Friday, July 30, 2010

Male Body Waxing In Maine

Silvio Berlusconi: da Cesare a Piccolo Cesare?

Presento un articolo piuttosto originale tratto dal blog di Andrea Carancini, che riguarda la parabola discendente - tuttora in pieno corso - del mafioso-mediatico di Arcore, da Cesare quale era decaduto al rango di Piccolo Cesare, braccato dalla grande finanza anglo-americana, dagli obamiani e dai finiani ...
In the photo, the great Jewish-born American actor Edward G. Romania Robinson, interpreter of the unforgettable film Little Caesar Mervyn Le Roy [1931].
A finding on Robinson actor, who looks vaguely and strangely the old satyr-wrongdoer-seller Berlusconi, but still expresses a lot more determination, dignity and ability to dominate the scene, despite the negativity of the character he embodied:
" Small in stature, massive, grim, chilling gaze, and from making hasty, this was the kind of gangster that Robinson brought to the screen. He certainly had the physique and temperament suited to impersonate criminals and corrupt businessmen at that time were rife in large cities and filled the chronicles of the newspapers in America. But Edward G. Robinson was also a cultured man and a great artist extraction stage, he loved the painting so much to get to have, to the fifties, one of the finest collections of paintings from around the world. But, unfortunately, remained tied to cliches of the gangster and was rarely able to bring to light, in different roles, his exceptional acting talent. "
last curious note, that differs markedly from the mean Berlusconi salesman disguised as" Caesar "postmodernism gangster par excellence on the big screen, linked to the death to Rico's criminal character, Robinson was placed on the blacklist at the time of McCarthyism, suspicion, because of his political commitment, of being a communist.

Good reading, dear Comrade Stalin-polpotiani.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Silvio Berlusconi: from Little Caesar to Caesar?
scary things happen some time in Italian politics, really disturbing. Just a few days ago because the interview "bombast" (the definition of Roberto D'Agostino) with which the former "Worshipful Master" Joel Magaldi has launched an unprecedented attack [1] - by Mason in Mason - Silvio Berlusconi. Magaldi uproar that went on with an "open letter" to Prime Minister even more "bombast" [2] . In the interview struck me above all the passage in which the United States and speaks Magaldi says
"From the first Masonic democracy World, over-ocean, blowing of renewal and regeneration for the policy to international freemasonry. And Italy can not remain free ... ".
The concept has been reiterated in the "open letter", where Magaldi writes:
"Meanwhile, as you know (or have you kept in the dark?), beginning across the Atlantic, the First Republic Democratic-Masonic world, is undergoing an ambitious regeneration and dynamics of revolution (indeed very commendable) political and cultural dominant in the era of the Son of the Brother Bush Senior (2000-2008). Enough with some wheeling but shameful and profitable enough to support regimes that Western politicians tend to become "Democrature style banana republic ...".
At this point, I note another disturbing fact: this double attack falls on the same days that is unusual during the investigation by the prosecutor of Rome on the so-called P3. I say unusual, because it certainly is not normal for a prosecutor as that of Rome, known and usually pro-government, the government was to face with one of his then third inchieste.Rilevo disturbing fact: more these days (July 19) Americans have returned to the office to resize the ENI [3] , quell'ENI always frowned upon across the Atlantic to the well-known tendency to free enterprise in a strategic sector like energy. All this (particularly the references the "wind from overseas") made me think of some reason, an article appeared in the newspaper last year in which the Confindustria - referring to the opinions expressed by the Italian Prime Financial Times - it was said that "Silvio Berlusconi has become an ally" difficult "for U.S. and EU partners" [4] , stating that "under fire", in particular, was "the 'agreement with Russia for the South Stream gas pipeline and the recent opening to Iran. "Berlusconi's support for the South Stream" is causing a lot of anger in Washington and Brussels ", article applies to. Again, Italy is always the "Sole24Ore" speaking, "this year has angered Britain trying to establish a diplomatic dialogue with Iran." Who knows So how are angry, all of them, when they learned that Berlusconi has not only allowed to support the South Stream, but also dared to promote the North Stream [5] ! Let's go back a few months. After the "anger" of Americans and for Eurocrats - fruitful - Italy's relations with Russia's Putin and Iran's Ahmadinejad, here is another "breaking news" appear in the newspapers: "AMERICANS AND TIME BID ON GIANFRANCO - A February trip to USA by "privileged", "headline the November 25, 2009 Print [6] . In the piece in question also spoke of a strange character, whose name the most says nothing: Alessandro Ruben, described as "the real foreign minister Fini." Ruben is from 2004, the Italian President [7] the well-known Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. As it happens, a few days earlier - November 11 - the announcement of the feeling between the Americans and Fini, the latter had met with Abraham Foxman, ADL Director of International same [8] .'s Journey ended in the U.S., even Ruben is a success thanks to: the Americans are happy, because when the Speaker of the House back in Italy comes out with the following sentence: "They should be the interests of Italian companies working in Iran dettare la politica estera italiana” [9] . E aggiunge: “Finmeccanica segua l’esempio dell’ENI” [10] .Berlusconi è costretto a inseguire Fini e a tarpare le ali all’ENI, almeno con l’Iran [11] . Ma ormai l’”uomo degli americani” è il presidente della Camera e il premier non può evitare la nascita della fronda interna [12] .Povero Silvio: anche il B’nai B’rith gli ha voltato le spalle!Il resto è storia di questi ultimi giorni, con lo scoppio dello scandalo P3, le esternazioni massoniche e “finiane” e la “discesa in campo” di Niki Vendola quale “Obama italiano”. Berlusconi cerca di tamponare ma la situazione è critica: in troppi ormai stanno cercando di far fare a “Cesare” la fine di Piccolo Cesare, il gangster americano magistralmente intepretato da Edward G. Robinson.A questo punto è lecito porsi qualche domanda: come mai la “sinistra” italiana, a cominciare da quotidiani come l’Unità, oltre a opporsi a Berlusconi, come è giusto che sia, si oppone anche [13] a quel minimo di politica energetica autonoma portata avanti da quest’ultimo? Come mai si discute tanto di mafia e di massoneria ma non si discute mai della perdurante sudditanza dell’Italia nei confronti degli Stati Uniti, da cui storicamente discende il duplice ceppo – massonico e mafioso [14] – del nostro paese? E non sarà che in tutto questo discorso sulle stragi del 1992-93, discorso che pur tante speranze di cambiamento ha suscitato e continua a suscitare, i “maestri del discorso” continuano ad essere sempre gli americani? [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] 05/news/eni_iran-2192389 / [12] [13] http : / / [14] On the relationship U.S. Government -Mafia-Masons, since 1945, see, in BROTHERS OF ITALY, Ferruccio Pinotti (BUR, 2007) the section clean and Lodges dirty lodges between Calabria and Sicily (p. 524 et seq.) Report on U.S. government-mafia, see also, blog of Beppe Grillo, the intervention of Nicholas Biondo:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Kraft Creamy Italian Dressing

