Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ri Temporary Disability

Interregionale di SPECIALITA' NORD-OVEST, categoria JUNIOR

Oggi è stata la volta di Cecilia Magni , nostra unica ginnasta Junior , a cimentarsi ,nell'attrezzo per il quale si era qualificata la volta scorsa, la TRAVE, in questa prova interregionale Master.

Atmosfera tesa e non solo l'atmosfera... la nostra Cice reduce da una settimana di lavoro quite uncertain, begins the long, long tests in the building of Mortara dawn.
"ferry" in and out of the competition and on and off the field test, looking with the continuous repetition of the exercise to find the concentration you need to play better in those brief 90 seconds of exercise.

At the time of the "call" by the judges will spend only a few, unfortunately, too few of those 90 seconds, before coming from a bad series acrobatic backward (flic-jump) the costs of a bad fall and a "small "but painful injury that involves, alas, the abandonment of the race.

Just yesterday, my brief reflection on a "Based on the work you do girls in the gym, a coach I can (for better or for worse) plan without any major surprises to the outcome of the race "... I replied ironically," Well then tell us how it goes, so see if you should have it or not: - )"...

We expect the best race, for sure, and should be given credit for having "honored the battlefield" always and everywhere, without flinching in the face of a thousand worries, however, remains regret for all (you and me safe), they were not able to present the best.

E 'bitter to say ... but maybe the time would be better to spend more than a few tears in the gym, if you realize not giving the attezione was needed, instead of "Badarci little" because the race is far, instead of spending ... then the tears just after when it has already escaped the opprotunità :-(

"The opportunity, however, is not the only, let alone the last Cice! And you expect to return
perhaps the biggest task, find the drive to start the work, and persistence to carry it forward, again, we count many, on all four gears. "



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