Friday, July 30, 2010

Male Body Waxing In Maine

Silvio Berlusconi: da Cesare a Piccolo Cesare?

Presento un articolo piuttosto originale tratto dal blog di Andrea Carancini, che riguarda la parabola discendente - tuttora in pieno corso - del mafioso-mediatico di Arcore, da Cesare quale era decaduto al rango di Piccolo Cesare, braccato dalla grande finanza anglo-americana, dagli obamiani e dai finiani ...
In the photo, the great Jewish-born American actor Edward G. Romania Robinson, interpreter of the unforgettable film Little Caesar Mervyn Le Roy [1931].
A finding on Robinson actor, who looks vaguely and strangely the old satyr-wrongdoer-seller Berlusconi, but still expresses a lot more determination, dignity and ability to dominate the scene, despite the negativity of the character he embodied:
" Small in stature, massive, grim, chilling gaze, and from making hasty, this was the kind of gangster that Robinson brought to the screen. He certainly had the physique and temperament suited to impersonate criminals and corrupt businessmen at that time were rife in large cities and filled the chronicles of the newspapers in America. But Edward G. Robinson was also a cultured man and a great artist extraction stage, he loved the painting so much to get to have, to the fifties, one of the finest collections of paintings from around the world. But, unfortunately, remained tied to cliches of the gangster and was rarely able to bring to light, in different roles, his exceptional acting talent. "
last curious note, that differs markedly from the mean Berlusconi salesman disguised as" Caesar "postmodernism gangster par excellence on the big screen, linked to the death to Rico's criminal character, Robinson was placed on the blacklist at the time of McCarthyism, suspicion, because of his political commitment, of being a communist.

Good reading, dear Comrade Stalin-polpotiani.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Silvio Berlusconi: from Little Caesar to Caesar?
scary things happen some time in Italian politics, really disturbing. Just a few days ago because the interview "bombast" (the definition of Roberto D'Agostino) with which the former "Worshipful Master" Joel Magaldi has launched an unprecedented attack [1] - by Mason in Mason - Silvio Berlusconi. Magaldi uproar that went on with an "open letter" to Prime Minister even more "bombast" [2] . In the interview struck me above all the passage in which the United States and speaks Magaldi says
"From the first Masonic democracy World, over-ocean, blowing of renewal and regeneration for the policy to international freemasonry. And Italy can not remain free ... ".
The concept has been reiterated in the "open letter", where Magaldi writes:
"Meanwhile, as you know (or have you kept in the dark?), beginning across the Atlantic, the First Republic Democratic-Masonic world, is undergoing an ambitious regeneration and dynamics of revolution (indeed very commendable) political and cultural dominant in the era of the Son of the Brother Bush Senior (2000-2008). Enough with some wheeling but shameful and profitable enough to support regimes that Western politicians tend to become "Democrature style banana republic ...".
At this point, I note another disturbing fact: this double attack falls on the same days that is unusual during the investigation by the prosecutor of Rome on the so-called P3. I say unusual, because it certainly is not normal for a prosecutor as that of Rome, known and usually pro-government, the government was to face with one of his then third inchieste.Rilevo disturbing fact: more these days (July 19) Americans have returned to the office to resize the ENI [3] , quell'ENI always frowned upon across the Atlantic to the well-known tendency to free enterprise in a strategic sector like energy. All this (particularly the references the "wind from overseas") made me think of some reason, an article appeared in the newspaper last year in which the Confindustria - referring to the opinions expressed by the Italian Prime Financial Times - it was said that "Silvio Berlusconi has become an ally" difficult "for U.S. and EU partners" [4] , stating that "under fire", in particular, was "the 'agreement with Russia for the South Stream gas pipeline and the recent opening to Iran. "Berlusconi's support for the South Stream" is causing a lot of anger in Washington and Brussels ", article applies to. Again, Italy is always the "Sole24Ore" speaking, "this year has angered Britain trying to establish a diplomatic dialogue with Iran." Who knows So how are angry, all of them, when they learned that Berlusconi has not only allowed to support the South Stream, but also dared to promote the North Stream [5] ! Let's go back a few months. After the "anger" of Americans and for Eurocrats - fruitful - Italy's relations with Russia's Putin and Iran's Ahmadinejad, here is another "breaking news" appear in the newspapers: "AMERICANS AND TIME BID ON GIANFRANCO - A February trip to USA by "privileged", "headline the November 25, 2009 Print [6] . In the piece in question also spoke of a strange character, whose name the most says nothing: Alessandro Ruben, described as "the real foreign minister Fini." Ruben is from 2004, the Italian President [7] the well-known Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. As it happens, a few days earlier - November 11 - the announcement of the feeling between the Americans and Fini, the latter had met with Abraham Foxman, ADL Director of International same [8] .'s Journey ended in the U.S., even Ruben is a success thanks to: the Americans are happy, because when the Speaker of the House back in Italy comes out with the following sentence: "They should be the interests of Italian companies working in Iran dettare la politica estera italiana” [9] . E aggiunge: “Finmeccanica segua l’esempio dell’ENI” [10] .Berlusconi è costretto a inseguire Fini e a tarpare le ali all’ENI, almeno con l’Iran [11] . Ma ormai l’”uomo degli americani” è il presidente della Camera e il premier non può evitare la nascita della fronda interna [12] .Povero Silvio: anche il B’nai B’rith gli ha voltato le spalle!Il resto è storia di questi ultimi giorni, con lo scoppio dello scandalo P3, le esternazioni massoniche e “finiane” e la “discesa in campo” di Niki Vendola quale “Obama italiano”. Berlusconi cerca di tamponare ma la situazione è critica: in troppi ormai stanno cercando di far fare a “Cesare” la fine di Piccolo Cesare, il gangster americano magistralmente intepretato da Edward G. Robinson.A questo punto è lecito porsi qualche domanda: come mai la “sinistra” italiana, a cominciare da quotidiani come l’Unità, oltre a opporsi a Berlusconi, come è giusto che sia, si oppone anche [13] a quel minimo di politica energetica autonoma portata avanti da quest’ultimo? Come mai si discute tanto di mafia e di massoneria ma non si discute mai della perdurante sudditanza dell’Italia nei confronti degli Stati Uniti, da cui storicamente discende il duplice ceppo – massonico e mafioso [14] – del nostro paese? E non sarà che in tutto questo discorso sulle stragi del 1992-93, discorso che pur tante speranze di cambiamento ha suscitato e continua a suscitare, i “maestri del discorso” continuano ad essere sempre gli americani? [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] 05/news/eni_iran-2192389 / [12] [13] http : / / [14] On the relationship U.S. Government -Mafia-Masons, since 1945, see, in BROTHERS OF ITALY, Ferruccio Pinotti (BUR, 2007) the section clean and Lodges dirty lodges between Calabria and Sicily (p. 524 et seq.) Report on U.S. government-mafia, see also, blog of Beppe Grillo, the intervention of Nicholas Biondo:


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