Disordini di Grenoble ed altre facezie

another round, another race.
This time starts from Grenoble.
The police opened fire on a robber, and Casino urban under-class arises.
moros But these are not all French-Algerian-Islamic as those in Paris in November 2005.
These helicopters also fired.
Like moros 2005, however, destroy destroy, non si riconoscono se non nella rabbia.
Inquietante analogia.
Sarà forse un divertimento provocato dalla noia mortale che infonde ad umani e sottoumani il nichilismo dell'epoca?
In qualche giorno, anzi, in qualche notte, 60 auto incendiate.
L'insurrezione cieca e senza una guida politica, nella piena "incoscienza di classe", è un fuocherello che la prima pioggia spegnerà.
Potrà lasciare qualche carcassa di auto nelle strade, qualche maceria fumante, qualche cadavere, ma niente di più.
Recaille o idiotizzati che vivono ai margini? Lontani epigoni del lumpenproletariat antirivoluzionario e criminale? Svaligiatori di casinò, in this case, that honor the memory of one of them died a few tens of thousands of euro?
We do not care ... We are not interested
the fate of this anarchic rabble.
We look forward to the time of the Revolution!
Eugenio Avati Ostilio
July 19, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sore Throat With Bloody Phlegm

mental training

Finché non sopprimerò quel tarlo che svilisce la fiducia in me stessa, fino a quando non smetterò di ritenere insormontabili certi muri, fino al momento in cui non crederò veramente nelle mie possibilità, continuerò a percepire una nota di amaro nei mie risultati.
Lo so, ci sto lavorando, ma la scorza è dura da scalfire. Che razza di agonista sono se, anziché approfittare dei segnali di cedimento dell’avversaria, mi accomodo sui miei passi, sentendomi giustificata a rallentare anch’io? Quasi avessi timore di superarla. È indubbio, lei è più forte, ma ultimamente le distanze si sono notevolmente ridotte, sarebbe quindi il caso che la smettessi di considerarla irraggiungibile. Può essere che effettivamente lo sia ma, accidenti a me, cambiamo registro! Eliminiamo dal vocabolario la parola “non”.
Go, Vale, go! Believe it! You never hear what the winners say? I believed ... Who are you, not to do so? You have to cross the finish line with the belief that she started the bottom of all your chances, leaving no room for recriminations as the "if only I" should disappear. You want to understand or not!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stitch Stomach Eating

