of Massachusetts and the former secretary of state Colin Powell, for which he has coined the neologism "obamacons", that is, conservatives for Obama - in even more so were many of the personality right and center-right of our house to express with similar decision preference: a Francesco Storace who went on to write on his blog "Obama or death," a Paolo Guzzanti, which has accepted without problems that would have voted for the Democratic candidate, a Frattini said that "It would be better president. "
With Barack Obama certainly won the Americans' desire for change after eight years of a Republican administration is not without its shadows, and it was reaffirmed with force in the world, the best traditional image of an America where all can achieve their dreams, to be ambitious. Already
these seem to us good reason to believe the electoral outcome and look forward with confidence to the future. On a more
Specifically, the new president promised then to rest their future hinges on political conduct, fortunately, well away from certain fantasies regarding his alleged acquiescence or even increased its almost "pacifism" in international affairs and the fight against terrorism, embroidered upon him by some, this maybe a bit 'naive, left our local, which is likely to remain somewhat disappointed in the face of what will be revealed after the fact.
To name a few, Obama is for peace in the Middle East, but a priority over all other considerations to protect the security of Israel is not willing to accept an Iran with nuclear weapons and does not exclude the use of force against it, he wants to gradually leave Iraq, but also devote more attention to Afghanistan, both from a strictly military in the diplomatic realistically, and it is his intention to strengthen significantly the Marine Corps.
Among the major advantages that the election of Obama can lead, compared to what one might have expected in the case of a victory for McCain, there are certainly greater ease of how to overcome differences that has arisen recently with Russia at international level, and some more attention paid to social and public health, on the inside.
The question that arises, in conclusion, it is so if, even for those who consider themselves unashamedly a conservative in the political context of our Italy, the liberal American might be the man that put the best hope of some future fill nell'incasinatissimo world in which we find ourselves living.
current state of things, I think we can venture a positive answer to the question.
may be that the "obamacons" are a category to grow in Italy.
Tommaso Pellegrino

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Butt Glue Games Online

For some 'you're probably wondering what happened ... but they did those two??

Here we are!

A little 'latitantelli actually, but finally relaxed after a great ride of pure work. Because the farm when we arrived, as they say in June 'here, Was falling apart and then leave without Nigella, workshop and equipment that we were dark and shadowy worlds, having to learn English to use equipment that not even know the name in Italian the cottage to be cleaned and, on top, two big parties to be organized: the first, secondomatrimonio the eldest son of Roger, and the second is the primoevento the Eastern Suburbs, the prince of the party, but I say party, the GidgieParty, that the party representing the same Roger. A sort of CountryMeeting with drunk people rolling on the grass and we stuffed ourselves with every bendidio. But for details on "Spring in Gidgie" you can rifarvi million in the previous 12 months ago. Three months
exhausting said, but full of small surprises. So small that it is also difficult to describe, but at times I could try. Like to see your hands become confident with what they touch, the results grow day by day, absorbing new information that float and join what you bring in and set to rise and generate new perspectives, new horizons, new faces ...
I learned to use the tractor. Just one little thing that giant observed by both bottom-top. Under the ass of the Lake. Some derrapate with the slasher (you see it, another word) ta-ta-ta-ta and cut all the weeds pretty good. And then discharges the truck, then reload and then guide him well, the truck. A Bedford 19 ** milky white with little arms to said crane hook you hanging right in front of the window hole after hole that you never know if you hit the breaking glass shattering his cheekbone damage (RHD), which I've got some avambraccioni to twelve years that was nothing!

Massey Boy

Miss Bed

(Sto ridendo mentre sto per scrivere questo...) E devo dire che neanche la Dubay ha passato un buon momento...da quando è diventata....ehm...è, lo devo dire così com'è, la Regina....hehe.....
La Regina delle Pompe. Nel senso, idriche. Perchè la fattoria c'ha certi Tankoni (cisternoni) di acqua da 500.000 litri l'uno che sono sì, riempiti da acqua piovana, ma soprattutto da Dams e pozzi artesiani sparsi qua e là che funzionano grazie a pompe a carburante. Un lavoro della madonna tra benzina, accensione, reports sulle quantità di acqua raccolta e la velocità di trasmissione. Motori che si rompono e cinghe che si strappano. Un vero lavoro da CowBoy degli acquedotti. E alla Dubay ormai manca solo un bel cappellaccio di cuoio che quando scende dalla collina, sulla Ute bianca, con gli occhiali a goccia e le taniche di benzina nel Back, il Lago non resiste, si rizza in piedi e assalito da un attaco acuto di testosterone da 36enne ingobbito, esplode tutta la sua energia in una esile alzatina di braccio e poi di manina fa ciao-ciao...ciao-ciao...ciao-ciao...

