Sunday, February 13, 2011

4-digit Combinations Formula


Let's face it: that beard the same races every year! A shot of life every now and then, is that asking too much? Apparently yes. Then, unable to roam freely to explore new horizons, I just have to stick to the usual, unchanging, fixed social calendar, which recurs each time as a photocopy of the previous year. Then we try to interpret it better, beginning, for example by remembering the past editions of the race today: as I Piazzai, by which time, who preceded me and who I could beat. Assume the purpose: to make progress - if not all the items listed in at least some of them. We see the main

• Placement - Last year I came ninth. This year we have four events at the start of my team, the surprise of the year, the extraterrestrial in Morocco, my black beast: they are already slipped to eighth place, not counting any other business. I know that this will not be improved.

• Time - In 2010, absolute crap, the worst is not even contemplated.

Temperatura mite, per il periodo, ma la fastidiosa pioggerellina che impregna l’aria di umidità fa rabbrividire: occorre scaldarsi bene, queste distanze richiedono cure attente. Mi aspetta una faticaccia, tre giri infernali, con quella curva a U che spezza il ritmo e che, sul finale, piega le gambe. Già immagino che partirò a scheggia, riuscirò a mantenermi brillante o mi spegnerò come un cerino consumato? Soprattutto: saprò restare incollata a chi conta o la vedrò sfrecciare lontano come spesso (troppo spesso) accade? Mah, intanto sembra abbia smesso di piovere. Stanotte ho sognato qualcosa che ha a che fare con la corsa, ma non ricordo esattamente che thing. Sign, however, that under the apparent calm, a bit 'Stirring there. Yet it does not seem to experience particular tension, even when we are all lined up waiting for the shot - ergo, the most critical moment: the release of the two-legged wild, wild in the hunt for better place, willing to do anything to be left behind. I can not find "my" race until I feel enveloped by the mass. I think, actually, to be quite ridiculous in the initial phase: a duck quacks to get afraid that space, with the fear of being harpooned by wild beasts. That's because those who profit from my caution: what are all up front? No no, do not go at all well, here we must engage. Out of one, two out, three out. But there it is, I find her on, attached to my black beast. Both here at hand. And me? I already feel somewhat hung, I could still squeeze? Is not it too early? These ruminations take away my energy, what is puzzling? Here you have to play around in ten miles, there is no time to play with tactics. Another round went, positions unchanged. If not that, like an apparition, a known gap between the two. Ready to attack, gain a position - and with it a breath of trust: who knows she can not even the bang. Meanwhile, let's keep this advantage. Also because wags its tail in front of me who does not seem to have no desire to sell, in fact, the gap is increasing. She 's that accelerate or slow down that I? Maybe both. In fact, after yet another U-turn for the braking (finally the last one), lagging hard. The last couple of miles, the ones who should make the wings, are endless. If nothing else, I was able to peek at my back, without seeing the dangers of any kind. This does not mean you can let go, ever! What, now, a mile? Repeated media, like I was on my straight: you see the end, not you noticed? Already the end: the view, I feel, I enjoy the most. But still I see the. Sharp bend in Right now we are. Someone makes, someone else tells you where I turn, with yet another clash near me. Total chaos, which makes me lose my direction. I see a bow and sling it: sin is not the right one. An employee stands in the way I am: other side! I blockade against the hurdles, withdrew and then take the right path, another right turn and sprint to the finish. Fortunately, the position was not at risk, I'm only several seconds. But, I say, you can structure your arrival with a double bend? Forget it. Consider instead the elements initially put into question:

• Placement - Fifth: even in most optimistic expectations

• Time - Despite the time trial "polluted", a minute less than last year

am almost glad - I repeat, almost .


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