Sunday, December 26, 2010
Free Brent Everett Vids
Sunday, December 19, 2010
What Should My Doctor Do For Hip Bursitis
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Gpa Bachelor Or Master
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pontoon Boats Unstable
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Whiteheads Under The Eyes
Sunday, November 21, 2010
It Is Possible To Have Tmj After Braces?
Naufragare, appunto. È quanto stava per accadermi oggi, in quei tre chilometri di fuori strada che caratterizzano il percorso della Due Mulini. Siamo già oltre metà gara, quindi sufficientemente provati. Specie se, come al solito, allo sparo siamo schizzati come fulmini. Insomma, come lo devo dire? So bene che non si fa e che ne pagherò le conseguenze, ma se non mi libero subito dalla ressa iniziale finisco coll’angosciarmi. Poi, anche oggi, come due domeniche fa, ho un’ulteriore giustificazione: devo mettere avanti i lavori, in previsione dell’affondo sullo sterrato. Certo che la gara di Molinella, in confronto, si correva su un’autostrada. Qui, invece, se nei primi due chilometri di sentiero basta fare attenzione ad evitare le pozzanghere, l’ultimo tratto in aperta campagna rappresenta una prova da equilibristi. Ecco, ora mi gioco di certo il vantaggio acquisito. Già immagino l’avversaria che ride alle mie spalle, vedendomi incespicare come una papera, pronta ad umiliarmi quando manca meno di una manciata di chilometri all’arrivo. È la volta buona che finisco nel fosso. Non sto controllando affatto the partial, I'm in trouble so I prefer to ignore, not to demoralize us further. It is also true that today are less motivated. First, there is social competition - though this, in part, relieves me, limiting the expectations of everyone. The day, then, is anything but inviting. In addition to rain, a cold wind and insidious that I shrinks again before leaving. I tried to stick to some group, in search of shelter, but it will all run away: there is really no slow as me. Who joins me for a while ', change your gear on the ground that I most hated. Another that seems to mark the rhythm with me, suddenly stops and let me go (Well, I changed my mind: someone who goes up there). However, I can not afford a drop in voltage that never cross the finish with remorse, having given up the fight for my position. That, I think, should be the third. It looks like the replica of the last film.
Finally the asphalt. Consider then the miles earlier as a refreshing break, shoot and now all the dust we have in the body. We have yet? Of course it is. I've got to riagguantare Paul, just to get started. He is more cautious, steady pace from the start, so I just scrub in the pipeline, highlighting the folly della mia gestione di gara. Puntarlo, però, attizza la mia carica: so che difficilmente lo raggiungerò, ma fissare un obiettivo mi aiuta a non mollare. Resisti! Lascia che esplodano i polmoni, che il respiro si tramuti in lamento, che le gambe si facciano di piombo. Corri, e non ti curare d’altro. Ché il traguardo è lì. Certo, è proprio la voce dello speaker quella che senti, e chi corre in senso contrario è perché ha appena terminato la sua gara. Ora tocca a te. La terza donna, brava . Brava, sì: devi essere brava a tenere, fino in fondo. Ti sei guardata alle spalle, poco fa, e non hai individuato nessuna minaccia. Ma non fidarti: stringi forte i denti e difendi la tua pellaccia. Ecco Valentina Gualandi, che taglia il traguardo al quarto posto . Quarto? Ma allora?...
Brava Vale, quarta! Un accidenti, chi mi sono persa? Ma dai, la marocchina, no? Avrà dato dieci minuti alla seconda! Già, e io non l’ho proprio vista. Ora che ricordo, alla partenza le ragazze dissero di averla individuata, ma io me n’ero del tutto dimenticata.
Ri Temporary Disability
Atmosfera tesa e non solo l'atmosfera... la nostra Cice reduce da una settimana di lavoro quite uncertain, begins the long, long tests in the building of Mortara dawn.
At the time of the "call" by the judges will spend only a few, unfortunately, too few of those 90 seconds, before coming from a bad series acrobatic backward (flic-jump) the costs of a bad fall and a "small "but painful injury that involves, alas, the abandonment of the race.
Just yesterday, my brief reflection on a "Based on the work you do girls in the gym, a coach I can (for better or for worse) plan without any major surprises to the outcome of the race "... I replied ironically," Well then tell us how it goes, so see if you should have it or not: - )"...
We expect the best race, for sure, and should be given credit for having "honored the battlefield" always and everywhere, without flinching in the face of a thousand worries, however, remains regret for all (you and me safe), they were not able to present the best.
