Sunday, February 27, 2011

Golds Gym Membership Prices 2010

Walk Walk Castenaso

As always angered me, and as always I realize I'm the only one to do it: thus ending, for the umpteenth time, with one eye shut, trying not to listen to my guilt. Why, if I was coherent, not participate in all these races so blatantly out of order. Specifically, Article 15.2 of the Rules FIDAL for the organization of events : "The awards for each position classification must be the same for both male and female categories."
The events that follow this rule are a rarity. If the Federation is the first to use, let alone companies, or even runners. Nobody seems to notice, either directly from the participants. Yet the issue should not only address the few that come to win a prize, and should not be regarded as a mere matter of principle: we are talking about totally ignored regulations, total indifference. Perhaps should be a mass boycott, who knows. In fact, you want to disregard, either for convenience, you also need a team, everything proceeds as if nothing had happened - and myself, with my participation helps ensure that the practice remains unchanged. My simple and therefore remains a useless outburst.

vent other, and different content, is what I would refer to those who, a few days ago, had begun to complain about the excessive heat ...
In the snow line to withdraw Award category, can we? The only good thing about this race was that all the practices after the race (rest, retirement packages, awards), took place behind a comfortable porch, quite agile. Why keep a system running? Better to change everything, right? Then we do the rest remains in its usual place, while distributing race packs make them from a truck parked near arrival, the awards celebrate the official in the gym while the category awards deliver them in a corner of the playground: just to liven up a bit 'jogging movement. Of course, we strive to mess with the order of arrival, so as to further enliven the comings and goings of runners fatigued and disoriented.
begin to lose clarity, I realize I am now free of reaction: I hold my package like a plush, almost managed to warm up. At the restaurant does not get there, I can not do: I just want to throw myself in the car and be home as soon as possible. I can hardly think back to my race. Come è stata? Il Brava Vale! di Jader gridato al mio arrivo farebbe pensare ad una prestazione rilevante. Io, naturalmente, avrei molto da ridire. Certo, considerata la voglia (zero) che avevo stamattina, la tentazione di concludere prima ancora di iniziare, il rattrappimento totale in prossimità del via, potrei affermare che ho chiuso alla grande. Ovviamente non è così, devo però ammettere che non ho avuto cedimenti né vistosi cali di ritmo. Anzi, mi sono sentita in spinta dall’inizio alla fine. Con fatica, sia chiaro, tanta fatica: gestita però con tenacia e sopportazione. Sarà che avevo puntato ad una preda succulenta: quasi un miraggio, tanto risultava inaspettata. Pensavo davvero di poterla grab, I believed until the last kilometer. But believe it was not enough. If only the time trial could give me some indication - ergo, if I had pressed the stop button instead on lap. Tap instead wait for the release of official results to know the response. Therefore, adjourn the proceedings, too cold to think.
This time of year is always very critical for me, winter me destroys the idea that I'll have to endure for so long I still exhausts further. So risk of going into the reserve, found himself deprived of the energy necessary to enjoy the summer - when it arrives. I can not afford it. The last mile is always the most affected, but soon starts to think about next time: it's just bite the bullet, the rewards will come.

Excuse Letters For Wedding Ceremony

Arcore - 2° prova regionale di Categoria Allieve 2011

Seconda prova regionale, oggi, del Campionato di alta specializzazione categoria Allieve 2011, al Palaunimek di Arcore, first test, the two provided by the federal calendar, which was attended by our two young athletes Camilla Magni (cat. L3) and Martina Caradonna (cat. L4) , absent proof to last for technical instructor.

A bit 'of irons in the fire that for both, although with some "lightening" in the technical program for this test than the elements "in the study, presented today to test some new post" arm up "in the field of competition.

Camilla, in a routine set of 5 tools will be challenged today from scratch in the first jump (in competition) with the table of the vault (which in this category sostituisce la pila di tappeti con cui si dilettava nelle precedenti categorie) e, non ultimo per importanza, inseriva una serie acrobatica nuova alla trave, vanto di poche a giudicare dalle concorrenti oggi.

Se la tavola poteva presentare qualche “imprevisto” (cosi per lei come per le altre atlete “mini” presenti alla competizione), risolto comunque alla “bene-meglio”, non si può dire altrettanto per la serie “flic-salto smezzato” alla trave… Reduce dai 2 minuti di prova durante i quali esprime un’ottima qualità d’esecuzione, complice un’entrata molto approssimativa, perde la concentrazione e incappa nella seconda caduta all’attrezzo, ahimè, only "chance" to confirm the good style that characterizes the beam as well as earlier in the trial.

concludes with decent performances to other tools, although simplified in the program and terminating in the tail of the class standings L3.
Too bad, now remains to wait for other regions of the charts for "hope" is still good enough score to enter the inter-test at the end of March, although the possibility is very remote, the intention remains to resolve the habit " Black Out "in the field of race, very annoying, despite our athlete takes on the training sample something else.

