Il mistero dell’accumulazione originaria
We like to post today, out of pure habit postlettario and abstract, but a plastic revolutionary gesture, the first part of Chapter twenty-fourth of the capital of the great Hegelian idealist philosopher Karl Marx [published by Marx himself in 1867], entitled The so-called primitive accumulation.
The first step was the first collection, from which the process began.
Cycles of accumulation / implementation were then followed without interruption.
Every evil has its origin, and so is capitalism.
The origin of evil is called primitive accumulation, the supreme reflection of a new chrematistics.
Happy reading, my fellow anti-capitalist, anti-neoliberal, anti-liberal and antilibertari ... and remember: you are anthropologically and culturally superior, everything else is crap!
We have seen how money is transformed into capital, as this produces surplus value and surplus value as it capitalizes. The accumulation of capital presupposes surplus-value, therefore, while the singing their own surplus value presupposes capitalist production, and this in turn the existence of masses of capital and labor power, of a certain size, in the hands of producers of goods. This movement seems to wander in a vicious circle, where you can go out only if a build-up "original" prior to 'capital accumulation, which constitutes the result but not the starting point.
The primitive accumulation plays in the same part that political economy plays in the theology of original sin (Adam's apple and bit her shots so sin the human race). The political economy tells us: there were once a part of an elite diligent industrious and frugal, the other of the squandered all that lazy wretches, and even more of their own. So it happened that the former have accumulated wealth, while the other end have not found that their skin to sell. From this "original economic sin" would have resulted the great mass of poverty and the wealth of a small minority, which, however, continues to enrich themselves even though it has long ceased to work. If
now comes from the legend and looking at the real story in historical reality we see that the most important part is for the conquest, the subjugation, murder, in a word for violence. While the romance reigns in the political economy; e diritto e lavoro si alternano nel ruolo di unici mezzi di arricchimento, nella realtà storica i metodi dell’accumulazione originaria sono tutto quel che si vuole fuorché idilliaci.
Merce e denaro non sono capitale fin dal principio. Affinché essi si trasformino in capitale occorre che si incontrino due specie differenti di possessori di merci: da una parte il proprietario di denaro e di mezzi di sussistenza, cui sta a cuore valorizzare i propri averi; dall’altra parte operai liberi - liberi nel duplice senso: a) sciolti da qualsiasi servitù personale; b) privi di mezzi di lavoro - che vendano la propria forza-lavoro. Solo quando sul mercato delle merci si verifica tale "polarizzazione" esistono le condizioni fondamentali della capitalist production. The capitalist relation has as its basis the separation between workers and property of the conditions of work accomplishment. Once started, the capitalist production, not only maintains this separation, but reproduces it on an increasing scale. The primitive accumulation is nothing, therefore, that the historical process of divorcing the producer from the means of production. It appears the "original" because it is the capital of prehistory.
capitalist society arises from the dissolution of the feudal. The starting point of the historical process, which generates both the capitalist and the wage-laborer, is the "slavery of the worker." The worker was able to dispose of his person only after essersi affrancato dai vincoli servili e dal dominio delle corporazioni (1). Da parte loro i capitalisti industriali hanno dovuto soppiantare il maestro artigiano e i signori feudali.
Nell’accumulazione originaria fanno epoca quei periodi, nei quali grandi masse di uomini vengono staccate con la forza dai loro mezzi di sussistenza e gettate sul mercato del lavoro. L’espropriazione dei contadini e la loro espulsione dalle terre rappresenta la base di tutto il processo. La storia di queste espropriazioni è gravida di sangue. Presenta sfumature diverse, per i diversi paesi, e secondo le epoche. Qui si prende l’esempio dell’Inghilterra.
Eugenio Avati Ostilio
[Komandante Eugen]
June 14, 2010
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