E 'bitter to say ... but maybe the time would be better to spend more than a few tears in the gym, if you realize not giving the attezione was needed, instead of "Badarci little" because the race is far, instead of spending ... then the tears just after when it has already escaped the opprotunità :-(
"The opportunity, however, is not the only, let alone the last Cice! And you expect to return
perhaps the biggest task, find the drive to start the work, and persistence to carry it forward, again, we count many, on all four gears. "
Rainbow Inflatable Baby Walker
Reduce by weeks of work "undermined" by an inconvenient sprained ankle (remedied during the tests to vault the last race) has filed an appeal, however, for this test is valid for access to the national finals in December, with all the going to try anyway!
We were in fervent expectation of confirmation for his part, not so much with regard to the total score (a small improvement of just over 2 points, with a third place in the queue to only two survivors in the category), but in view to demonstrate to all and first of all to herself that the program has so far never completed in full, is in fact within his reach and allow her and coach to "fix the Game" in view of the Italian championship at the door.
confirm that I am a positive way ;-)
passed the obstacle (for the physical problems mentioned above) of the vault, although a single jump of evidence that was likely to affect the outcome of the competition because of an excessively low arrival concludes the first rotation "free."
The second (rotation), sees the track a little dream, bringing back a jump Stagg (Tkachev) that under conditions of competition had never realized fully ... until now! :-) High jump, finished with flying colors.
pity for inaccuracies on the work of vertical lines and heavily penalized by having to adjust the score to the tool, but for this there are now four weeks of work on.
La Traviata, "black beast" as she considers it, the ending theme series acrobatics and acrobatic forward without falling. Sometimes the motivation and the desire to respond to its concerns over the stress of competition and do not let this take over "stealing" the athlete of what I think it is right for all the effort spent in pursuing his goal. Too bad for the imprecision with rotation on a jump that cost her the only fall apparatus.
Go ahead!
concludes the floor exercise with a simple exercise that excites but serves to "the cause" to bring home the skin with a long awaited confirmation of a state of health and, hopefully, that will allow us to better prepare the national final at the conclusion of the championship.
will be vital to the workload that will be able to endure in recent weeks, and yet the care and precision that he will put in every single day that separates us from the 'Final Act "(for the 2010 ).
to work!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Bahrain Sports Channel Frequency On Nilesat
Saturday, November 13, 2010 is the turn of the 3rd test Regional , the last chance to "play" access to the national finals, and the location is the Sports Hall of Alzate Brianza (CO) , home of the gymnastics Gioy.
We assume that, in absolute terms, the first goal that we are prepared to pursue was to improve their total score, in view of "classificone" who will decide admission to the final of the Italian championship in early December, and this first objective can be reached to say: total of 178.225 points Saturday, against 175.675 in the previous test, with a nice ;-) +2.55
The girls, in general, they believe, especially considering that each of them was called to insert new elements in the race and know how to run the show permanently, before deciding "to do" in the preparation of the last act of this championship.
The report cards on Saturday (the "votes" are not comparable between gymnasts and any assessment is related to what each was required to demonstrate in relation to your personal technical skills and non):
Martina : completa finalmente tutto il suo articolato esercizio alle Parallele, sigla una Trave a mio dire davvero molto pulita (eccezion fatta per l'unico errore sul giro...sigh), prosegue inserendo una riga nuova di valore al Corpo Libero, e conclude con due salti puliti a Volteggio; VOTO: 8 (+ Bonus per la presenza in campo gara, TRASCINATRICE ;-)
Camilla : Parallela sottotono, non convince, esercizio pulito ma ancora si attende di vedere le sue reali potenzialità (...guarda che di gara ne rimane solo una...), procede poi sulla Trave con la sicurezza della "titolare di cattedra" a questo attrezzo, inserendo una buona ruota senza, peccato poi per la "distrazione" Art on the series ... Free body stable and ready to add new diagonal to the next test, Vault ... undertone. RATING: 6 / 7 (+ "Bonus" for the presence in the field, I say it's better than in the past, the "small" growth growth ;-)
Cristina : Parallel finally over, few vertical, but completed, Brava. Beam (not done) waiting to "take off" with a lot of "irons in the fire" but still not very clean to convince, force Cry. Free body stabilized and marked improvement in choreography, looks good, starting to raise scores. Vaulting to (not run) gives way to "companion of adventures" that lavorato meglio in queste ultime settimane, spirito di squadra e di adattamento ineccepibile. VOTO: 6,5 (presenza in campo ++, grida di supporto alle compagne si fanno sempre più sentire, vera squadra)
Francesca : Parallela (non eseguita) ancora da far emergere ma nuovi elementi tecnici in palestra sempre in aumento; Trave... ... .. .. (eseguita per metà!) = Tonno :-) Ansia da prestazione che ancora supera la concentrazione richiesta purtroppo, giudizio non facile, prendiamo il buono... Ruota senza voto: 10, fiducia dell'allenatore ( e delle compagne di squadra! unanimi nel giudizio): 11!
