Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Does Semen Show Up Under Black Light

Nicolas Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa, le deportazioni dei Rom e il puttanone Carlà

Sarkozy, involved in perhaps the first person in the scandal of illegal financing L'Oreal has made to deport the Gypsies to distract the attention of the French and pretend that "I think ghe" your safety and your well being.
A little 'as his companion snacks Silvio Berlusconi, who in 2008 had "successfully resolved" the problem of Roma in Italy
Some evil creeps that if Zingarelli driven by arrogant and angry French president does not reappear soon in Italy - a country considered in Europe the "dump" the most annoying of all minorities and ethnic groups - we started to consider the gas chambers you suspect that Sarkozy has made secretly set up in the French countryside.
Meanwhile, through his UMP party (inspired by conservative, liberal, thievish, racist and xenophobic, all of which are now very well together) has benefited from the money of the famous house of fragrances and beauty L'Oreal, which also gave some puttanissima tons of mascara to his wife, to ingratiate himself (as is rumored in the best boutiques and French parfumerie).
not the past that some day, when Charles has publicly defended the Iranian Sakineh, beak of a bitch from a newspaper Iran that its wife, what does? He deported in sealed wagons Roma and various Zingarelli, throwing down the toilet "human rights" and individual.
Probably the ass of Charles, great mignottone a heart attack, which makes him go crazy ...
Other than the poor Hitler, with the insipid racchietta Eva Braun!
September 21, 2010
Eugenio Avati Ostilio

Monday, September 20, 2010

Does 5th Disease Affect Black People?

Porretta Terme - Lizzano in Belvedere

Cosa ci faccio io tra queste due atlete fortissime? Sto forse azzardando troppo? Eppure non mi sembra di spingere più del dovuto, anzi: siamo in leggera discesa, le gambe vanno agili e mi limito ad assecondarle senza forzare. Chissà, magari loro sono dirette verso il traguardo più lontano, in questa fase stanno quindi semplicemente passeggiando.
Beh, quale che sia il loro obiettivo, all’attacco della salita le vedo allontanarsi – e io comincio ad arrancare. Ora si tratta, per me, di impostare il giusto passo che mi consenta di sopravvivere per i restanti chilometri – cioè per la maggior parte della gara. Non posso permettermi di farmi prendere dall’affanno, non ora: il percorso non concede nulla, è necessario dosare le energie. Già, quali energie? La settimana alle Eolie mi è restata a lungo nelle gambe: i tracciati nervosi, le pendenze importanti, i ritmi sostenuti hanno irrigidito i miei poveri muscoli e, per quanto mi sia adoperata per smaltire tutto, non posso dire di essere tornata in piena efficienza. Anche perché, negli ultimi giorni, mi sono limitata a corsette spensierate, senza assilli di tempi o prestazioni, e ho provato sensazioni decisamente insolite. I primi passi di corsa erano, come preventivato, completamente scoordinati, quasi da principiante del podismo. In breve, però, trovavo una fluidità ed una leggerezza inaspettate, come quando si corre col vento alle spalle. Cercavo di non farmi prendere dalla foga, onde evitare crolli improvvisi; mi imponevo di procedere cautamente almeno fino a due terzi del percorso, per poi magari tentare una progressione o degli allunghi. Ed, effettivamente, ai cambi di ritmo la stanchezza pregressa si faceva sentire: riaffioravano irrigidimenti e fiatone, non ero quindi in grado di tirare più di tanto. Le difficoltà, però, regredivano giorno dopo giorno e, non fossi stata infastidita da un accenno di vescica (vendetta delle vecchie scarpe, consapevoli di essere prossime alla rottamazione), giovedì scorso sarei riuscita a svolgere un bel fartlek
Insomma, sono arrivata a questa gara senza entusiasmi né aspettative. Ovvio che, strada facendo, si cerchi di difendere la posizione. Ora, davanti me is that an athlete should not be there. Damn, though, runs as well! Apparently makes no effort, proceed uphill with a enviable ease. I try to be careful to correct the flaw, they say, limits my pace: it seems that tackle the slopes with springy step, almost running in place. Clearly left behind! Not seeing me, hard to realize the limit. However, I strive to keep ahead of the curve, touching the asphalt, in hopes of improving a bit '. If nothing else, I'm not losing ground. In fact, I seem to be a slight recovery, the distance is indeed shorter. I see just a part of the slight slope, attack. Overcome l’avversaria prima che la strada spiani, poi tento di approfittare della pendenza a me favorevole. Lei, però, non cede: ha quello scatto di orgoglio che a me ancora manca. So che in discesa è più debole, ciò nonostante mi resta attaccata. E, proprio qui, la mia gamba “gigia” mi tradisce. Sì, perché capita spesso che, a ritmi sostenuti, il muscolo che anni fa si strappò cada in una sorta di torpore che investe l’intero arto: questo non risponde degnamente ai comandi, perde forza e tenuta. Così non riesco a spingere come dovrei. Perdo anche concentrazione, compromettendo decisamente la sfida che poteva essere decisiva. La discesa, del resto, è di breve respiro, insufficiente per il necessario slancio. E la salita si fa sempre più ripida. Gli ultimi chilometri: i più duri. Smarriti smalto e determinazione, non cerco neppure conforto dai miei riferimenti mentali, segno che anche la motivazione è scemata. È questo che continua a non funzionare: smettere di crederci, non lottare fino alla fine. Come se non sapessi che, dopo, sarò oltremodo delusa e insoddisfatta; come se non ne avessi abbastanza di schiaffeggiarmi per quello che avrei dovuto tentare e non ho fatto; come se tutte le gare disputate fino ad oggi non mi avessero insegnato nulla. Niente da fare. Ci deve sempre essere qualcosa per cui martoriarsi. A circa un chilometro dall’arrivo c’è chi prova a darmi una mano: vedendomi in difficoltà, un podista decide to stay by my side cheering me on. Invites me to cut the last bend the curve by taking the sidewalk, not considering that by doing so you pass in the steepest section. Almost weir. Only the lure of the finish line keeps me standing. I would like to look back, whether a risk passing the wire or, at least on this, we are safe. I do not. Here the square. It 's over.
are fourth. I wanted a better placing? Honestly, no. I did not know who might be in the race today and I'm not even worried about the level of their opponents on the starting line. But I hope in a better lap time, it will. Above all, confident of a result with no surprises. Once again, I do conti con quei limiti mentali che mi impediscono di terminare una gara con la consapevolezza di avere dato tutto. Volgo in positivo questa constatazione: ho ancora dei margini di miglioramento.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lump On The Inside Of My Labia