Martina inizia invece alla trave dove raccoglie, in un esercizio senza cadute, un punteggio un po’ troppo “scarno” giustificato però da un esecuzione troppo pasticciata, almeno per le linee nei salti che, si sa, decimo dopo decimo, possono penalizzare fortemente il risultato. Procede bene al corpo libero diretta verso quello che sarà l’esordio di oggi per lei, il suo primo salto completo al Volteggio.

Prove “minate” da un campo di gara non pronto e ridotte nel tempo per continui spostamenti e aggiustamenti della Tappettatura costringono la Marty a pochi salti di prova purtroppo, ma con grande determinazione e serenità se li fa bastare centrando l’obbiettivo and scoring race of the jump in fine style (congratulations also came from the jury and technicians). Accomplices

for her the previous tests, this time positively, claims also focused the ultimate tool, but not changed in composition in the starting value, and with a very respectable race ends in 7th place in a category, the ' L4, bare-bones, a symptom that, apparently, the athletes "ready" to maneuver on the 4-edge tools in this category, they are now, alas, just a few, Thank you so earned for that E 'among them " few ";-)

coaches and all we can do and sooner or later work pays off, it goes without saying that appear serene on its commitments can not be an accomplice of a good test ... it makes you think that athletes prepared for what was their staff, and went into a trance to the beam in the grip of concerns, the other, shortly before raising his arm to the judges, seeing that he was about to begin the exercise simultaneously with its "companion of many adventures, he looked at her smiling and almost" Tugging "to greet the other side of the gym!

"In medio stat virtus," Virtue is in the middle ... steady job, concentration and peace of mind to be there in the field of race to return at once, neither more nor less than ten times as much work is achieved in practice.

appreciated the participation of Cry who backed her companions from "unfair" competition in the field

;-) A special thanks to my two "big" who helped me all morning to face a work order that had divided and removed our two athletes in the field on different tools for each rotation! You have been very good and I think your little companions think so.

There is believed to have perhaps, but the contribution and support, even in the presence of those faithful friends of all time, just as the most competitive stress, fa una bella differenza. Se poi nel loro piccolo provvedono pure a “correggere” e “consigliare” come risolvere i problemini in prova quando l’allenatore è obbligatoriamente distante… ( Erika con Martina in parallela ;-), e Cecilia in parallela e laccetti con la sorellina) beh, un servizio niente male! Brave.

(Classifica odierna: )

A breve la classifica definitiva e i “conteggi” per sperare nelle qualificazioni previste tra un mese circa.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

4-digit Combinations Formula


Let's face it: that beard the same races every year! A shot of life every now and then, is that asking too much? Apparently yes. Then, unable to roam freely to explore new horizons, I just have to stick to the usual, unchanging, fixed social calendar, which recurs each time as a photocopy of the previous year. Then we try to interpret it better, beginning, for example by remembering the past editions of the race today: as I Piazzai, by which time, who preceded me and who I could beat. Assume the purpose: to make progress - if not all the items listed in at least some of them. We see the main

• Placement - Last year I came ninth. This year we have four events at the start of my team, the surprise of the year, the extraterrestrial in Morocco, my black beast: they are already slipped to eighth place, not counting any other business. I know that this will not be improved.

• Time - In 2010, absolute crap, the worst is not even contemplated.