"Puoi anche fartela under which so much what I think does not change, I have full confidence in you, to work. "loose body (not run)" work in progress ", achieved the right Vaulting well done, drawing a veil over the" total panic "to the test 'tool ... "and then tell me if it is your own personal RITE superstitious then oh well, everyone has their own .." VOTE: 6 (+ Bonus, ... that is in training that affects you on Monday in the gym ... surprise :-) :-) :-)!!!)
Mavtina : Be present and do not compete hides a great difficulty and responsibility, especially in terms of "presence" in the field, the hips; role than in the past everywhere and always affects someone but not everyone knows filled; Personally, despite what you might think, 90% of female athletes in this "role" of gregarious time goes mute in a corner, face off and sad, but Marty ;-) not our presence in the field and live on, shoulder to shoulder cheering companions and constant moral support. Place alongside other well-deserved podium. Rating: 7
One step at a time, hour after hour training together, we grow. Being part of this journey is worth every effort spent (and every ... phone broke ...!);
2nd place in the first working group so as deserved the trophy, and the greatest joy for me .. . the smiles on your face after the race ;-)
"Tomorrow again, again tomorrow, tomorrow more."
(rank: 20Serie% 20C1%%% 203% 20GAF 20prova.pdf )
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Old Loggy Tree Stands
The meeting-training is provided, as per above circular, for the day Sunday, November 28 at the gym Palaunimec Via Edison - Arcore - from 9.00 to 13.00 .
For information and details we update the gym.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Camera Flash Cat Eyes
as I left a rocket and I would not found hanged soon. The first two are there, not so far apart, however too much for my chances. Too much? Why? Woe be denied opportunities. It is true that today, from the beginning, do not stand for the belief (I know, is not new). Besides, how is it done? Who beat me by a whisker last Sunday I had already humiliated on other occasions: in fact, this year I have never been back. Why this Sunday should be done differently? The "boss" said he wants me on the podium, that laugh! However, on closer inspection, you do not see many adversaries for granted ranked first and second, the third position is to be played. Play, then, and play hard. Yes, because, whatever happens, I want to bring certainty to the finish: to have done their best.
Trail covered with wet leaves: ah, here it slows down too much. Thank God that the stroke is short, the gravel on clay does not restrict too much: on a dirt road so I can run almost decently, too. The Garmin, that peek from time to time, reveals that go along enough yet shipped, but this reassures me I have strong doubts about my estate: I'm struggling a lot, and the race is still long. As far as I can hold this pace? I'd love to know what is happening behind me, but not I dare turn around. Whenever I feel the approach of someone, I try to catch the pass and breath whether it is male or female. I fear that the enemy really is controlling me, fool me for the better. Mid is gone, and comes shortly after the tenth km. Unable to avoid the ugly memory of a week ago when, at this distance, I lost one position. But that's another story. I'm fine. Sure, I lost what little thing compared to the initial enthusiasm, but my legs are still in good thrust. In a couple of corners I try to check, at the corner of my eye hazard. Do not capture anything significant, but at a quick glance it may miss details determinanti. Occorre però mantenere la concentrazione, specie ora che mancano pochi chilometri: i più difficili. Richiamo alla mente immagini, pensieri, episodi di successo. Oggi non ho nessuno al mio fianco, non ci sono voci amiche che mi sostengano: è solo in me che devo trovare la giusta carica. Due chilometri ancora. Sono decisamente al limite, se mi supera adesso mi butto nel fosso. Meno uno. Brava, terza donna! Rizzo le antenne, per carpire eventuali incitamenti alla quarta… Non odo nulla, che sia già al sicuro? Meglio non fidarsi, specie dopo avere individuato, grazie ad una rotonda, che l’avversaria non è poi così lontana. Sono terza, e terza devo restare: metto le ali e volo, a costo di schiantarmi.
