Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pimped Up Mobility Scooter

Few pebbles THE SHOES ...

In these days of the end-beginning of the year it is natural to do, to use a term perhaps a little 'abused but effective, the "financial statements", namely, to reflect a bit' more than it is ordinarily do at other times, on one we've seen in recent times, and maybe - if you believe that he kept inside for too long some consideration, perhaps a bit '"unorthodox", and then you feel the urge the outside - also off, as he put a great President Emeritus of the Republic who recently passed away, some "pebble in the shoe."

on national politics I have never expressed "public" for some time: in any case, my opinion, certainly not very flattering already, sull'occhialuto character who has clearly betrayed the expectations of its voters, severely weakening the government majority to which he belonged, without being able to demolish it as he wished, can only be worsened compared to the previous post on this, dating back to the time of the speech of Mirabello. Treason and traitor are certainly heavy terms that seem more suited to other eras and other socio-political democratic West than the twenty-first century, but, unfortunately, given a similar situation, not if they are more shoe horns, and use them denouncing the incident, reluctantly is the first stone that I had to take away from the famous shoe. The coup in the parliamentary debate on the trust, as we have said, the glasses and his associates could not even for a "hair", and this did breathe a sigh of relief to those who, like the writer (and those who follow me long knows), do not like the overly "falls" of the executive before the natural expiration of its term, even when a rule is the political party opposing them, and instead admire the political systems (alas preposterous to us) that, for the American example, firstly through the stability of the 'administration' even in the face of changes in majority in Parliament due to elections. Now, if in Italy it will be possible to widen a narrow majority, the better, meanwhile, the essential thing was not completely bury it in that moment, every opportunity to arrive safely at the fateful 2013.

While parliamentarians took place in the classrooms is not without twists debate on the trust of the above, in the streets of Rome to a few meters from the palaces of power, the events of unprecedented violence vandalism so-called "student" causing damage to property and injuries to persons of a severity which is not recorded since a very long time. But they were not regular students, the authors of the worst atrocities: as recently more course to exceed the challenges contro le innovazioni promosse dal ministro Gelmini, che non sto qui a giudicare per non avere approfondito a sufficienza l'argomento, ben difficilmente le ordinarie masse di studenti - in (piccola) parte politicamente consapevoli e in (gran) parte semplicemente profittanti dell'occasione per distrarsi con un po' di bagarre, lontani da banchi e libri - si sono lasciate andare ad eccessi di simili proporzioni.

I devastatori erano dei cosiddetti "black-block"; criminali allo stato purissimo usi ad approfittare di qualunque pretesto solitamente offerto loro da manifestazioni, magari relativamente pacifiche, organizzate da altri per accodarsi alle medesime e lanciarsi nelle loro bestiali imprese. Contro di loro la reazione delle forze dell'ordine should be proportionate to the intensity and above all, that they may be, the same should be forwarded to the feeling of being behind all the support and solidarity possible by the country and the judiciary, not the frustration of "hands tied" due to 'existence of superior judges objectively and always ready to give them the slightest suspicion of him having dealt with half the rabble of the decision that it deserves, and vice versa to ensure the most dangerous criminals with kid gloves treatment and release easier. And that, more than a pebble, a boulder just seemed to take away from my number 42.

About criminal incense and good rather offended by people of high status institutions and personalities who knows what self-styled champions of "oppressed", then, is the news these days even the refusal of President Lula of Brazil in Italy to extradite the terrorist Red pluriassassino Cesare Battisti (alas namesake one of the most crystalline heroes in the history of our country) that this is the face of facing justice for the victims and relatives of the Italian figures.

Lula belongs, with Venezuela's Chavez, a new generation of Latin American populist leaders, anti-globalization, pathetically clinging to archaic concept that all evil is America and the West rich and that all good is the side of the opponents of these, as questionable or dangerous, where such conduct, the approach to regimes like Iran and the protection accorded to Baptists, just because terrorists "red". Italy is responding with sufficient firmness to the challenge, the ambassador to Brazil has been invoked, events are taking place bipartisan on the issue a bit 'everywhere. We should intensify efforts to internationally isolate the perpetrators of such serious abuses.

I take off my shoes in fact yet another boulder by saying that nothing would be lost to the world by the disappearance from the political scene of such tools.

Finally re-emerged strongly the problem of persecuted Christians around the world: people who do not claim to legitimate freedom of undisturbed follow the practices dictated by their faith and is instead made literally blow up in his own churches, in countries where the murderous violence is more brutal, arbitrary and out of control, or is it more subtly and less noisily opposed to some last bastion of state atheism, such as China, which takes a picture of himself to give a number of internal and international availability to the opening, but does not give up violations both explicit human rights.

In all cases, it is necessary for those responsible, without encroaching on the behaviors that would distort the role, make their voices heard with maximum clarity and possible decision, by requiring more energy (though to Benedict XVI and most of his higher clergy should be given less an act of "shrinking violet" of some of their predecessors in the past ), by the authorities of the countries most directly concerned, the most appropriate practical measures to combat the phenomenon.

It can only be answered with references to universal brotherhood and even sacrosanct theological arguments to those who thinks only in terms of holy war, conducted with weapons, and therefore would trade it all for signs of weakness and implicit assurances of never meeting reactions to their effective actions sanguinarie.

Sarebbero ancora tanti i sassi e sassolini da levare dalle scarpe, affinchè si possa veramente camminare comodi per il nuovo anno che ci attende.

Per ragioni di spazio, e di pietà per il lettore, ci siamo limitati a quelli che proprio ci procuravano fastidio intollerabile, se non rimossi.

Anche se in ritardo, buon 2011 a tutti.

Tommaso Pellegrino


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