Temperatura mite, per il periodo, ma la fastidiosa pioggerellina che impregna l’aria di umidità fa rabbrividire: occorre scaldarsi bene, queste distanze richiedono cure attente. Mi aspetta una faticaccia, tre giri infernali, con quella curva a U che spezza il ritmo e che, sul finale, piega le gambe. Già immagino che partirò a scheggia, riuscirò a mantenermi brillante o mi spegnerò come un cerino consumato? Soprattutto: saprò restare incollata a chi conta o la vedrò sfrecciare lontano come spesso (troppo spesso) accade? Mah, intanto sembra abbia smesso di piovere. Stanotte ho sognato qualcosa che ha a che fare con la corsa, ma non ricordo esattamente che thing. Sign, however, that under the apparent calm, a bit 'Stirring there. Yet it does not seem to experience particular tension, even when we are all lined up waiting for the shot - ergo, the most critical moment: the release of the two-legged wild, wild in the hunt for better place, willing to do anything to be left behind. I can not find "my" race until I feel enveloped by the mass. I think, actually, to be quite ridiculous in the initial phase: a duck quacks to get afraid that space, with the fear of being harpooned by wild beasts. That's because those who profit from my caution: what are all up front? No no, do not go at all well, here we must engage. Out of one, two out, three out. But there it is, I find her on, attached to my black beast. Both here at hand. And me? I already feel somewhat hung, I could still squeeze? Is not it too early? These ruminations take away my energy, what is puzzling? Here you have to play around in ten miles, there is no time to play with tactics. Another round went, positions unchanged. If not that, like an apparition, a known gap between the two. Ready to attack, gain a position - and with it a breath of trust: who knows she can not even the bang. Meanwhile, let's keep this advantage. Also because wags its tail in front of me who does not seem to have no desire to sell, in fact, the gap is increasing. She 's that accelerate or slow down that I? Maybe both. In fact, after yet another U-turn for the braking (finally the last one), lagging hard. The last couple of miles, the ones who should make the wings, are endless. If nothing else, I was able to peek at my back, without seeing the dangers of any kind. This does not mean you can let go, ever! What, now, a mile? Repeated media, like I was on my straight: you see the end, not you noticed? Already the end: the view, I feel, I enjoy the most. But still I see the. Sharp bend in Right now we are. Someone makes, someone else tells you where I turn, with yet another clash near me. Total chaos, which makes me lose my direction. I see a bow and sling it: sin is not the right one. An employee stands in the way I am: other side! I blockade against the hurdles, withdrew and then take the right path, another right turn and sprint to the finish. Fortunately, the position was not at risk, I'm only several seconds. But, I say, you can structure your arrival with a double bend? Forget it. Consider instead the elements initially put into question:

• Placement - Fifth: even in most optimistic expectations

• Time - Despite the time trial "polluted", a minute less than last year

am almost glad - I repeat, almost .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Panasonic Blu Ray Dmr Bw750 Region Hack

Zola Predosa - Lolli Auto Trophy

I angered. Yet what I never said that bad? I had maybe a bully me smoke all day when, given the strength delle avversarie e la mia attuale fase di preparazione, sappiamo bene che mi dovrò accontentare? È vero: mi manca quella sicurezza che, probabilmente, inciderebbe positivamente sui risultati. Ma è anche vero che c’è una bella differenza tra ciò che esprimo a voce e ciò che celo in me: difficilmente rivelerò cosa chiedo a me stessa, preferisco trincerarmi dietro una modesta scaramanzia. Del resto, esibire le mie ambizioni non mi ha mai portato bene. E non mi pare che tu apprezzi chi lo fa: proprio sulla linea di partenza mi hai pregato di incollarmi a colei che si è già dichiarata facile vincitrice (“ tanto non c’è nessuno…”). Sarà fatto: oggi l’obiettivo is not the timing, but the placement, and will fight until every ounce to leave no stone unturned.

We are three in a group that proceeds at a brisk pace. Maybe a little 'too fast, I understand that the pace is risky, but if it is for me it is for them. It will mean that all of them burst, I can not let go: only serve to demoralize. There is already enough to accuse the blow to the news that we are not in head in front, very front, there is the surprise of the year. A familiar face, often present, fair athlete, but not as formidable opponent: up, in fact, now. He swept the January 6 and 10 thousand from now before us a couple of minutes: not bad for an exploit as MF40. Brava her ... The fact that it established, the challenge becomes even more compelling: if you first fought for the best step of the podium, the podium is now in the same game - and no one wants to settle for fourth. I try to stay indoor, I'm fine, I think I could even push a little 'more, but better not risk it. Are signs of difficulties for those who have already lost the certainty of victory. I do forward, taking advantage of the descent from the bridge. But I do not want to be me to pull, so it settles down leaving me overcome my pace again. The other is still stuck like a shadow. I have another opportunity to overtake, and I can not resist. The shadow still there. Some, however, lags behind: race attendant tells us it is separated by 300 meters, seems to have relented. We are about the thirteenth mile, the race is long, do not delude ourselves. Meanwhile, those who try to eliminate me my heels: I had already noticed his stance somewhat overbearing, the series "facts in there that I step 'if we move to the tripped me furious. Hey, want to kill me?! He apologizes and runs past, with the intention of her to be cut through the air. But I'm not able to be at the wheel, not when we proceed the same pace. It is therefore a heads up that tests your physical endurance and mental health. Rimto This is not as bright as in the first half of the race, I fear a sudden black out, as everything seems under control. It is my hope that happens as a Lovoleto years ago, when she was to surrender to a handful of kilometers from. But for now, it does not seem to have this intention at all. In fact, proceeds sent to a pitch from me. Okay so I'm not forcing, then I suggest a shot at the end. Maybe. Actually, not having some kind of resources to draw on, are definitely at the limit of my ability. She too has slowed down, now missing un chilometro e bisogna rompere gli indugi. Mi affianco, ma lei reagisce: è un tira e molla continuo, nel quale vince la potenza. Cioè lei. Sei secondi di differenza, da mangiarsi le mani. Ma, del resto, nessuna recriminazione: ho dato tutto ciò che avevo. Sul podio, almeno, ci sono arrivata. Un minuto in meno dell’anno scorso, anche questo è un buon segnale. Il Garmin, poi, indica 21,4 km: non voglio mettere in discussione la misurazione ufficiale, ma la media al km che riporta lo strumento è incoraggiante, specie in questa fase, ancora carica dei lavori di potenziamento. Insomma, la stagione è iniziata con ottimi auspici. Ora so che i prossimi risultati non saranno altrettanto gratificanti, dato che la concorrenza will be higher. It is important to be clear about the main goal: everything else is a side dish.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Philippe Charriol Rings Philippines