Here. You see? I climbed on the podium. Today I am satisfied. Of course, not one hundred percent, there is always that slightly sour note that cracks a smile. Just do not pay any attention, and be lulled by the melody sometimes does well.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Coversyl Cause Weight Gain
This time I give the word to direct interested ...
There remains the disappointment and hope to be able to access the inter-race to try to finally submit (and would even now) a year "as it should."
was then the turn of corpolibero and here things are not much better! Failure to comply with a diagonal acrobatics, and then the consequent lowering of the starting points, it allowed me to get more than 10.70 and to go back beyond the twelfth position (if nothing else I can say that it was consistent ... the twelfth in both tools =)).
Conclusion? On Halloween day has not brought much luck ... but I know very well that is not a matter of luck and that's why tomorrow we return to work in the gym, trying to improve and prepare for the next race. "
(rank: http:// )
Buster In Arrested Development
This time I give the word to direct interested ...
"In the day to 10/31/2010 Mortara was held on the second round of regional championship senior class that I saw part of it.
are playing parallel machine in which I carried for the first time the tkatchev, jump that I run almost correctly ... too bad I was a little far from the strike off and this led Paul toccarmi.Il remainder of the year I did not run with the same precision with which I was able to allenamento.Concludo so with very little and well-deserved 9.25.
I continue to the beam (my black beast apparently!) Tests without loss of balance and race with 3 drops. I could not do worse than this.
Continue the rotation and it is the turn of the body free, not fall, but according to Paul "by half past two legs will not get to open one and a half jump does not put a foot out from the platform and two spins do not step in and which looks like a detached ... as blame him?
ends in swing, I can finally make a good jump but unfortunately did not stop the arrival and so take about one penalty point.
After the race I come home with great disappointment and even want to go to the gym to train because they probably ... I'm not worth so little and in three weeks I will have to prove it even to myself I hope.
's what I believe. "
(rank: )
Ellisons Recovery Speke
is true, and it is equally true that they are playing like a novice reckless, almost did not know how fundamental it is able to dose the energy. I stuck to the unknown in the head, convinced that she can stand there and check. Yes, check: I did pay more attention to what is stated the Garmin, I would realized that the pace could not be within my reach. But I was fine, did not feel even the effort, the rain, then bathed the screen of the time trial, so I picked it as badly reported.
Halfway through the race, however, I find myself already drowned. And the opponent, overcoming, I cut the road to serve the rest, forcing a sudden stop, is a real curse. Thanks to Gaetano, who today decided to run with me, I can not let me down. Still, the race is still a long . In fact, I expect this failure, although, I confess, I was hoping that the margin earned in those ten kilometers could get mad enough cover. Serious mistake! Now I have to bite the bullet and try to minimize the damage. It must be said that having someone who will take the next step and makes you feel if signs of slowing down is pure oxygen. Sure, your legs and wind are but a friendly presence to give you know that strength and security that, in times of trouble, collapsed suddenly and annulling any commitment. Just a few words, often only a gesture to ward off the evil demons that lead to the depletion of energy. I feel like I was fed by a current source: I am about to go out, a sudden charge revives me, preventing me from losing ground. Okay so, I'm at a safe distance, anything can happen.
Come on, that we attacked . It is the voice of a companion company (what a shame, do not even know his name ...), and today we are just glad to find an ally. I try to follow him, being able to stay in the slipstream would be perfect now that the wind is annoyingly contrary. But his pace is beyond my current means.
Still, attack the last mile. My guardian angel did not abandon me, even though much stronger than me. He believes, and I believe it. There are now only a few meters distance ourselves, now is the time. I feel already grabbed it, when his companion turns back, sensing the danger. This is what I feared. She, of course, respond. Gaetano spurs me not to give up but, about 300 meters from the finish, I understand that they are not able to whip the leg winner. Crosses the finish line a few steps before me. Even today, the answer to those who ask me if it is satisfied with his usual grin.
Brava, you did a great race. Thank you, Gary, is also thanks to you. I definitely think that alone would not have achieved this. Probably I would, however, placed third, but with a gap much larger - so, with a time very disappointing. Not that I closed with some kind of time, but it's still the best in the last two years, a sign that la strada è quella buona. E dovrò proseguire sulle mie gambe, perché non sempre si ha accanto qualcuno che ti mette le ali. Di certo, conserverò il fervore di Gaetano come il ricordo più prezioso di questa giornata, affinché mi sia di aiuto anche nelle prossime.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Brushing Tongue And Seeing Blood
Yes, I will be honored in an official manner: I should be very satisfied. Yet, even this time I can feel fully satisfied by my performance. My President, busy in the organization, I wonder if it came in third. No, I say, second. Second ?! So what is that face?! Yeah, what is this face? What I wanted? What could I get more?
