Sunday, January 16, 2011

Best Wishes For Death


The best way to celebrate the birthday is to run a good race. Yeah, too bad this time of year that the raw material shortages. How can I be born in the season that I hate most? Who bore me in her belly for nine months says that according to his calculations, I should have let me live in December: I obviously do not know, put out his head, there was the cold. Had it been possible, I would gladly have stalled for a while ' time yet, waiting for the thaw, as a bear in hibernation.

console ourselves with the fact that the anniversary falls on a Sunday, so I can make merry in the absence of appropriate celebrations - which, given time, are strictly banned.
contest, they said. So there might be some of the classic Madonna, something more than 12 km in circuit, very participatory and torn: does not inspire me at all. Or, at San Bartolomeo in Bosco, the Winter Marathon: running back in 2005 with my favorite Pacer. Too bad that the event can only remember a large cold barren lands lost in the fog, whipped by icy winds that blow from all sides. Of course, the distance, according to my current training program. But just look at the wheel of the race for me to decide: the awards discriminate against the female category in a shameful way. Apart from ambition and / or real possibility of placement, is a matter of principle: I continue to be indignant for such choices, mind you, mock Regulation Fidal - and I wonder why will grant approval to events that do not meet the standards laid down by it.
Excluding races so the only affordable, we have to adhere to the table: a fartlek on the 24km route wavy. The Val di Zena calls, and I run! This time not alone. This is really an event. The last one to accompany me on this path was Mauritius, a few centuries ago. But today we are many. Too many. Yes, because a bear is bear even when it accepts to train in the company: in the two can be pleasant, three can be interesting as well is a mess. Especially when you can not appropriated the whole track: the valley is picturesque and scenic, but it is a road on which you must proceed in single file. It seems that they prefer the crowded. From behind me touch on one foot, making me stagger. Partiamo malissimo! Già la mattina era iniziata nel peggiore dei modi, col morale mandato nel fango da quei sporchi individui che non mi danno pace neppure la domenica: sto davvero rasentando l’esaurimento nervoso. Qualche centinaia di metri e di nuovo, stavolta quasi finisco a terra. Stai davanti tu, per favore! Dentro ribollo, ma che diamine! Già non tollero simili comportamenti in gara, come possono accadere mentre ci si sta semplicemente allenando? Alla terza volta esplodo: non inveisco perché sono tra amici, ma mi fermo di colpo e li lascio andare. La tensione accumulata sta per esplodere in pianto: cerco di ingoiare il magone, come si può correre e piangere allo stesso tempo? Dove voglio andare, in queste condizioni? I come back, which is better. Just today, which also runs Jader ... Damn! What were those? Today you have to do your workout, without looking at anyone: it should be. The others are slower, or maybe you are saving for a happy end. I do not care. I do some 'variations . And childbirth. Three minutes at breakneck speed, reel but do not yield. I expect to be achieved in stroke recovery. But no, I'm still alone. And I'm a god! I have exceeded even the emotional crisis and I feel more charged than usual: Two weeks ago, the same place and same training, I gave up taking in more than one occasion. Today, however, walk away smooth enough to surprise an elderly cyclist who, intrigued by the subject, decided to escort me. You're doing the 16 exclaims. Well, I say - let alone , I say to myself. I asked where the finish line, he thinks maybe he's competing? the twelfth, I say. I warn you that the others are a hundred yards, boh ... I said 16, but were almost 17 . Yeah, right, on this path, then! And now you're catching up. Funny have a fan while you exercise. After each comment is away, continuing on his way, I suppose. The meeting but shortly afterwards, without waiting for a new incentive. Just two kilometers. The news from there I will return back to the mall and I am earning more points. Here I am, therefore, the critical point, the dreaded tear of the twelfth mile. Nothing dramatic, it's just the hardest climb of the route, all in all quite short. You still feel - and the greatest satisfaction in this stretch, you pass some cyclist who has burst on the pedals. The cyclist is beyond me but, now, is an ambassador of my training partners: I'm sorry, they told me to inform you that came back . For some reason, the news gives me a boost. I find the breath to thank him and head down to stretch up to the top where I expect my fans, who compliments and say hello to me - this time permanently.
In the mid-or only half? I can not say. I lost count of the changes, but I still have energy for others. Twelve kilometers are trivial, then they are just waiting for me so I have to hurry. Above all, I arrive in excellent condition and hear the applause. Okay, let's not exaggerate. But this unusual confidence in my powers can not be ignored. Especially considering that I was going to blow it (if not all in that country), after less than five kilometers of the race. Never before today has earned the motto "better alone" ... I am an asocial, I know. But if I want to trot along in glee, I go to a tapasciata any, where beauty is just talk right and left regardless of timing. Training on "real", however, does not compromise: I stick to my plan and I do not accept interference. Exactly. I messed up the woman on this earth, who can not even keep order on the table, with regard to the race track I need to follow well defined. After all, is not so contradictory. They are too messy and, above all, unsafe, to be able to manage fluency: a need for guidelines. Perhaps to challenge, possibly to change, even to twist if necessary. But woe to those who I have to the table. Not to mention those who were touching my feet!
Here is 3 km. Now it's done. The latter two are undulating enough to break your legs, which at this point they have accumulated quite a load of fatigue. But the sign marking the end of training is no longer a mirage, and the idea is enough to bring out the latest resources - and it's almost like the finish of a race.