jogging tour of the Aeolian Islands - Fifth stage

VULCANO - 7,3 km
Va bene che non sono un tipo da spiaggia, ma tre giorni di pioggia su sei sono troppi anche per me. E pensare che quest’anno avevamo fatto scorta di creme solari, memori della passata esperienza, quando le condizioni meteo eccezionali ci costrinsero ad un acquisto supplementare.
Anche oggi un leggero chiarore ci fa ben sperare. È l’ultima fatica, per i più poco significativa: now the die is cast, there are few who play the position until the finish. Here it is the ability to run downhill. So I'm quiet: I have a good margin. The only drawback is the rain, but the asphalt should not be too difficult. It should, however, handle with care the start: the first mile is slightly uphill, I can not afford to cheat in this difficult situation, because then retrieve downhill, if the other is thrown, it would be difficult. Today nothing
boat, we go by bus to the start line. The first two are filled immediately. Waiting for the third, but joins us to the other competitors with significant delay: there are only 15 minutes to start even earlier this time. And it rains. Calma, today is the last day and should be a great day in the sense that I have to leave office and get beautiful, giving the best of me. This is my path, launched and flies to the end.
The two rivals who follow me in the standings now trying to overtake, but do not let go. The most direct advances a few steps, are hanged but I'm holding here the descent, it's up to me. Forget the brakes and go. The winding force me to break the rhythm, but I will not be intimidated. I see the girl before me even closer, who knows ... I km high-speed glide, we are now five. I'm tired, in fact I'm pushing a lot, even with the benefit of the slope. Stay ahead of the seventh ranked, but I riagguanta shortly thereafter: the descent is in fact finished, now we are on a slight slope that I saw her legs. I remember well this step, even two years ago, the same small hike a mountain seemed insurmountable. The other hand is able even to encourage them to attack me and invite me to her. Be easy. But I try, I can not afford on their final humiliation. I dare not look back, I never do, unless the shape of the path will not allow the pursuers to spot. Missing very little, and it is this comforting that I focus. Even tries to sprint on the final straight. It's over!
ambitions that I had packed were the first melt sun have been killed since the pre-race predictions. I tense absurd. Be aware of is already a step ahead, one needs to speak on this aspect so as not to compromise the entire context. Why, now that it's all over, it's the whole situation that I'm missing. I do not remember to have felt a similar sense of emptiness, two years ago. Now I try not to let anxiety what I expected, but the nightmares disturb my sleep for several nights already, and now the shadows have darkened my face. There are elements on which I can force myself to speak, but others are of out of my control capability, and it is this sense of powerlessness to make me feel nothing. But this is another discorso.Nonostante all already thinking about next year. If nothing else, I have not lost the ability to dream

Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Unlock Nortel Mailbox

Quella merda di Bonanni

was the party of the Democratic Party called for a kind of conference and Mannerist useless, shit in the shit, servo among the servants, among the vile vile.
Behind the stage, always the shadow del padrone globalista e del sub-padrone confindustriale.
Quella merda di Letta Jr, il moderatore, eccetera.
Davanti, l’imponderabile, la massa anonima, la folla senza volto.
Si sentiva sicuro il kapò della Cisl, abituato a vendere la pelle dei lavoratori come un viscido lanista ai tempi di Roma.
Pochi giovincelli dei centri sociali – in realtà di uno solo, dal nome basco di Askatasuna – hanno protestato un po’ infantilmente, sventolando banconote false da cinquanta euro con la faccia del sindacalista giallo stampata sopra, agitando uno striscione, facendo un po’ di fumo.
Gli hanno bruciacchiato il giubbotto, e questo è bastato per far scappare quella merda di Bonanni, mostrando la schiena alla platea e ai giovanetti contestatori in una fuga da vigliacco bastardo.
Questo lurido scarafaggio arraffa i soldi dei padroni e vende come schiavi i lavoratori e le loro famiglie, compresi gli iscritti al suo pseudosindacato, la Cisl di merda.
E allora è chiaro che i giovanetti un po’ vivaci che l’hanno contestato non solo non hanno fatto alcun male, ma hanno addirittura peccato di eccessiva moderazione.
CENSURA .........................................................................................................
Questo sarebbe servito, per bonificare e derattizzare!
Questo e solo questo … nell'attesa di poter ascoltare, un giorno, il gioioso crepitare delle.....CENSURA.....nei cortili, durante la Rivoluzione.

Morte alla liberaldemocrazia totalitaria e schiavista, morte al liberismo assassino e........CENSURA....... servi!
Che la benefica............CENSURA..........Etica e Sociale!
CENSURA......................., fino alla fine!

Eugenio Avati Ostilio
Ammiratore di Pol Pot, Robespierre e Carlos il Terrorista
Li 10 settembre 2010

P.S.: Questo post è ampiamento censurato. Le parti in chiaro, non soggette a CENSURA, sono quelle "politicamente corrette".

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Poem For Diaper Raffle

jogging tour of the Aeolian Islands - Fourth stage

LIPARI (circuit) - 7 km

The rest day is long to pass when c ' is the sun: If it rains, it becomes eternal. Water non-stop from dawn to dusk. Training wet, wet walk, just as wet weather. We wake up, in fact, on Friday, even in the rain. And the thing I little bumps: stop town in the center of Lipari, up and down on a paved surface: Panic! One glimmer of light wants to delude ourselves, we want to believe that time is drawing to a fine. Apart from the volcano, however, incumbent threatening clouds, as well as threatening the sea presents itself - if nothing else, the crossing is of short duration.
You run three batteries: the first all women, then men over forty-ranked place, so the first forty-two; six laps for a total of about 7 km. On the way, two strains, one of which is very challenging. I do a patrol as heating very wet and slippery road. This was not enough to make me nervous, I find that the test was advance of 15 minutes, so I just time for some extension. I realize that they are not in the best conditions, the tension that I thought I had disposed of came back with more aggravating. Here I am, therefore, to trudge to support my eighth. In the first two laps I keep a good pace, but already are cooked in the third: for me on the ramp easily surpassing the two opponents who had beaten me in the second stage. I can not take advantage of the descent, the supports insecure I prevent you from running. The breath, then, is what it is. We are just in half, will not come to an end. Grit your teeth, should I dig in search of some hidden resource, but the effort is clouding me beyond measure. Strength, at least try not to leave their room too. They are there, apparently at hand, perhaps it would be enough to dare a bit 'more. But do not engage the right gear. Even today I have to please. Maybe I had a little 'more than typhoid ... Of course, I would not have won something, but I would have spared the discomfort of feeling acclaim only my opponent, just at times of difficulty. It will be stupid, but for me the incitements have a decidedly exhilarating.
If nothing else, nothing has changed in the overall standings. The fact remains that this work should be suffering too.