Far be it from me to win, this is a land of strong runners in Tuscany from which you never know what to expect. Today, the participation is rather low, but do not miss our top athlete who, though injured, can not fail to gain the rich (?) prize for the winner. In short, the first place is already assigned.
gone, I'm a girl on the heels do not know, twenty years younger than me and will receive strong inducements in two steps in the center of the country. I should refuse to give in to the challenge. This is where my weaknesses come into play. I must not let insecurity and lack of confidence in myself to have the upper hand. After the first two kilometers of back and forth, the road turns into a nice downhill: I greet you all. I'm going with all his might, hoping that last as long as possible, so that the margin earned protect me in parte più dura – che, ci hanno già annunciato, inizierà dal quinto chilometro. Eccolo lì, dietro la curva a sinistra, il muro. Le gambe che sin qui hanno volato, ora si trovano costrette a spingere su ben altre marce. Circa un chilometro, dicevano. Devo resistere, accidenti. Accidenti a me, non ce la faccio. Il podista che mi precede smette di correre, e io faccio lo stesso. Ma che diamine? Da quando in qua ho tanti problemi in salita? Tre o quattro passi camminando, poi di nuovo di corsa. Stop and go, stop and go… Avanti di questo passo, ciao seconda posizione. Beh, in fondo il terzo posto non è così malvagio. Ehi, cosa dico? Non sarò mica l’unica a faticare? Ho superato difficoltà ben più heavy, because I should submit to further humiliation. I look behind. Here it is! I imagine his satisfaction at seeing me in distress. But it will pass over my dead body! Her partner makes her: by now! Exactly, right now: now that there is a slight brow, and I can take this opportunity to find the right push. The legs still run, after just missing, it's time to give everything and more. A little 'curves, rough but exciting path. Eighth mile, we're almost there. The last few hundred meters away the breath away. I'm glued to the ground, I dare not turn around. Come on, are already here! Quiet, there's no one behind. Possible? Non verifico e continuo a spingere con quelle poche forze che mi restano, a denti stretti, fino al traguardo.
Al suo arrivo, la ragazzina mi fa i complimenti: anche se per poco, non è riuscita a riprendermi. Jader invece mi rimprovera quando scopre che ho camminato a tratti. Ed è la critica che faccio a me stessa. Ecco perché ho questa faccia. Ho saputo difendere la posizione, è vero, ma non ho corso come avrei dovuto/potuto. Insomma, c’è sempre qualcosa che non va per il verso giusto. Ovvero, ci sono molte cose da perfezionare. Vediamola così: ho discreti margini di miglioramento. A dispetto di tutto e di tutti, continuo a crederci.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Absorption Of Calories When Having Diarrhea
Primo obbiettivo direi raggiunto, con un totale Sabato di 175,675 punti contro i 165,725 della nefasta gara scorsa; a conti fatti ben 9,95 punti in più! Punti di scarto che certamente sono indicativi della rovinosa gara di esordio più che della seconda prova appena realizzata, ma che iniziano col collocarci più vicini a quello che è il valore oggi della squadra nel panorama nazionale.
Punteggio che alla gara scorsa sarebbe valso l' ottavo posto, ci colloca oggi al 12 posto su 17 squadre partecipanti e che deve darci lo stimolo per fare ancora di più sia nell'ottica del risultato personale in regione ma soprattutto nei confronti dell'obbiettivo larger to obtain a maximum score among the three tests that will allow us to enter the top 64 of Italy which is reserved for the national final.
But we just spent the race on Saturday: at BEAM
began the routine of our athletes who, unfortunately, one after another run into those errors have been the predominant race ...
Francesca , first to perform, without falling from the wheel (his war-horse in training) but we say "there can be (if we think that among all the participating teams the athletes who bring an element of difficulty equal to the counted on the fingers of one hand, error already forgiven so), "repeating" then unfortunately fall on the lap ... I would say this .... less giutificabile still pays too high a price for the lack of confidence that I believe puts on its possibility, I repeat WITH FULL CONFIDENCE go beyond what is shown so far.
Closes rotation Camilla, a specialist in the tool that finally does not betray the expectations and, relieved of an uncertain element to her, a great symbol 16,20 (13° punteggio assoluto alla trave su 51 atlete presenti).