Well, it went very well. We are all satisfied, better than that ?!...
I know I expect a sad day, and that there will be other crying. For nearly two hours, however, I was my own master and control the situation. Flashes of vitality that illuminates a dark period: see the light gives me hope that the darkness will soon dissolve. Once and for all.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Does Uterine Prolapse Feel Like

Cursed oven

How long can a night? The noise went through the latex caps, gables and crashed through the heart, making him jump. It had already happened, but now sleep had seized upon the isolate was ringing in their ears served. Until now. Until this worm has not decided to explode. And there is no protection that takes. I do not know how long he is asleep, maybe I have not even passed the stage of drowsiness when, suddenly emerge dall'assopimento, as I had just leaned her head on a pillow with an alarm, the alarm is about to something happen. Stomp! The walls tremble. The pulse skyrocket: from now on there that takes cap. The roar of those infernal machines, run at full capacity, shuffle my bowels and my thoughts. I try to isolate myself, concentrating on breathing, trying to hear the hiss only natural that runs through my head. But now the devil possessed me, and tonight I will not have peace. They are trapped. I can not cry out my anger to anyone who would listen to me? That old man is ignorant that everything has only one sensitive to noise, that of money. Jader, lucky man, somehow manages to stay - at least until I am myself to exasperate him. I try to immobilize me, curled up in my corner, chasing desperately reassuring thoughts. But soon arise shudder: I'm cold, too cold. I have to go to the bathroom, I have to find something to warm up, I catch my breath because I lack even the air. Wrapped in blankets, I crouch on the couch clutching a steaming cup: the nerves give way, releasing tears that do not meet bank. The walls thunder, the room dark and cold overwhelms me, the whole house is going to crush me. I have no escape. Endure slavery to earplugs is not enough, now there's nothing I can do. Never be able to sleep, never be able to run, I'll end up sometimes fail to connect. Neurotic. That's how I will make: a crazy neurotic intolerant world. I make one with the couch, hoping to give in to exhaustion. Of canceled. I would like to stop the flow of evil catastrophic thoughts, memories and hold on to convince others that may join the list: I would like to heal from this hurt so I can not give a name but what is fraying. E finirà per logorare anche lui, che ovviamente si è svegliato e mi osserva silenzioso: impotente, più forte di me ma come me disarmato, inevitabilmente contagiato dalla mia disperazione. Ti prego, vieni a letto. Certo, tanto è tutto inutile. Qui o là non fa differenza. A questo punto neppure il silenzio fa la differenza: perché il rumore si è insinuato dentro di me, esaurendo le mie difese. Stringo la tua mano e lascio trascorrere le ore: la notte non è ancora finita, ma ho già paura di quella che verrà domani.

Quando, come un coperchio, il cielo pesa greve
Sull'anima gemente in preda a lunghi difficulties,
And in a single circle clutching the horizon
Pour a black day sadder than the night;

When the earth change in a damp cell ,
By Hope that goes like a bat,
flapping its wings against the walls timid
and hitting his head on the soggy ceiling

When the rain spreads its huge strips
Imitating the bars of a vast prison,
And, dumb and disgusting, a race of spiders
Curtains their networks inside our brains;
bells suddenly explode with fury
launching into the sky screaming scary
What makes you think and homeless wandering spirits
What you put in a stubborn to moan.