Washing Brazillian Weave


La querelle protrattasi ormai da parecchi mesi (per non dire anni), con snervanti alti e bassi, raggelamenti e riavvicinamenti, tra i due co-fondatori del Popolo delle Libertà, Silvio Berlusconi e Gianfranco Fini - divided by different views on style and content to give to that action policy which should have been packed tightly together to continue, as will of the voters - seems to have reached a turning point, after the speech delivered by the second river, Sunday September 5th, in that of Mirabello, the traditional place of the annual meeting of the MSI the right time, where, at this point I think we can truly say "in another life," was shown on national Gianfranco personally own "dolphin" by 'then the undisputed guru of the small world still "clear" to full participation in political life, Giorgio Almirante.
Not that this occasion has become apparent that something dramatic or you do not already know from before, but the whole castle lapidary utterances released Sunday from the mouth of the co-founder of PDL not only confirms the feeling (for those unpleasantly, at the blessing to finally have a one-party center-right fit to govern well, in harmony and without a hitch, interests of the country, had believed for real) that are preparing the other hand, however, difficult times such as for Italian politics which did not remember been a long time.
fact Fini reiterated once again its willingness not to miss his confidence and his followers in the executive office, probably mainly in order to guard against the advance on him the responsibility, which realizes to be heavy, a possible crisis of governance, but has also predicted that his support for individual government measures will not always be obvious and will be negotiated from time to time in a bad habit trying beyond measure, to which 'only alternative would seem to be the end of March and early elections, with all the unknowns and the paradoxical situation that, however this would involve.
Who supports the view of the Speaker of the House of course denies any liability and that the political crisis that is going through. Fini was the victim of a deportation order "Stalinist" (Gianfranco's own words) at the hands of Berlusconi; he would simply erect a promoter of greater freedom of dissent within the party, a center-right under "Peronist" more careful not to question the mechanisms and institutions guaranteeing democracy, more modern and in line with the major European parties of the same area.
Now, it is obvious and desirable that, in a large political formation of two-party system more or less perfectly, also live together points of view that differ on specific issues and is allowed to express them: they are an example of what the primary elections in the Member U.S., where you just compete with each other applicants with different messages, while nell'indiscutibile belonging to the same party, and that would not be possible even if all the members of that were monolithically agree on everything, but if the expression of dissent than any physiological limit, if it becomes a systematic contradict his own party to every occasion, it can still be said to be sustainable such stuazione? It can be defined as the victim of "Stalinism" who, by maintaining such conduct, came at the end, with regret, expelled?
And we all agree on the desirability of a right modern, democratic and European. Who, indeed, I would like an array of date, with dictatorial aspirations and incomprehensible outside national borders? The point is that the center-right Italian, not deny it, drew, so far, a large part of its strength from volitività and gifts of dragging a charismatic leader. It 'true that we must, before or (preferably not too much) then gradually "normalize" the situation in this regard too: it will take a few steps behind the climate maybe a little' too much "personality cult" of the head is still in force, although it will give rise to new and credible leaders can ensure survival and unity of the party when, if only for age reasons, we will be without the personality of Berlusconi cemented. It 'true that the latter, alas, a little' to 'professional bias "due to the history audacious entrepreneur's personal and not professional politician, and a bit 'to other issues of character, perhaps too much tends to assimilate the job of leading a nation that, but very different, to run a business, resulting in sometimes unorthodox reactions of front of their rules and institutions of the system democratco, instinctively viewed as impediments to self-frenzy to "do" the Prime Minister. But it is also true that it is administered by the Speaker of the House the right medicine for these "evils" For the moment, it is still possible in Italy, effective action by government, in the name of the center-right, which does the leadership of Knight, exercised with the necessary serenity, even without the minimal bandwidth internal criticism, when constructive and non-designed to drop this precondition.
Precisely this, however, has been done now, any way out then you will find state of confusion and uncertainty about the near future in which we debate today.
And who are the very serious responsibility for this state of affairs is clear.
Tommaso Pellegrino

