WEB sedicente “altenativo” inutile o dannoso. Falsi alternativi e falsi anticapitalisti.
Here, I present a short list of BLOG DANGEROUS or useless, you have to avoid / skip navigation , And for each level of worthlessness / harmfulness.
1) carlogambesciametapolitics . Academic sociologist, Mannerist drawing-room, useless, arrogant, full of himself, with squalid intortato culattoni radicals [he is breech?] And ex-aennino aennino or even that did not dare to declare it [gay "right"?]. Use the quote is not to excuse but for pure display of culture. Hedonistic jerk and falsely cordial replies to comments ["embrace" rather ugly, playing smash]. Lacks courage and is a coward, maverick, not a capitalist. He wants to be a "Guru" but is only a little shit. Metapolitics can perciò convenientemente tradurre in Metastronzate. Modesto livello di pericolosità, più che altro sgradevolezza, pelosità e in molti post citatologici - "ma come sono intelligente, ma quante cose so!" - inutilità assoluta.
2) CONFLITTI E STRATEGIE . G.P. [per l'anagrafe Petrosillo] è un giovinastro stronzo arrogante e un esaltato. glg [professor La Grassa] è il "Guru" del sito del suo scolaro G.P./ Petrosillo. glg è un anziano professore di economia con meriti pregressi, ma ora in piena deriva senile e in evidente avvitamento teorico. Sono chiaramente maxweberiani, geopolitici, di fatto fiancheggiatori del peggior berlusconismo, insensibili alle questioni sociali e ambientali, sono ormai entrati in una spirale di voyeurismo, monitorando il conflitto fra i VIP nelle alte sfere. Hanno aderito, almeno in parte, all'orrenda visione geopolitica euroasiatista [gli euroasiatisti fan di Putin, degli oligarchi e dei capital-comunisti cinesi sono loro alleati] che trasforma una disciplina recente e parziale come è in effetti la geopolitica in un'ideologia a sfondo messianico. Propugnano la teoria di fase capitalistica e la ricorsività [eterno ritorno delle cose ma non le stesse ... non accorgendosi che se non tornano esattamente le stesse cose, ma cose ben diverse, ciò che arriva è il nuovo!]. Ricorsività storica e geopolitica come ideologia MI HANNO ROTTO I COGLIONI PERCHE’ SONO SOLTANTO STRONZATE FILOCAPITALISTE Which acts as a Popperian FORGERY OF NEW! And to think that once called RETHINKING MARX! It is grotesquely ironic? This blog may represent a danger to its contents and negative mind-numbing, and a nuisance because of the fanaticism and intolerance gruppettaro GP and have occurred in the "autism" by GLG.
3) EURASIA . magazine and the like. The Sufi Professor Mutti, the exalted Dr. Vernon and others. Pro-Russian multi-adoring fanatics against the former KGB Putin and the oligarchs of his faction. Idolized as saving for Europe, the satrapy putiniana. Redolent of the "theories" of the esoteric-quack Dugin [have you ever read something her? I know ... such as "Knights Templar of the proletariat"? They are authentic collage of crap for chickens] at the same time enhance the China-marketism capital of socialism slavery mutant. Do not give a damn, even as they were before [the "ripensaroli" the poor, innocent Marx] of social, ecological and environmental conditions in which a large part of the world population has to live. They believe that Eurasia, pure geographical expression with peoples, cultures, histories and traditions very different, represent a unit, or at least the fools would have you believe. They are the so-called [or better, "telling them"] Eurasia ideology totalitarian and insane. Threat level high, like that at the point 2. Carefully to avoid unless you are in the mood for bestiality.
4) Bye Bye Uncle Sam . Basically Dr. F. Roberti, connected to Eurasia. This blog is a veritable folly, because it is mono [obsessively] theme, having been created by the brilliant blogger only to monitor NATO and the military forces of the 'American empire. " Roberts believed that opening a blog this latest anti-NATO, in a couple of years, would be withdrawn gradually and miraculously, freeing Italy. So obviously it was not, and the poor Roberti, incredulous, oggi ne soffre. Livello alto d’inutilità. Se durante la navigazione lo incontrate, non soffermatevi, perdereste inutilmente tempo.
5) Generazione Europa . Bagozzi, Orsini, Salimbeni. Un tempo c’era anche un certo Orso, che però intelligentemente se l’è filata Si tratta di un paio di siti ormai “morti”, non più aggiornati da tempo, veri relitti del web. Negativa propaggine triestina dell’euroasiatismo più fanatico, ideologico e deteriore la sua morte è dovuta alla mancanza di consensi e adesioni … pur vivendo in una società obnubilata, prona e manipolata, le stronzate euroasiatiste sono troppo anche per i molti imbecilli-decerebrati che caracollano and network around like zombies. Danger medium / high, so as to avoid, but luckily it seems that the two blogs are dead.
6) The False Maurizio Blondet . This site was a shit and a den of vile bastards leaguers [just read the comments to understand it], but fortunately seems to have disappeared, and so the problem does not arise ... for now, because it is said that reappear. If you were to reappear, please note that it is dangerous and subsumes a genuine merdaio League.
7) WOLFSTEP . Uriel, an angel is not clear what, information technology in Germany and ex-bouncer. Intolerant, pedantic, deeply vulgar, pro-capitalist and said, I have no way of suspect, even para-League. Some of his statements, as they may seem original, are deleterious. Threat level medium / high. Be avoided with care.
8) Red China. Various Authors [various authors]. Even the children reached school age, they realize that after the turn denghiana and in particular to the present day China is increasingly a 'horrible form of Mercat, daughter of neoliberal globalization, and a monstrous hybrid of socialism and emptied of contents polluter and destroyer capitalism, where there are concentration camps for slave labor, subjugated by the masses of poor peasants and workers supertaken capital. Yet there are fanatics fainting, in some cases fossils of other historical periods, who believe that China is still Red, Communist and Revolutionary. You might as well believe in Santa Claus, to Berlusconi President worker "or the Blue Fairy [if it has not become too Escort]! Poor Mao did not deserve it at all! Site useless, more than dangerous, because everyone knows what is today China. For now, suffice it
This concludes this short Schifo Parade Sites negative / false alternative. Other dangers, other "obstacles" encountered when surfing the internet you will report it later with a notice to mariners next.
Death to liberal capitalism and globalization. Death to Emilio Fede!
Comrade Eugene Avati Ostilio
July 1, 2010
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