CORPO LIBERO a seguire che già di per se presentava non poche difficoltà dovute ad un campo gara fatiscente, ma questo vale per noi come per tutti perciò "battaglia alla pari" diciamo... E' il turno di Cristina dunque, che questa volta completa l'esercizio senza cadute incrementando di 2 punti circa la scorsa prestazione; prosegue Camilla con un esercizio pulito anche a questo attrezzo e conclude Martina che, tralasciando un certo "smarrimento" non certo sfuggito a chi il suo esercizio lo conosce bene..., conlude senza troppi errori salvo l'ultima diagonale dove paga dazio per una "condizione al limite della tolleranza" della striscia, che le rovina decisamente il salto in chiusura (responsabilità dunque limitata la sua).
Terza rotazione al VOLTEGGIO, attrezzo di questa gara a mio parere peggio superato, e lo dimostra il punteggio di 47,925 rimediato, contro il 48,275 della gara scorsa. Salti molto imprecisi e giustamente penalizzati per tutte, ad esclusione forse di Martina che nel secondo salto "stacca" un biglietto con scritto 17,15 pienamente meritato.
Concludiamo alla PARALLELA tra piacevoli conferme di alcune e smentite di altre.
Cristina esegue proof of the climbs very convincingly with the series performed well in the studio and her companions are certainly not less, so I decided to reverse the order of the tool by moving up the cry from first to last for the year, in to play a little bit more on the safe side "and limit the risks. "If the first two salts do not make mistakes and bring you to the last Stalder Cry" These are the "famous last words."
At this point, as above, it is the turn of Cristina, free to finally see the evidence mentioned in ... unfortunate that even before reaching the coveted Stalder granvolta not fall off that preceded it :-( "... the next race" falls "close to my birthday gift ... would definitely make vedertelo welcome ...: -) "
It is concluded here the race but not the job girls!
For every race and every workout to see the work grow and yet the spirit that binds you TOGETHER with one another, are more and more teams and a pleasure to see you grow so much from day to day, now we scores grow ;-)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Disconnect Services Letter
A wish of the heart by the entire team at "our" little Francesca :-) , after accompanying us during the summer just past, moves today, with the resumption of basic first steps toward what we all hope will be for you an 'exciting journey of growth and non-sports ;-)
Francy Good job! ! ;-)
"If the child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to attack
If you live in irony,
learn shyness.
If he lives shame,
learns to feel guilty.
If you live in tolerance,
learns to be patient.
If you live in the 'PROMOTION,
learns confidence .
If you live in loyalty ',
learns justice. If you live in
learns to have faith .
If he lives with approval, they learn to
accept. If a child lives with acceptance and
learns to find love in the world. "
José Luis Casaccio
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Does Semen Show Up Under Black Light
A little 'as his companion snacks Silvio Berlusconi, who in 2008 had "successfully resolved" the problem of Roma in Italy
Some evil creeps that if Zingarelli driven by arrogant and angry French president does not reappear soon in Italy - a country considered in Europe the "dump" the most annoying of all minorities and ethnic groups - we started to consider the gas chambers you suspect that Sarkozy has made secretly set up in the French countryside.
Meanwhile, through his UMP party (inspired by conservative, liberal, thievish, racist and xenophobic, all of which are now very well together) has benefited from the money of the famous house of fragrances and beauty L'Oreal, which also gave some puttanissima tons of mascara to his wife, to ingratiate himself (as is rumored in the best boutiques and French parfumerie).
not the past that some day, when Charles has publicly defended the Iranian Sakineh, beak of a bitch from a newspaper Iran that its wife, what does? He deported in sealed wagons Roma and various Zingarelli, throwing down the toilet "human rights" and individual.
Probably the ass of Charles, great mignottone a heart attack, which makes him go crazy ...
Other than the poor Hitler, with the insipid racchietta Eva Braun!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Does 5th Disease Affect Black People?
Cosa ci faccio io tra queste due atlete fortissime? Sto forse azzardando troppo? Eppure non mi sembra di spingere più del dovuto, anzi: siamo in leggera discesa, le gambe vanno agili e mi limito ad assecondarle senza forzare. Chissà, magari loro sono dirette verso il traguardo più lontano, in questa fase stanno quindi semplicemente passeggiando.