Krugman, Stiglitz, Attali, ovvero L'economia politica critica prende per i fondelli le masse depauperizzate e idiotizzate

postproletari Dear, dear depauperizzati middle classes, pauper dear all, you

know that there is a subtle and false criticism of capitalism last Financial mutant, more than tolerated by systems of power and control is well integrated nell'establishment academic interest, which is timid measures "to address the crisis" without giving up-to-Market Globalization Finance, to keep standing structures of power and dispossession the crisis that they feed to promote other looting of resources and greater de-emancipation, with an air of hypocrisy to support the reformer Liberalcapitalismo murderess.

Krugman, Stiglitz and Attali - such as new Ricardo, Malthus and Say - are perhaps the new "classical" economic liberal deception for the twenty-first century, as they are engaged in publicizing the message that ... Capitalism is good, globalization as well, sufficient corrective, as I know ... a little more public spending, investment in knowledge, some control on sharks-banks.

Krugman, for example, Nobel Laureate 2008 and very active in the pages of the newspaper globalist / oligarchic New York Times, there propina the Third World Depression, the one act, after the Long Depression of the late nineteenth century [around 1873-1896] and the twentieth-century Great Depression of 1929. Krugman does not tell us clearly - the new Ricardo? - That if, after the Long Depression and World War I broke out after the fall of 1929 the Second World War broke out, we are now at risk of a generalized global war - war of the worlds in one planet - and does not tell us, the great economist with the internal logic of this mutant capitalism, that the only way to avoid the Armageddon would be a final exit from the overcoming of capitalism and its logical absurd.

What if we take, Krugman, Stiglitz and Attali! We do not want a political economy critique that still remains under oligarchic control and within the system, but a New Global Critique of Political! Marx docet!

Eugenio Ostilio Avati, critical political economy
July 6, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How Do I Unlock Voice Mailbox For A Nortel T7316e

WEB sedicente “altenativo” inutile o dannoso. Falsi alternativi e falsi anticapitalisti.

Here, I present a short list of BLOG DANGEROUS or useless, you have to avoid / skip navigation , And for each level of worthlessness / harmfulness.

1) carlogambesciametapolitics . Academic sociologist, Mannerist drawing-room, useless, arrogant, full of himself, with squalid intortato culattoni radicals [he is breech?] And ex-aennino aennino or even that did not dare to declare it [gay "right"?]. Use the quote is not to excuse but for pure display of culture. Hedonistic jerk and falsely cordial replies to comments ["embrace" rather ugly, playing smash]. Lacks courage and is a coward, maverick, not a capitalist. He wants to be a "Guru" but is only a little shit. Metapolitics can perciò convenientemente tradurre in Metastronzate. Modesto livello di pericolosità, più che altro sgradevolezza, pelosità e in molti post citatologici - "ma come sono intelligente, ma quante cose so!" - inutilità assoluta.

2) CONFLITTI E STRATEGIE . G.P. [per l'anagrafe Petrosillo] è un giovinastro stronzo arrogante e un esaltato. glg [professor La Grassa] è il "Guru" del sito del suo scolaro G.P./ Petrosillo. glg è un anziano professore di economia con meriti pregressi, ma ora in piena deriva senile e in evidente avvitamento teorico. Sono chiaramente maxweberiani, geopolitici, di fatto fiancheggiatori del peggior berlusconismo, insensibili alle questioni sociali e ambientali, sono ormai entrati in una spirale di voyeurismo, monitorando il conflitto fra i VIP nelle alte sfere. Hanno aderito, almeno in parte, all'orrenda visione geopolitica euroasiatista [gli euroasiatisti fan di Putin, degli oligarchi e dei capital-comunisti cinesi sono loro alleati] che trasforma una disciplina recente e parziale come è in effetti la geopolitica in un'ideologia a sfondo messianico. Propugnano la teoria di fase capitalistica e la ricorsività [eterno ritorno delle cose ma non le stesse ... non accorgendosi che se non tornano esattamente le stesse cose, ma cose ben diverse, ciò che arriva è il nuovo!]. Ricorsività storica e geopolitica come ideologia MI HANNO ROTTO I COGLIONI PERCHE’ SONO SOLTANTO STRONZATE FILOCAPITALISTE Which acts as a Popperian FORGERY OF NEW! And to think that once called RETHINKING MARX! It is grotesquely ironic? This blog may represent a danger to its contents and negative mind-numbing, and a nuisance because of the fanaticism and intolerance gruppettaro GP and have occurred in the "autism" by GLG.

