(... but how many points left x road !...)
Saturday, November 13, 2010 is the turn of the 3rd test Regional , the last chance to "play" access to the national finals, and the location is the Sports Hall of Alzate Brianza (CO) , home of the gymnastics Gioy.
We assume that, in absolute terms, the first goal that we are prepared to pursue was to improve their total score, in view of "classificone" who will decide admission to the final of the Italian championship in early December, and this first objective can be reached to say: total of 178.225 points Saturday, against 175.675 in the previous test, with a nice ;-) +2.55
The girls, in general, they believe, especially considering that each of them was called to insert new elements in the race and know how to run the show permanently, before deciding "to do" in the preparation of the last act of this championship.
The report cards on Saturday (the "votes" are not comparable between gymnasts and any assessment is related to what each was required to demonstrate in relation to your personal technical skills and non):
Martina : completa finalmente tutto il suo articolato esercizio alle Parallele, sigla una Trave a mio dire davvero molto pulita (eccezion fatta per l'unico errore sul giro...sigh), prosegue inserendo una riga nuova di valore al Corpo Libero, e conclude con due salti puliti a Volteggio; VOTO: 8 (+ Bonus per la presenza in campo gara, TRASCINATRICE ;-)
Camilla : Parallela sottotono, non convince, esercizio pulito ma ancora si attende di vedere le sue reali potenzialità (...guarda che di gara ne rimane solo una...), procede poi sulla Trave con la sicurezza della "titolare di cattedra" a questo attrezzo, inserendo una buona ruota senza, peccato poi per la "distrazione" Art on the series ... Free body stable and ready to add new diagonal to the next test, Vault ... undertone. RATING: 6 / 7 (+ "Bonus" for the presence in the field, I say it's better than in the past, the "small" growth growth ;-)
Cristina : Parallel finally over, few vertical, but completed, Brava. Beam (not done) waiting to "take off" with a lot of "irons in the fire" but still not very clean to convince, force Cry. Free body stabilized and marked improvement in choreography, looks good, starting to raise scores. Vaulting to (not run) gives way to "companion of adventures" that lavorato meglio in queste ultime settimane, spirito di squadra e di adattamento ineccepibile. VOTO: 6,5 (presenza in campo ++, grida di supporto alle compagne si fanno sempre più sentire, vera squadra)
Francesca : Parallela (non eseguita) ancora da far emergere ma nuovi elementi tecnici in palestra sempre in aumento; Trave... ... .. .. (eseguita per metà!) = Tonno :-) Ansia da prestazione che ancora supera la concentrazione richiesta purtroppo, giudizio non facile, prendiamo il buono... Ruota senza voto: 10, fiducia dell'allenatore ( e delle compagne di squadra! unanimi nel giudizio): 11!
"Puoi anche fartela under which so much what I think does not change, I have full confidence in you, to work. "loose body (not run)" work in progress ", achieved the right Vaulting well done, drawing a veil over the" total panic "to the test 'tool ... "and then tell me if it is your own personal RITE superstitious then oh well, everyone has their own .." VOTE: 6 (+ Bonus, ... that is in training that affects you on Monday in the gym ... surprise :-) :-) :-)!!!)
Mavtina : Be present and do not compete hides a great difficulty and responsibility, especially in terms of "presence" in the field, the hips; role than in the past everywhere and always affects someone but not everyone knows filled; Personally, despite what you might think, 90% of female athletes in this "role" of gregarious time goes mute in a corner, face off and sad, but Marty ;-) not our presence in the field and live on, shoulder to shoulder cheering companions and constant moral support. Place alongside other well-deserved podium. Rating: 7
One step at a time, hour after hour training together, we grow. Being part of this journey is worth every effort spent (and every ... phone broke ...!);
2nd place in the first working group so as deserved the trophy, and the greatest joy for me .. . the smiles on your face after the race ;-)
"Tomorrow again, again tomorrow, tomorrow more."
(rank: http://www.fgilombardia.it/pdf/Classifica 20Serie% 20C1%%% 203% 20GAF 20prova.pdf )
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