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Hitchhiker's Game Milan Kunderatheme

jogging tour of the Aeolian Islands - Third stage

SALINA - SM Salina - Rinella (km 15)

È arrivato lo scirocco: cielo minaccioso e caldo afoso. Non saremo bruciati dal sole, ma il clima è tutt’altro che ideale per una tappa tanto impegnativa. Per forza di cose, le mie prospettive sono mutate: perduto l’obiettivo della classifica, ora si tratta di correre al meglio, cercando di ritrovare quella brillantezza che ha caratterizzato diverse mie recenti prestazioni. Ho dato prova di tenacia e determinazione, raggiungendo risultati inaspettati: non può essere tutto svanito all’improvviso. Due anni fa, i continui tornanti in salita mi misero in discreta difficoltà. Ricordo di essermi fermata più di una volta. Quest’anno le difficoltà le ho trovate prima del previsto. Sono capitoli diversi, inutile qualsiasi raffronto. Pensiamo a nient’altro che al qui e ora.
Le due avversarie che ieri hanno amplificato la mia crisi si piazzano subito davanti. L’imperativo, oggi, è non forzare in partenza: se mi sfianco all’inizio, chi ci arriva in cima? Ci mettiamo comunque alle spalle la ragazza in verde; l’altra mi precede a vista, non mi impensierisco, la strada è ancora lunga. Questo percorso sembra fatto per me: salita quanto basta per farti concentrare sullo sforzo, poi un po’ di discesa per farti recuperare. Il fiato c’è, le gambe girano bene. Guadagno terreno. E riprendo la mia posizione. Che devo assolutamente mantenere, specie quando la pendenza si farà più challenging. Surplus safe. There remain now a couple of miles of suffering, the harder. I wonder at what point I stopped in 2008. Today just is not talked about. Upon arrival, I want to enjoy a nice iced coffee: me I have to earn. At the slightest hint of a crisis, I see the slush waiting for me. And so proceed undeterred. It is the last kilometer climb that I exceed the sixth in the standings, I thought I had before. Wow, clearly she is not today a great day. If I could riagguantarla ... We are within walking distance, but it helps both the descent. It is perhaps a bit of force ', to be able to dare more than usual. However, it is already time for me to throw me dive without braking. Of course, it comes to playing a significant position in the speech would be different, but in fact changes little for me. We remain so, a dozen meters apart, for all the final five kilometers. Arrival in thrust, apparently not tested. And smile - now there's an event. I did not win anything, but I raced well and I found myself not cheap.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Old School Hutch Bmx For Sale

Giro podistico delle Isole Eolie - Seconda tappa

LIPARI - Acquacalda - Canneto (km 6.5)