SERIE A1 2011 - Ancona 5 Febbraio - ERIKA RICCI PRESENTE! ;-)


The story of those who lived it ;-)

"The weekend just gone saw me share a wonderful experience: LA SERIE A1!

The trip began Friday, the day after a workout at Brescia, I left with the PROLISSONE the direction of Ancona, for my debut in the top flight.

We arrived at the hotel after about 4 hours of travel and after eating and "dialogue" in English with Polish gymnast under the company Lissone ( Kulesza Marta Pihan gymnast also participating just played at the world championships), we went to bed trying to rest and be more or less fit for the next day (which turned out to be infinite as expected).

up at H: 8.00, breakfast H: 8.30 and ready for testing on the competition field to H: 10.30! :-)
We had 10 minutes per team on the tool: more than enough given my poor physical condition, but not enough for me to pass any kind of "emotion" ... well ... let's call that "fifa terrible sounds bad: - /

The competition in my view was beautiful, Janssen-Fritsen equipment (and not parallel GYMNOVA ... GREAT!! :-) That, apparently, will remain the official equipment for all four tests of the season.

After the first three rotations we got to twirl, tool, I think for the first time in my life, I creates problems (due to an ankle rather battered) ... only negative in the morning it was yet another arrival lack of which cost me some pain in most.
After finishing the training, we return to the hotel, we ate and rested ... as it is impossible to rest in a crazy trip with five companions in the room :-)

H: 16.30 for meeting start field where the race was scheduled for general warm H: 17.30, but obviously the serious A2, thanks to the combination of the men's section with a number of high gear, it was late, so we started well after the estimated time, the right time to pick up the fear to a thousand, to see the four judges for each gear, the audience on the steps and the atmosphere from major competition.

A few minutes after the analysis of the stage in front of me had arrived the Cice :-) missed my teammate and BASIC (do not know how I would do without her!) And then I started to relax.

After another quarter of an hour waiting platform free of gymnasts of A2 and ... the competition available, you start!
And 'Just touch the platform to turn the terror that I had accumulated inside and on ADRENALIN smile, good feeling.

finished warming have made the race around to try once more tools ... even after they have remained quite calm.

about 19:30 am when we parade before the judges to start the race! = Gasp =-)

We began to twirl, the first to go was the 'Alice Romanella (Gymnast of PROLISSONE) which is unfortunately fall arrival of a big jump ... too bad, had good evidence, but was immediately rescued Parallel
;-) ... So it was my turn, via the tights on the arm, a smile, by the fear ... and 5 seconds at most to make my jump, which is not even got a little ankle position = :-) (and then a tool free of the past).

After the jump Elisa Molinarolo third gymnast to perform, but "First gymnast owner 'of the ARDOR PADOVA (companies for which they are enrolled), it is the turn of the Parallel.

I went up to the second test in which I opened a mini-call at that time I was creating zero, and I mean ZERO problems! It was just the last of my thoughts! ... Before going up I thought " I want to do well, I do not want to fall ." And one of the few times in my gymnastics career did not win the terror of making a mistake in my head. Some uncertainty on TARZAN
, too bad, but certainly can not say that was not vertically! :-) And then straight away, jump right, exit, salute and satisfaction :-)
partial result: 2-0 for me :-)

But the worries were not over at all. It was the turn of the beam, tool in which I always said "if I just the evidence I definitely wrong in the race! ".... And of course ... the tests I've done right !.... but this time the race well :-)
A moment before pulling on my arm are even scared because I was relatively quiet ... and perhaps because of this, one element after another, I brought home a year without falling :-)

We go this last rotation, fitness facilities, in which, alas, I have always taken a very simplified because of my ankle blessed that in the weeks before I was never allowed to be able to train full program. But
year and finished the race finished :-)

Ardor PADOVA as expected came 7th equal with another company bringing up the rear of this championship in 2011, gymnastics ROMANA, but I, and this time Paul was happy with my performance :-)

Next race in a month, March 5, from Tuesday at the gym and I to try to continue to improve ;-)

Erika Ricci

We sincerely thank the team from the wonderful collaboration PROLISSONE ;-)