La Dubay, gomito fuori, mostra I sessantaquattro denti esplodere in un sorriso profumato di Jarrah e per un attimo mi vedo riflesso nei Ray-Ban Dubay. Arsa polvere si solleva al cielo, e mentre attendo impassibile che si depositi in ogni mio pertugio, osservo pulsante la Ute, che borbottando guadagna strada e scompare giusto dietro alla collina.
Ora potrei finirla qui ma non ho detto un cazzo di pratico.

Il Veggie Garden sembra una palude della malesia, mangiamo insalata come corsari e infatti ora abbiamo deciso di sradicarla da quanta è. E che cazzo, non sono mica un erbivoro. Le zucchine non scherzano nemmeno,ma sono ancora una novità. Ieri abbiamo fatto la prima vera sfagiolinata. Forse pure l'ultima. Ravanelli a grappoli e abbondanti ciuffi di spezie. Broccoletti fino alla nausea. In famelica attesa di pomodori.
Sparo giusto un paio di foto. Anzi tre.

Un mese fa



The parties are over. Inshallah. We are beautiful but tired. So tired that on both occasions we were two mummies. Two mummies drunk.

's Wedding Spot

Spring in Gidgie

Diana greeted us quite a while '. But only for a while '. Pero ', in that "a little', we're missing. E 'deep time spent together.

Diana goes to the suitcases

But always in the 'a little' we are waiting for Mom Helga, fearless as always, you buy a ticket in two days and says - coming soon! - A Friday
so ... how nice !!!!!!!!


Miss sixty-four smiles at Spring in Gidgie

knot to tie for the groom ... Roger checks

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kerastase Helps Hair Grow Faster


