I angered. Yet what I never said that bad? I had maybe a bully me smoke all day when, given the strength delle avversarie e la mia attuale fase di preparazione, sappiamo bene che mi dovrò accontentare? È vero: mi manca quella sicurezza che, probabilmente, inciderebbe positivamente sui risultati. Ma è anche vero che c’è una bella differenza tra ciò che esprimo a voce e ciò che celo in me: difficilmente rivelerò cosa chiedo a me stessa, preferisco trincerarmi dietro una modesta scaramanzia. Del resto, esibire le mie ambizioni non mi ha mai portato bene. E non mi pare che tu apprezzi chi lo fa: proprio sulla linea di partenza mi hai pregato di incollarmi a colei che si è già dichiarata facile vincitrice (“ tanto non c’è nessuno…”). Sarà fatto: oggi l’obiettivo is not the timing, but the placement, and will fight until every ounce to leave no stone unturned.
We are three in a group that proceeds at a brisk pace. Maybe a little 'too fast, I understand that the pace is risky, but if it is for me it is for them. It will mean that all of them burst, I can not let go: only serve to demoralize. There is already enough to accuse the blow to the news that we are not in head in front, very front, there is the surprise of the year. A familiar face, often present, fair athlete, but not as formidable opponent: up, in fact, now. He swept the January 6 and 10 thousand from now before us a couple of minutes: not bad for an exploit as MF40. Brava her ... The fact that it established, the challenge becomes even more compelling: if you first fought for the best step of the podium, the podium is now in the same game - and no one wants to settle for fourth. I try to stay indoor, I'm fine, I think I could even push a little 'more, but better not risk it. Are signs of difficulties for those who have already lost the certainty of victory. I do forward, taking advantage of the descent from the bridge. But I do not want to be me to pull, so it settles down leaving me overcome my pace again. The other is still stuck like a shadow. I have another opportunity to overtake, and I can not resist. The shadow still there. Some, however, lags behind: race attendant tells us it is separated by 300 meters, seems to have relented. We are about the thirteenth mile, the race is long, do not delude ourselves. Meanwhile, those who try to eliminate me my heels: I had already noticed his stance somewhat overbearing, the series "facts in there that I step 'if we move to the tripped me furious. Hey, want to kill me?! He apologizes and runs past, with the intention of her to be cut through the air. But I'm not able to be at the wheel, not when we proceed the same pace. It is therefore a heads up that tests your physical endurance and mental health. Rimto This is not as bright as in the first half of the race, I fear a sudden black out, as everything seems under control. It is my hope that happens as a Lovoleto years ago, when she was to surrender to a handful of kilometers from. But for now, it does not seem to have this intention at all. In fact, proceeds sent to a pitch from me. Okay so I'm not forcing, then I suggest a shot at the end. Maybe. Actually, not having some kind of resources to draw on, are definitely at the limit of my ability. She too has slowed down, now missing un chilometro e bisogna rompere gli indugi. Mi affianco, ma lei reagisce: è un tira e molla continuo, nel quale vince la potenza. Cioè lei. Sei secondi di differenza, da mangiarsi le mani. Ma, del resto, nessuna recriminazione: ho dato tutto ciò che avevo. Sul podio, almeno, ci sono arrivata. Un minuto in meno dell’anno scorso, anche questo è un buon segnale. Il Garmin, poi, indica 21,4 km: non voglio mettere in discussione la misurazione ufficiale, ma la media al km che riporta lo strumento è incoraggiante, specie in questa fase, ancora carica dei lavori di potenziamento. Insomma, la stagione è iniziata con ottimi auspici. Ora so che i prossimi risultati non saranno altrettanto gratificanti, dato che la concorrenza will be higher. It is important to be clear about the main goal: everything else is a side dish.
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