Sarkozy, involved in perhaps the first person in the scandal of illegal financing L'Oreal has made to deport the Gypsies to distract the attention of the French and pretend that "I think ghe" your safety and your well being.
A little 'as his companion snacks Silvio Berlusconi, who in 2008 had "successfully resolved" the problem of Roma in Italy
Some evil creeps that if Zingarelli driven by arrogant and angry French president does not reappear soon in Italy - a country considered in Europe the "dump" the most annoying of all minorities and ethnic groups - we started to consider the gas chambers you suspect that Sarkozy has made secretly set up in the French countryside.
Meanwhile, through his UMP party (inspired by conservative, liberal, thievish, racist and xenophobic, all of which are now very well together) has benefited from the money of the famous house of fragrances and beauty L'Oreal, which also gave some puttanissima tons of mascara to his wife, to ingratiate himself (as is rumored in the best boutiques and French parfumerie).
not the past that some day, when Charles has publicly defended the Iranian Sakineh, beak of a bitch from a newspaper Iran that its wife, what does? He deported in sealed wagons Roma and various Zingarelli, throwing down the toilet "human rights" and individual.
Probably the ass of Charles, great mignottone a heart attack, which makes him go crazy ...
Other than the poor Hitler, with the insipid racchietta Eva Braun!
A little 'as his companion snacks Silvio Berlusconi, who in 2008 had "successfully resolved" the problem of Roma in Italy
Some evil creeps that if Zingarelli driven by arrogant and angry French president does not reappear soon in Italy - a country considered in Europe the "dump" the most annoying of all minorities and ethnic groups - we started to consider the gas chambers you suspect that Sarkozy has made secretly set up in the French countryside.
Meanwhile, through his UMP party (inspired by conservative, liberal, thievish, racist and xenophobic, all of which are now very well together) has benefited from the money of the famous house of fragrances and beauty L'Oreal, which also gave some puttanissima tons of mascara to his wife, to ingratiate himself (as is rumored in the best boutiques and French parfumerie).
not the past that some day, when Charles has publicly defended the Iranian Sakineh, beak of a bitch from a newspaper Iran that its wife, what does? He deported in sealed wagons Roma and various Zingarelli, throwing down the toilet "human rights" and individual.
Probably the ass of Charles, great mignottone a heart attack, which makes him go crazy ...
Other than the poor Hitler, with the insipid racchietta Eva Braun!
September 21, 2010
Eugenio Avati Ostilio