must have been exaggerated expectations, disappointment, tension, will I am sleeping little and evil will, perhaps, that something in the mechanism has (long) jammed. The fact is that he could not get any worse. It is not so much to further demotion in the rankings. Or at least, this is not the only reason. Is that the feelings were bad from the start.
During the heating seemed to me that his legs could run well, all things considered, I felt quite calm. High temperature, heavy air, a bit 'of wind conditions are not optimal, but I counted about my chances. Of course, a short leg and, presumably, as fast as what we expected so it does not match with my strings, but after it was attacked with the utmost determination the first km climb, then jump into beaten in the second half, down to the sea. Departure
immediately excited. They are side by side of my immediate rivals in the first bend we almost collide. Two of them are set back, we stay in two. For a little while. Are already in distress. I try to mind local reasoning on the fact that after all the difficult stretch is not too long. But I miss your breath away. Pants and lose ground. What's happening to me? The most challenging part is gone, but there is still some 'slight slope of the first down, and it is here that have reached and surpassed by two girls that just had not taken into account. My calculations were based only on who was in front, the rear were not taken into account. There they were, instead, to mock me. Burn, stop. With the ghost of the withdrawal to obscure my mind. Awakened by a surge of pride, who point ahead of me, trusting in the momentum provided by the descent. But this I can not help, they are so exhausted that even now I find push. Legs of lead, feet glued to the ground, dying from breathing. The girl in the green disappears, the first sighted in return that I had passed. It seems in trouble, if only I could melt ... Nothing to be done, we are now in the finishing straight, gasping smear the finish line.
shattered the dreams of all ranks, I wonder about the causes of this disaster. I suffered too much, I could not even decently run a mile, I even stopped: in the stage considered the fastest I have given the worst of me. How do I recover from this setback? My coach is unattainable, it is in me that I must find the resources to tackle the rest of the race. Fortunately, the context is very important for me: first, Jader has figured out how to get me and knows how to find the right words and tone to encourage me, then there is that Fausto is able to distract and raise the morale, in addition, there is an island. The places have a soul, expressing the meaning and significance: the stronger is a land that drives forward, the more difficult to stay indifferent. Vulcan è forza per definizione. Energia pura: palpabile, incombente, quasi minacciosa. È questo che ti strega e ti cattura. Il cratere che respira, l’odore che trafigge, i colori che mutano nei toni e nelle sfumature. Non è un posto come un altro. Così come questa non è una semplice vacanza. Del resto, la vacanza “pura” non è nella mia indole: non cerco il riposo, ma l’emozione. Qualcosa da scoprire, da conoscere, da conquistare.
Ora, nello specifico, tutto è concentrato sulla gara. Ma, trattandosi di una gara particolare in un luogo altrettanto particolare, mi lascio rapire dal complesso di elementi e guardo avanti.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Poison That Tastes Like Bitter Almonds

Giro podistico delle Isole Eolie - Prima tappa


Earning twenty seconds compared to the test two years ago, but lost four positions. Defeat
announced, to feel well-informed predictions: this year the female participation is high level, the phenomenon that has dominated the race in recent years is at risk. And I had staked everything on the fight with those who preceded me a little in 2008 ... This year there is, on the other hand there are many others that arrive are said to be far more dangerous. Va bene, voglio proprio vedere chi sono tutte queste fortissime atlete. Non ci sto a sentirmi declassata in partenza, unghie e denti ben affilati, sono pronta a lottare.
La prima tappa è la più dura, quel muro da scalare per tre volte mette a dura prova fiato e muscoli. E io, che quanto a muscoli non posso certo dirmi particolarmente dotata, devo dar fondo ad ogni minima risorsa. Giornata decisamente calda, grondo sudore già dopo pochi minuti di riscaldamento. Ma a questo sono abituata. Ho già individuato almeno tre concorrenti inavvicinabili, diverse altre restano un’incognita. Sono concentrata, determinata, anche alquanto nervosa in prossimità dello sparo.
La prima salita ci vede tutte abbastanza ravvicinate, riesco ancora to see the first three, the fourth is at hand. But I'm struggling a lot, and even down I can not find brilliance. The second round I displace, lose ground and the mind is flooded with dark thoughts. The idea of \u200b\u200bfacing a third ascent destabilize me, does not go well at all ... I'm off, while behind me a great advance of breath: the first over that I is not even among those who had spotted the start, the second did not 'I was really taken into account, the third was in doubt and now I have killed. I'm out of the standings. Burn, stop. Where is the grit that only a few minutes ago, I thought I would take it met on arrival, what happened to the determination and, above all, showing off the badness in the last hour? Allotment immediately, I believe, at least I can not let it girl. But the legs do not want it. I feel stuck, do not talk to push its own. Yet, for a moment, I seem to be there to get closer. Too bad the final straight to be eternal, I can sketch out a sort of sprint when I feel an incentive aimed at a female name that is not mine, fearing yet another humiliation in its home stretch, digging among the few remaining forces, hoping to extract even an ounce of energy.
It's over, I was afraid of not succeeding. Slow to recover, and not just from fatigue. It's like se per me la gara fosse terminata qui. Contavo di piazzarmi almeno tra le prime sei, invece devo rimettermi alle voci del pre-gara. Avere migliorato il mio tempo non è servito a nulla, una nullità è infatti ciò che mi sento. Ora si tratta di ingoiare la delusione e concentrarsi sulle prossime tappe: in fondo sono andata tutt’altro che piano, bando ai pensieri negativi. Al contrario, credo che già domani potrò guadagnare qualcosa. E soprattutto, mercoledì dovrò esprimermi al meglio. Forza, la gara è ancora aperta. Cattiva e determinata, fino alla fine!