We are a strange people, perhaps unique: a solemn festival and even the most symbolic dates that are important milestones and drama of life's journey, which lasted over a century, to the achievements of national unity, the total freedom from foreign domination and fuller democracy succeed in all united in a feeling (which is likely to stand, for once, above the petty political divisions) to celebrate momentous events that changed the destiny of every Italian alike, and composed of gratitude to those who, in those circumstances, you are inevitably sacrificed in person (because they are almost always made from blood).
No: each of these occurrences should become timely opportunity to exploit, for their own ends, by this or that political party, o di reciproche accuse, tra le fazioni, di farne delle feste di parte o di volersene appropriare in maniera esclusiva. Ne sono tipici esempi il 20 settembre, quando, nell'ultimo anniversario della conquista militare della nostra capitale, qualcuno sembra aver dato adito a sospetti di nutrire forse eccessive simpatie per i caduti di parte papalina; o il 25 aprile, che da sempre divide grottescamente gli italiani tra chi lo considera quasi esclusivamente una festa propria e chi invece non lo ritiene neppure una festa.
Ultimo "pomo della discordia" in ordine di tempo è il 4 novembre, anniversario (quest'anno il 90°) della Vittoria italiana sull'Austria-Ungheria nel primo conflitto mondiale, che fra poco si festeggerà con insolita pompa (Parades, military bands, concert of Andrea Bocelli, etc..) And at which Defense Minister La Russa decided to unleash all of Italy for military officers with the task of lecturing on the First World War in schools, thus breaking accused by the press and for the most famous exponents of the left, of orchestrating "the most impressive military manifetazione propaganda republican Italy has ever put together," indeed: the risk to reveal the military instrument of a Party " the service of political propaganda. "
In fact, the experience of Italian participation in World War I, although the highest expression of strenuous patriotic struggle for the liberation a large part of the country from a tyrannical foreign domination, has more than one card in order to be invisible to the left today: first, this is a war classic, symmetrical, fought between nations (for pù monarchies) sending unfortunately be slaughtered in front of crowds of conscripts enrolled in regular armies, and not - unlike, for example, the resistance of an epic war-started by an impulse of rebellion from below, even better if served by proletarian revolutionary aspirations of those wars, in short, that, while bloody and with bits of cruelty often unknown to the other, to our left-handed, always "peace", let's not forget, in the only sense that interests they are never at all sorry. Secondly, to be opposed to the conflict in '15-18 were mainly just left the "official" period, while in favor of adventure, or at least the most visible and vociferous among them, were instead the very funny guys of various ideological and social affiliation that a few years later, they found a common home reviled in fascism, and those intellectuals who Papini to stir up controversy with the writings of the kind of "We love war."
Other elements were then brought in support of their views in the debate emerged in recent days on the subject, from those authoritative figures partcolarmente perplexed whether November 4 to celebrate in the way he decided, this year, the government dall'inettitudine and insensitivity shown by commanders as Cadorna in sending to slaughter a generation to repeated, unnecessary and disastrous attack on the Isonzo, the horror of decimation, the declaration of war on Austria, which was a deplorable act of "aggression," not dictated by the requirements of defense and, most importantly, perpetrated against the will of Parliament.
all of this collection of negative comments, something is irrefutable, as the stupidity and disregard for human life of its strategy cadorniana or decimation of the fact that there actually were, although under these points of view, the Italians, is no exception, in view of all the armies then engaged in the 'useless massacre. " On other hand it is only right counter allegations. E'ben true, for example, that between Italy and Austria, the one who declared war first, the other was Italy, but it is also true that when it happened, was already a war going on in Western democracies, more Russia, against the Central Powers, triggered by the attack just moved from Austria to Serbia for nearly a year ago, following the bombing of Sarajevo. Under the same logic, we should then be considered acts of aggression even our recent armed intervention in Iraq (1991) and Serbia, in quanto Saddam Hussein e Milosevic non attaccarono certo per primi l'Italia, ma, rispettivamente, il Kuwait e il Kosovo, provocando reazioni internazionali cui si ritenne doveroso partecipare.
L'intervento nel conflitto europeo poteva apparire, anche ad esponenti di equilibrio e moralità indubitabili, come un'occasione irripetibile per chiudere definitivamente la partita con il grande nemico storico (malgrado l'alleanza senza amore che durava ormai da trent'anni con esso) e completare così il processo risorgimentale; una linea forse ritenibile più efficace di quella, suggerita da Giolitti, di barattare concessioni territoriali con il mantenimento della nostra neutralità.
Ad aderire all'interventismo non furono infatti only future fascists, nationalists and intellectuals exalted in the grip of "shameful war", as defined by Angelo D'Orsi, the Papini (whose literary performances of that time, however, should not be judged by the criteria of today), but also as a true democratic and Bissolati Salvemini, future victims of fascism as Giovanni Amendola, Carlo Rosselli and Antonio Gramsci, and even the same Ungaretti that the very radical left-wing newspaper "Liberation" invites you to read, as an antidote to the alleged climate of glorification of war, rather than celebrate on November 4.
As for entering the war vote by Parliament, finally, there was this formally, although the majority of parliamentarians charge was originally opposed, and their change in orientation was not a little forced by the virulence of the protests and the intervention pro inevitability of climate that occurred as a large international trial.
Without these clarifications, it is carved in clear terms, purpose of the events linked to this celebratory 90th anniversary of Victory of 1918 is not to promote a militaristic propaganda that enhances the appeal and deny the tragedies of war, negligence and even crimes that characterized many aspects of conducting what became known as the Great War.
should instead that all Italians, and especially the younger generation, should realize colossal event able to mix for the first time the Italians of the diverse regional and social backgrounds in a heroic effort - especially in the last phase of the war, with a considerable slice of territory invaded by the enemy, and then with the emergence of new forces motivational and mitigation of the divergence of views on the conflict between countrymen - made them feel truly a nation and led to a release by the stranger very comparable to what would later in 1945. This awareness must be
heritage of us all, and the memories of these events moved to enrtrambi so decisive in our history can not be limited to a single party and become factors of division than of unity.
God save us from having a party on April 25 of the left and a right-wing party on November 4.
Tommaso Pellegrino

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Donor Plasma For Money In Florida Boca Raton

Clipboard (Hobby e Tempo Libero)

I Weekend frenzy are dedicated to Garage-Sale. What one thinks of the car for sale (at least I) and then go to the world discovered that there sottooooo. But let's order.