Beh, quale che sia il loro obiettivo, all’attacco della salita le vedo allontanarsi – e io comincio ad arrancare. Ora si tratta, per me, di impostare il giusto passo che mi consenta di sopravvivere per i restanti chilometri – cioè per la maggior parte della gara. Non posso permettermi di farmi prendere dall’affanno, non ora: il percorso non concede nulla, è necessario dosare le energie. Già, quali energie? La settimana alle Eolie mi è restata a lungo nelle gambe: i tracciati nervosi, le pendenze importanti, i ritmi sostenuti hanno irrigidito i miei poveri muscoli e, per quanto mi sia adoperata per smaltire tutto, non posso dire di essere tornata in piena efficienza. Anche perché, negli ultimi giorni, mi sono limitata a corsette spensierate, senza assilli di tempi o prestazioni, e ho provato sensazioni decisamente insolite. I primi passi di corsa erano, come preventivato, completamente scoordinati, quasi da principiante del podismo. In breve, però, trovavo una fluidità ed una leggerezza inaspettate, come quando si corre col vento alle spalle. Cercavo di non farmi prendere dalla foga, onde evitare crolli improvvisi; mi imponevo di procedere cautamente almeno fino a due terzi del percorso, per poi magari tentare una progressione o degli allunghi. Ed, effettivamente, ai cambi di ritmo la stanchezza pregressa si faceva sentire: riaffioravano irrigidimenti e fiatone, non ero quindi in grado di tirare più di tanto. Le difficoltà, però, regredivano giorno dopo giorno e, non fossi stata infastidita da un accenno di vescica (vendetta delle vecchie scarpe, consapevoli di essere prossime alla rottamazione), giovedì scorso sarei riuscita a svolgere un bel fartlek
Insomma, sono arrivata a questa gara senza entusiasmi né aspettative. Ovvio che, strada facendo, si cerchi di difendere la posizione. Ora, davanti me is that an athlete should not be there. Damn, though, runs as well! Apparently makes no effort, proceed uphill with a enviable ease. I try to be careful to correct the flaw, they say, limits my pace: it seems that tackle the slopes with springy step, almost running in place. Clearly left behind! Not seeing me, hard to realize the limit. However, I strive to keep ahead of the curve, touching the asphalt, in hopes of improving a bit '. If nothing else, I'm not losing ground. In fact, I seem to be a slight recovery, the distance is indeed shorter. I see just a part of the slight slope, attack. Overcome l’avversaria prima che la strada spiani, poi tento di approfittare della pendenza a me favorevole. Lei, però, non cede: ha quello scatto di orgoglio che a me ancora manca. So che in discesa è più debole, ciò nonostante mi resta attaccata. E, proprio qui, la mia gamba “gigia” mi tradisce. Sì, perché capita spesso che, a ritmi sostenuti, il muscolo che anni fa si strappò cada in una sorta di torpore che investe l’intero arto: questo non risponde degnamente ai comandi, perde forza e tenuta. Così non riesco a spingere come dovrei. Perdo anche concentrazione, compromettendo decisamente la sfida che poteva essere decisiva. La discesa, del resto, è di breve respiro, insufficiente per il necessario slancio. E la salita si fa sempre più ripida. Gli ultimi chilometri: i più duri. Smarriti smalto e determinazione, non cerco neppure conforto dai miei riferimenti mentali, segno che anche la motivazione è scemata. È questo che continua a non funzionare: smettere di crederci, non lottare fino alla fine. Come se non sapessi che, dopo, sarò oltremodo delusa e insoddisfatta; come se non ne avessi abbastanza di schiaffeggiarmi per quello che avrei dovuto tentare e non ho fatto; come se tutte le gare disputate fino ad oggi non mi avessero insegnato nulla. Niente da fare. Ci deve sempre essere qualcosa per cui martoriarsi. A circa un chilometro dall’arrivo c’è chi prova a darmi una mano: vedendomi in difficoltà, un podista decide to stay by my side cheering me on. Invites me to cut the last bend the curve by taking the sidewalk, not considering that by doing so you pass in the steepest section. Almost weir. Only the lure of the finish line keeps me standing. I would like to look back, whether a risk passing the wire or, at least on this, we are safe. I do not. Here the square. It 's over.
