A hasty survey of the winners and losers in the battle [on Kampfplatz!] Pomigliano - poorly made concrete in a referendum driven - seems to have decreed the victory of the globalists of Fiat, the Executioner Marchionne, the debauched Elkann and the powerful Anglo-Americans who are behind.
It clears the fog around the smoky term "social market economy", as used recently by Tremonti liar in front of an audience of Kapo - in that great camp that is becoming the employment in Italy - and the despicable trade unionists yellow CISL. The losers were the workers
bell Pomigliano, Fiom and in general all those who oppose [unfortunately low and not in weapons] to liberalcapitalismo destroyer.
But is this true?
This "agreement" with extorting blackmail, threats and violence from the war criminal Executioner Marchionne and his filthy connected, it will last? Because the mouse
di fogna Marchionne continua a studiare ipotesi di chiusura/ cessione dello stabilimento campano, di scorporo e simili?
Quale piano alternativo ha in mente questo razziatore assassino?
It clears the fog around the smoky term "social market economy", as used recently by Tremonti liar in front of an audience of Kapo - in that great camp that is becoming the employment in Italy - and the despicable trade unionists yellow CISL. The losers were the workers
bell Pomigliano, Fiom and in general all those who oppose [unfortunately low and not in weapons] to liberalcapitalismo destroyer.
But is this true?
This "agreement" with extorting blackmail, threats and violence from the war criminal Executioner Marchionne and his filthy connected, it will last? Because the mouse
di fogna Marchionne continua a studiare ipotesi di chiusura/ cessione dello stabilimento campano, di scorporo e simili?
Quale piano alternativo ha in mente questo razziatore assassino?
Ed anzitutto, perché prepara piani alternativi, come se la sua vittoria bellica dovesse rivelarsi temporanea?
Il porco ha paura?
Eugenio Avati Ostilio
[Ammiratore di Pol Pot e Berija]
23 giugno 2010
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