Who came to see us know that Home is pretty much yes, but pure un po' spoglietta. E manca na' cassettiera, e questo fa cagare, lo verniciamo....abbiamo svuotato casa.
No, guardate questa foto d'archivio

e poi mi dite se voi passereste ...anni della vs vita su quel divano.
Ecco appunto. Insomma via, cucina a parte tutto fuori. Meglio nuda che semibrutta e si riparte da capo. Alè.
Ma come? Prima idea, Metodo Quokka. Se ha funzionato per SneakyVanLastYear perchè non dovrebbe per 4 mobili in croce?
In trepidante attesa voci di sottobosco si intrecciano per casa, per tutta una settimana.
Fino al giovedì. Si va da Pulella's e si torna a casa col giornalino dell'usato, Sig.Quokka the fact, is on lovely dinner and then couch Erika law and ... plot twist! To cut short
enters the picture the Garage Sale, which is a house that is empty for removal or whatever and put an ad on the free mentioned Quokka.
But it is so common that there will be a hundred ads a shot. Why not try ...

Preparing the Garage Sale

(Thursday night: Selection, mapping, time. Planning and areas. The ride perfect)

Saturday morning

Lake: 06.00 Quick Watering garden preparation and Middle
DD (sisters Dubay) 06:15 frugal breakfast and brushing
Quick Start 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Practically go at it says the ad, he has prepared everything in the garden, you pocketed in the house and .... the apotheosis. Furniture, cabinets, tables, sofas, various bells and whistles, pots, vases, plants, practically everything.
course over time we began to refine searches and ways, up to the perfect technique:
Erika Diana and throw themselves like raiders of the Caribbean and remove "the market" 75% of the merchandise in the first 4 minutes, while the lake is focuses on the gems of the collector, the part where you need the click of prey. A short
Once the Ute is full you return home, you download everything and we begin to contemplate, excited. It 's a bit like a child when he was going to bugger something in the garage of your boyfriend and then you "decorate" the hut that we were built on the shaft. Your little space of freedom.
And after long consultations (and washing) you start to put the new treasures and, week after week, House takes on new shapes, colors, and sweat and passion e. .. do not know. It 's funny, and' cheap and 'recycled. And 'our.

- End of 2nd Party -

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tally Solutions 7.2 Memory Access Violation

Appunti (Farming)

It 's time of the rains in these parts, a little late to tell the truth, but Luckily they made it. Good for lavender, fine pearls screws (maybe), good for olives (not believe), great for the weeds. And the garden is not it?
Lake must recognize that finds a certain fulfillment after rainy nights, going to open up in their pajamas at 7 and control the uncontrollable, touch the untouchable, what has always been the territory of Nigel, the rite of years of hard work, or check the meter of rainfall in millimeters of penetration into the soil. Practically a Mac for Farmers.
A pole, a funnel size calculated on certain parameters and cazzettino with the measuring cup.
And you go there, and empty controls. See you at the next day. You'd really? Colleagues are here: Oh Andy, quanti millimetri oggi? E il Lago tronfio e pavoneggiante “sa”.
Poi vado giù, la Dubix ha già sparato la Moka al fuoco, si sorseggia e si butta un'occhiatina al suolo dell'orto. A tal proposito, devo ufficialmente informare che è uscito il primo tomato varietà Roma (mai sentita). Una scorreggetta di 6 mm.
Dopodichè si aprono le danze, io, con un velo di relax, sigaretta ,... , mi arrampico sulla Jeep e vado, la Dubix, precisa, fa le sue cosine e parte. Pioggia, vento, grandine. Col Quad. E come un Elvis Presley delle praterie calvalca I suoi 40 (?) cavalli rigorosamente con la mano destra. La sinistra in tasca e la cicca in bocca. Oggi sono 60 mattine consecutive. Una scudiera.
The work focused on the general cleanliness of the farm in anticipation of the party of spring (which is held regularly for at least fifteen years) and Sig.Michail wed the son of Vladimir, the Czar of the seventh Gidgegannup. Roger. In less than three setttimane. Clean
general 'is divided into:

  1. spraying the pesticide on the lawn (1 acre) (That is 250 gallons of product a shot - in motion, with the tank that seems to' na cowboy, Lake spruzzeggiava Tutino on the meadow with the mask and type what you see on the show Americans in this form, here, that one)

  2. Weeds - (500 acres), land Dubay. Every so often you see liggiù, olive trees, run around (the Quad) and collect hundreds of cute little flowers scattered here and there. How sweet when he comes back, right hand driving, and 20 kg bag over his shoulder.

  3. removal of fallen trees, sawdust and pieces of the trunk Guys, it's a hoot. I do not know if you have never used an electric saw, but one thing is stratospheric. Even today I have made a couple, then I threw the firewood in the woodshed and we'll get it for next year. But before all that Peter, who is now back down every morning, I log chains and pulls them out with the tractor.