- And long funeral, without drums or music,
parade slowly into the heart, Hope,
Won, crying, and Anguish, despotic and cruel,
skewers on my skull his black flag.

Charles Baudelaire

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Keep Bandage On My Dog

Altro che avventure di Sammy... vedesse lui le nostre!!!!

Sammy ... I would watch the adventures of this group willingly! I do not think there are comparisons (ahimè!) ... in any case "last" exit "holiday" before diving back in the commitments (many) that we will all share from Monday, between schools started again, activities are intensified, and a full racing calendar for all and all. But we

last night:-P
( article Erika Ricci )


The gym hours are "too few" to be together so ... CINEMA!
Saturday, January 8 was the date decided to honor the screening of 'The Adventures of Sammy' of our presence.

-start with the 'start-
At 16:30 h in a meeting with all Pro Patria ready for autumn-winter 2010 with skirts, hats and boots but mostly ready to be beautifully scarrozzate (without parents) to the cinema.
Once you arrive / come we do not miss the various outlets in giro nei confronti delle ragazze urlanti -ovviamente non ginnaste!!- che non sapevno tenersi al toro imbestialito ...mitico gioco in cui, in teoria, il divertimento consiste nel riuscire a stare attaccati al toro in movimento e ,in pratica, la cosa più spettacolare è vedere il commerciante costretto a darti il premio con una faccia sconvolta perchè non pensava tu fossi abbastanza forte =).
Dopo aver girato tutti i negozi ma prima di andare in sala ...TAPPA POP-CORN E CHIPS immancabili, si...abbiamo corrotto il nostro allenatore per una volta!=9.. e siamo pronte per SAMMY, E IL SUO MONDO DA ESPLORARE..CON IL PASSAGGIO SEGRETO AL SUD! Pur essendo un cartone animato, ammetto che ha divertito anche i più grandi... ma andiamo avanti!
Leaving the room, there was no need for bathroom break ... which has proved time "mirror mirror on the wall, we Noil most fashionable of them all" and that ended dancing YMCA ... (With the other girls looking at us very badly) .. we are the best!
- L 'Imperfection is beauty madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring - [Marilyn Monroe].
To our great happiness ... it was time for dinner !!!.. and that is where most heartfelt thanks go to my brother who convinced Paul to feed us all 'OLD WILD WEST. You know what this meant?! ALL THE GOOD FOOD! And this could not miss a toast .. Gymnasts to the gym .. and that we were able to eat all that stuff without getting fat by =)... more or less .. =).

After dinner and satisfied the desire of the great coffee we're ready to go home: dwarf in front to lead the group as if they were master of the world, large and medium-sized behind not ready to be put under the car!
After two times around the parking lot (just to make us recognize) are on the way back. In late evening
all home with a beautiful smile and lots of laughter =).


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pimped Up Mobility Scooter

Few pebbles THE SHOES ...

In these days of the end-beginning of the year it is natural to do, to use a term perhaps a little 'abused but effective, the "financial statements", namely, to reflect a bit' more than it is ordinarily do at other times, on one we've seen in recent times, and maybe - if you believe that he kept inside for too long some consideration, perhaps a bit '"unorthodox", and then you feel the urge the outside - also off, as he put a great President Emeritus of the Republic who recently passed away, some "pebble in the shoe."

on national politics I have never expressed "public" for some time: in any case, my opinion, certainly not very flattering already, sull'occhialuto character who has clearly betrayed the expectations of its voters, severely weakening the government majority to which he belonged, without being able to demolish it as he wished, can only be worsened compared to the previous post on this, dating back to the time of the speech of Mirabello. Treason and traitor are certainly heavy terms that seem more suited to other eras and other socio-political democratic West than the twenty-first century, but, unfortunately, given a similar situation, not if they are more shoe horns, and use them denouncing the incident, reluctantly is the first stone that I had to take away from the famous shoe. The coup in the parliamentary debate on the trust, as we have said, the glasses and his associates could not even for a "hair", and this did breathe a sigh of relief to those who, like the writer (and those who follow me long knows), do not like the overly "falls" of the executive before the natural expiration of its term, even when a rule is the political party opposing them, and instead admire the political systems (alas preposterous to us) that, for the American example, firstly through the stability of the 'administration' even in the face of changes in majority in Parliament due to elections. Now, if in Italy it will be possible to widen a narrow majority, the better, meanwhile, the essential thing was not completely bury it in that moment, every opportunity to arrive safely at the fateful 2013.