3) EURASIA . magazine and the like. The Sufi Professor Mutti, the exalted Dr. Vernon and others. Pro-Russian multi-adoring fanatics against the former KGB Putin and the oligarchs of his faction. Idolized as saving for Europe, the satrapy putiniana. Redolent of the "theories" of the esoteric-quack Dugin [have you ever read something her? I know ... such as "Knights Templar of the proletariat"? They are authentic collage of crap for chickens] at the same time enhance the China-marketism capital of socialism slavery mutant. Do not give a damn, even as they were before [the "ripensaroli" the poor, innocent Marx] of social, ecological and environmental conditions in which a large part of the world population has to live. They believe that Eurasia, pure geographical expression with peoples, cultures, histories and traditions very different, represent a unit, or at least the fools would have you believe. They are the so-called [or better, "telling them"] Eurasia ideology totalitarian and insane. Threat level high, like that at the point 2. Carefully to avoid unless you are in the mood for bestiality.

4) Bye Bye Uncle Sam . Basically Dr. F. Roberti, connected to Eurasia. This blog is a veritable folly, because it is mono [obsessively] theme, having been created by the brilliant blogger only to monitor NATO and the military forces of the 'American empire. " Roberts believed that opening a blog this latest anti-NATO, in a couple of years, would be withdrawn gradually and miraculously, freeing Italy. So obviously it was not, and the poor Roberti, incredulous, oggi ne soffre. Livello alto d’inutilità. Se durante la navigazione lo incontrate, non soffermatevi, perdereste inutilmente tempo.

5) Generazione Europa . Bagozzi, Orsini, Salimbeni. Un tempo c’era anche un certo Orso, che però intelligentemente se l’è filata Si tratta di un paio di siti ormai “morti”, non più aggiornati da tempo, veri relitti del web. Negativa propaggine triestina dell’euroasiatismo più fanatico, ideologico e deteriore la sua morte è dovuta alla mancanza di consensi e adesioni … pur vivendo in una società obnubilata, prona e manipolata, le stronzate euroasiatiste sono troppo anche per i molti imbecilli-decerebrati che caracollano and network around like zombies. Danger medium / high, so as to avoid, but luckily it seems that the two blogs are dead.

6) The False Maurizio Blondet . This site was a shit and a den of vile bastards leaguers [just read the comments to understand it], but fortunately seems to have disappeared, and so the problem does not arise ... for now, because it is said that reappear. If you were to reappear, please note that it is dangerous and subsumes a genuine merdaio League.

7) WOLFSTEP . Uriel, an angel is not clear what, information technology in Germany and ex-bouncer. Intolerant, pedantic, deeply vulgar, pro-capitalist and said, I have no way of suspect, even para-League. Some of his statements, as they may seem original, are deleterious. Threat level medium / high. Be avoided with care.

8) Red China. Various Authors [various authors]. Even the children reached school age, they realize that after the turn denghiana and in particular to the present day China is increasingly a 'horrible form of Mercat, daughter of neoliberal globalization, and a monstrous hybrid of socialism and emptied of contents polluter and destroyer capitalism, where there are concentration camps for slave labor, subjugated by the masses of poor peasants and workers supertaken capital. Yet there are fanatics fainting, in some cases fossils of other historical periods, who believe that China is still Red, Communist and Revolutionary. You might as well believe in Santa Claus, to Berlusconi President worker "or the Blue Fairy [if it has not become too Escort]! Poor Mao did not deserve it at all! Site useless, more than dangerous, because everyone knows what is today China. For now, suffice it

This concludes this short Schifo Parade Sites negative / false alternative. Other dangers, other "obstacles" encountered when surfing the internet you will report it later with a notice to mariners next.

Death to liberal capitalism and globalization. Death to Emilio Fede!

Comrade Eugene Avati Ostilio
July 1, 2010