  4. Mowing (250 acres) Lou - Whipper Snipper Dubay - Tractor. Lou is engaged. Every time I see her go down there, between the rows of lavender, embraced her with love and graceful dancing. He sings a tune of diamonds and turbines, and she can not 'resist, and' Mr. Snipper, Whipper Snipper, indomitable heartthrob. 11 km of dances. Nothing however be noted on Dubay, usually hand in his pocket, the usual cigarette in mouth, turns around and makes cables and batteries, jump on the tractor and slash all that lies below.

Then for the rest to general glances here and there, go buy the number, type valves for water, 1200 kg of cement (second tomorrow Round), portare I macchinari a fare tagliandi, ecc. La Dubix è tornata la Regina Incontrastata dell'Excel, sparando report tipo monitoraggio litri di acqua per vite per stazione. Chissà se avrò anch'io, un giorno, un report sui millimetri di pioggia.

- Fine parte 1° -

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What Does All Nighter Wood Stove Look Like


more than sixty years have passed by the events in question, namely the events that have divided Italians between the two opposing sides in the bloodiest civil war in their recent history, and has not yet reached genuine national reconciliation based on full recognition by all of indisputable values \u200b\u200band shared, starting from which to move forward, and the final delivery to the history of those tragic events in the past, into history that clearly can not inendersi as storage on the back burner of the events themselves or as an impossible, or even desirable, "embrassons nous" suggellante the general equation of them all the choices of the field made then, considering the only criterion of "good faith "of those who did, but, on the contrary, it should finally be based on clear, clear and definitive public admission by all but one of the two cases in play in '43-45 was the right one, regardless of the individual episodes of heroic behavior or conduct infamous recorded on one side as the other, and the consequent abandonment despicably hateful habit to exploit for its own quotas for political purposes, any more little phrase uttered by the opponent, on these subjects, which provided for the purpose, as is the case with statements of Alemanno and La Russa during the recent commemorations of 8 September and the first acts of resistance.
The claims, made in the past and partly still today, by some extreme right, to place the same importance to the choice made by those who, in 1943 and beyond, is in favor of restoring freedom and democracy, as a statement in the wake of the now inevitable outcome of the war for granted, and that's persevered in the war rather than as irretrievably lost, but fought in the forces of barbarism, the only justification of "good faith" that would animate them, can not be accepted.
The good or bad faith inspires everyone, or fortuitous circumstances for which many found themselves in the ranks "Republicans", should be evaluated on a case by case and certainly would lead us to feel deep feelings of respect for many of these fighters standing alone, but may weigh on the overall assessment of the total negativity of the cause for which they, sometimes even heroically fought: a cause whose triumph would mean the victory of the most brutal violence, oppression, intolerance.
Now, a fact is that those who hold responsibility at this time the government of our country, even if "right", these concepts seems to have, thank God, assimilated perfectly: the Minister of Defence, for example, in his speech to commemorate the events of Porta San Paolo has unequivocally praised that first note Resistance and exalted those who, in general, have restored freedom and democracy to Italy. The so-called "honor" that he turned to the admirable performance in the field of a unit deployed "on the wrong side" simply falls between those of individual acts of bravery awards that are honestly due, but that does not imply any change of opinion on the case "political" the service of which the men were fighting.
Therefore, the controversy triggered from the usual left our beautiful on those few words spoken almost in an aside it seems once again completely sterile and pretentious, especially when taking into account, for example, that it was a senior member of the same political side, Violante, a years ago to launch a far more sensational invitation to be sympathetic to the choice made by the young fighters of Salò, not earning much, then, that bipartisan applause.
If you really, these gentlemen, we wanted to give tit for tat, you would not reproach them for a very revolutionary - and therefore not designed to restore liberal democracy in Italy, but to plant a Soviet-style regime - of their more extremist wings Resistance of the formation of sixty years ago, every time the heirs of those who today claim to embody the best and the majority portion of those freedom fighters, as denying to others the right to share celebrations that should in fact belong to all Italians such as those of 25 April.
But the case does not seem to do it, because we are fully aware of what those realities are now things are completely unfamiliar to even the most direct of their distant descendants of 2008.
conclusion, in fact, for a true national reconciliation, because it really steps past that does not seem to want to do, be sure not to forget history, teacher of life, nor even assolversi reciprocamente da ogni responsabilità, ma si deve serenamente accettare che si tratta di un capitolo completamente diverso dalle vicende attuali, con le quali non deve continuamente mescolarsi.
Tommaso Pellegrino

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Snugtop Replacement Window

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