While parliamentarians took place in the classrooms is not without twists debate on the trust of the above, in the streets of Rome to a few meters from the palaces of power, the events of unprecedented violence vandalism so-called "student" causing damage to property and injuries to persons of a severity which is not recorded since a very long time. But they were not regular students, the authors of the worst atrocities: as recently more course to exceed the challenges contro le innovazioni promosse dal ministro Gelmini, che non sto qui a giudicare per non avere approfondito a sufficienza l'argomento, ben difficilmente le ordinarie masse di studenti - in (piccola) parte politicamente consapevoli e in (gran) parte semplicemente profittanti dell'occasione per distrarsi con un po' di bagarre, lontani da banchi e libri - si sono lasciate andare ad eccessi di simili proporzioni.

I devastatori erano dei cosiddetti "black-block"; criminali allo stato purissimo usi ad approfittare di qualunque pretesto solitamente offerto loro da manifestazioni, magari relativamente pacifiche, organizzate da altri per accodarsi alle medesime e lanciarsi nelle loro bestiali imprese. Contro di loro la reazione delle forze dell'ordine should be proportionate to the intensity and above all, that they may be, the same should be forwarded to the feeling of being behind all the support and solidarity possible by the country and the judiciary, not the frustration of "hands tied" due to 'existence of superior judges objectively and always ready to give them the slightest suspicion of him having dealt with half the rabble of the decision that it deserves, and vice versa to ensure the most dangerous criminals with kid gloves treatment and release easier. And that, more than a pebble, a boulder just seemed to take away from my number 42.

About criminal incense and good rather offended by people of high status institutions and personalities who knows what self-styled champions of "oppressed", then, is the news these days even the refusal of President Lula of Brazil in Italy to extradite the terrorist Red pluriassassino Cesare Battisti (alas namesake one of the most crystalline heroes in the history of our country) that this is the face of facing justice for the victims and relatives of the Italian figures.

Lula belongs, with Venezuela's Chavez, a new generation of Latin American populist leaders, anti-globalization, pathetically clinging to archaic concept that all evil is America and the West rich and that all good is the side of the opponents of these, as questionable or dangerous, where such conduct, the approach to regimes like Iran and the protection accorded to Baptists, just because terrorists "red". Italy is responding with sufficient firmness to the challenge, the ambassador to Brazil has been invoked, events are taking place bipartisan on the issue a bit 'everywhere. We should intensify efforts to internationally isolate the perpetrators of such serious abuses.

I take off my shoes in fact yet another boulder by saying that nothing would be lost to the world by the disappearance from the political scene of such tools.

Finally re-emerged strongly the problem of persecuted Christians around the world: people who do not claim to legitimate freedom of undisturbed follow the practices dictated by their faith and is instead made literally blow up in his own churches, in countries where the murderous violence is more brutal, arbitrary and out of control, or is it more subtly and less noisily opposed to some last bastion of state atheism, such as China, which takes a picture of himself to give a number of internal and international availability to the opening, but does not give up violations both explicit human rights.

In all cases, it is necessary for those responsible, without encroaching on the behaviors that would distort the role, make their voices heard with maximum clarity and possible decision, by requiring more energy (though to Benedict XVI and most of his higher clergy should be given less an act of "shrinking violet" of some of their predecessors in the past ), by the authorities of the countries most directly concerned, the most appropriate practical measures to combat the phenomenon.

It can only be answered with references to universal brotherhood and even sacrosanct theological arguments to those who thinks only in terms of holy war, conducted with weapons, and therefore would trade it all for signs of weakness and implicit assurances of never meeting reactions to their effective actions sanguinarie.

Sarebbero ancora tanti i sassi e sassolini da levare dalle scarpe, affinchè si possa veramente camminare comodi per il nuovo anno che ci attende.

Per ragioni di spazio, e di pietà per il lettore, ci siamo limitati a quelli che proprio ci procuravano fastidio intollerabile, se non rimossi.

Anche se in ritardo, buon 2011 a tutti.

Tommaso Pellegrino

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Old Loggy Tree Stands Verse New Ones

Natale 2010 ;-) Tradizione della vigilia... Insieme ;-)

A volte un'immagine racconta più di mille parole...

ok ok ...magari qualche immagine in più giusto per far capire il "deliro" della vigilia ;-)