Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Keep Bandage On My Dog

Altro che avventure di Sammy... vedesse lui le nostre!!!!

Sammy ... I would watch the adventures of this group willingly! I do not think there are comparisons (ahimè!) ... in any case "last" exit "holiday" before diving back in the commitments (many) that we will all share from Monday, between schools started again, activities are intensified, and a full racing calendar for all and all. But we

last night:-P
( article Erika Ricci )


The gym hours are "too few" to be together so ... CINEMA!
Saturday, January 8 was the date decided to honor the screening of 'The Adventures of Sammy' of our presence.

-start with the 'start-
At 16:30 h in a meeting with all Pro Patria ready for autumn-winter 2010 with skirts, hats and boots but mostly ready to be beautifully scarrozzate (without parents) to the cinema.
Once you arrive / come we do not miss the various outlets in giro nei confronti delle ragazze urlanti -ovviamente non ginnaste!!- che non sapevno tenersi al toro imbestialito ...mitico gioco in cui, in teoria, il divertimento consiste nel riuscire a stare attaccati al toro in movimento e ,in pratica, la cosa più spettacolare è vedere il commerciante costretto a darti il premio con una faccia sconvolta perchè non pensava tu fossi abbastanza forte =).
Dopo aver girato tutti i negozi ma prima di andare in sala ...TAPPA POP-CORN E CHIPS immancabili, si...abbiamo corrotto il nostro allenatore per una volta!=9.. e siamo pronte per SAMMY, E IL SUO MONDO DA ESPLORARE..CON IL PASSAGGIO SEGRETO AL SUD! Pur essendo un cartone animato, ammetto che ha divertito anche i più grandi... ma andiamo avanti!
Leaving the room, there was no need for bathroom break ... which has proved time "mirror mirror on the wall, we Noil most fashionable of them all" and that ended dancing YMCA ... (With the other girls looking at us very badly) .. we are the best!
- L 'Imperfection is beauty madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring - [Marilyn Monroe].
To our great happiness ... it was time for dinner !!!.. and that is where most heartfelt thanks go to my brother who convinced Paul to feed us all 'OLD WILD WEST. You know what this meant?! ALL THE GOOD FOOD! And this could not miss a toast .. Gymnasts to the gym .. and that we were able to eat all that stuff without getting fat by =)... more or less .. =).

After dinner and satisfied the desire of the great coffee we're ready to go home: dwarf in front to lead the group as if they were master of the world, large and medium-sized behind not ready to be put under the car!
After two times around the parking lot (just to make us recognize) are on the way back. In late evening
all home with a beautiful smile and lots of laughter =).



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