are fourth. I wanted a better placing? Honestly, no. I did not know who might be in the race today and I'm not even worried about the level of their opponents on the starting line. But I hope in a better lap time, it will. Above all, confident of a result with no surprises. Once again, I do conti con quei limiti mentali che mi impediscono di terminare una gara con la consapevolezza di avere dato tutto. Volgo in positivo questa constatazione: ho ancora dei margini di miglioramento.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Lump On The Inside Of My Labia
Anche oggi un leggero chiarore ci fa ben sperare. È l’ultima fatica, per i più poco significativa: now the die is cast, there are few who play the position until the finish. Here it is the ability to run downhill. So I'm quiet: I have a good margin. The only drawback is the rain, but the asphalt should not be too difficult. It should, however, handle with care the start: the first mile is slightly uphill, I can not afford to cheat in this difficult situation, because then retrieve downhill, if the other is thrown, it would be difficult. Today nothing
boat, we go by bus to the start line. The first two are filled immediately. Waiting for the third, but joins us to the other competitors with significant delay: there are only 15 minutes to start even earlier this time. And it rains. Calma, today is the last day and should be a great day in the sense that I have to leave office and get beautiful, giving the best of me. This is my path, launched and flies to the end.
The two rivals who follow me in the standings now trying to overtake, but do not let go. The most direct advances a few steps, are hanged but I'm holding here the descent, it's up to me. Forget the brakes and go. The winding force me to break the rhythm, but I will not be intimidated. I see the girl before me even closer, who knows ... I km high-speed glide, we are now five. I'm tired, in fact I'm pushing a lot, even with the benefit of the slope. Stay ahead of the seventh ranked, but I riagguanta shortly thereafter: the descent is in fact finished, now we are on a slight slope that I saw her legs. I remember well this step, even two years ago, the same small hike a mountain seemed insurmountable. The other hand is able even to encourage them to attack me and invite me to her. Be easy. But I try, I can not afford on their final humiliation. I dare not look back, I never do, unless the shape of the path will not allow the pursuers to spot. Missing very little, and it is this comforting that I focus. Even tries to sprint on the final straight. It's over!
ambitions that I had packed were the first melt sun have been killed since the pre-race predictions. I tense absurd. Be aware of is already a step ahead, one needs to speak on this aspect so as not to compromise the entire context. Why, now that it's all over, it's the whole situation that I'm missing. I do not remember to have felt a similar sense of emptiness, two years ago. Now I try not to let anxiety what I expected, but the nightmares disturb my sleep for several nights already, and now the shadows have darkened my face. There are elements on which I can force myself to speak, but others are of out of my control capability, and it is this sense of powerlessness to make me feel nothing. But this is another discorso.Nonostante all already thinking about next year. If nothing else, I have not lost the ability to dream
Friday, September 10, 2010
How To Unlock Nortel Mailbox
was the party of the Democratic Party called for a kind of conference and Mannerist useless, shit in the shit, servo among the servants, among the vile vile.
Behind the stage, always the shadow del padrone globalista e del sub-padrone confindustriale.
Quella merda di Letta Jr, il moderatore, eccetera.
Davanti, l’imponderabile, la massa anonima, la folla senza volto.
Si sentiva sicuro il kapò della Cisl, abituato a vendere la pelle dei lavoratori come un viscido lanista ai tempi di Roma.
Pochi giovincelli dei centri sociali – in realtà di uno solo, dal nome basco di Askatasuna – hanno protestato un po’ infantilmente, sventolando banconote false da cinquanta euro con la faccia del sindacalista giallo stampata sopra, agitando uno striscione, facendo un po’ di fumo.
Gli hanno bruciacchiato il giubbotto, e questo è bastato per far scappare quella merda di Bonanni, mostrando la schiena alla platea e ai giovanetti contestatori in una fuga da vigliacco bastardo.
Questo lurido scarafaggio arraffa i soldi dei padroni e vende come schiavi i lavoratori e le loro famiglie, compresi gli iscritti al suo pseudosindacato, la Cisl di merda.
E allora è chiaro che i giovanetti un po’ vivaci che l’hanno contestato non solo non hanno fatto alcun male, ma hanno addirittura peccato di eccessiva moderazione.
CENSURA .........................................................................................................
Questo sarebbe servito, per bonificare e derattizzare!
Questo e solo questo … nell'attesa di poter ascoltare, un giorno, il gioioso crepitare delle.....CENSURA.....nei cortili, durante la Rivoluzione.
Morte alla liberaldemocrazia totalitaria e schiavista, morte al liberismo assassino e........CENSURA....... servi!
Che la benefica............CENSURA..........Etica e Sociale!
CENSURA......................., fino alla fine!
Eugenio Avati Ostilio
Ammiratore di Pol Pot, Robespierre e Carlos il Terrorista
Li 10 settembre 2010
P.S.: Questo post è ampiamento censurato. Le parti in chiaro, non soggette a CENSURA, sono quelle "politicamente corrette".