Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Matlab Install Invalid Stored Block Lengths


much more closely the unbalanced Irish Violet Gibson, who in 1926 shot Mussolini so slightly wounding him, or that other champion of mental health author of an "attack", fortunately without serious consequences that too, against Ronald Reagan , carried out for the love of the actress Jodie Foster, not the "professional" performers of the assassination plans against political leaders and popular race, designed to change the course of history by breaking the flow of those reformers dream of JFK or Martin Luther King.

The male version of Violet Gibson in turn called Massimo Tartaglia, forty years old, clean record, but for ten years, care for psychological problems rather than serious, the victim is none other than the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the 'weapon' a banal souvenir reproduction of the Duomo in Milan that the former has seen fit to hurl against the second, after a meeting held by them in Piazza Duomo, sending him to the hospital in a mask of blood, causing damage to the nasal septum, lips and teeth, and prognosis of twenty days.

unanimous, it was hoped it would be, though in different degrees of "warmth", the condemnation of the mad act by the political world, and even some of those little voice of rebuke from those parts of conscience should hear to have deliberately and recklessly created a climate of hatred unprecedented in the national political landscape, replacing the legitimate, for those who are in opposition, constructive criticism to the work of those who govern with the misuse of weapons such as defamation, the personal insult and calumny. A climate that, in addition to being primarily responsible for what happened, magnifies the impact of an event possibly liquidation, in "normal" times, as the regrettable, but all in all not load a particular meaning, a gesture of unbalanced, with less concern about the possible complications of the fact that public policy could act as a detonator or emulations.

However, if Tartaglia is mentally unstable and this has actually translated into practice an unhealthy impulse, le migliaia di scellerati che, su Facebook e in ambienti simili, hanno inneggiato al suo gesto dimostrano inonfutabilmente che sentimenti di avversione viscerale ed irrazionale verso l'aggredito sono, in verità, diffusissimi, e che, quindi, il pericolo che anche a qualcun altro, sulla quantità dei soggetti, possano saltare i freni inibitori che gli hanno finora impedito di perpetrare azioni criminose è reale.

Perchè si abbia qualche concreta possibilità di fare tutti un passo indietro, finchè si è in tempo, e perchè anche da un fatto negativo come questo possa nascere qualche cosa di positivo, occorre che proprio esso riesca a far comprendere a tutti i responsabli che si è ormai giunti ad un punto very difficult to return without exception, and that radical changes need to register.

who pulled the rope to bring the climate in the country at these invivibilità, although it is naive to pretend that recognize their own faults, should at least order with extreme force and "no ifs, ands or buts" acts of violence as that which occurred in Milan, must cease all campaign shameful as that extended to insinuate the idea that the Mafia (or was) a prime minister who, in the day when a sea of \u200b\u200blemmings take to the streets against him also contestandogl this, you almost beheaded by the mob boss of a raid like did not remember from who knows when it must stop supporting the same abbia aspirazioni quasi dittatoriali, quando invece egli avverte soltanto qualche comprensibile sensazione di mani legate per via della ferraginosità dei pur sacrosanti riti ed organi della garanzia e della democrazia, lui uomo di mentalità imprenditoriale, abituato al "fare" senza chiacchiere e senza burocrazia, e, di carattere schietto com'egli è, lo esterna uscendo forse talvolta un po' troppo dal seminato (ammettiamolo), ma lo fa ovviamente soltanto a parole e senza mai neppure sognarsi di mettere in atto comportamenti eversivi, malgrado gli atteggiamenti persecutori, da parte di talune istituzioni, nei suoi confronti da lui denunciati spesso non siano certo fisime, ma reali. Con gli istigatori o apologeti della violenza e del reato, via web o con qualsiasi altro metodo, la mano della legge non dev'essere infine leggera: non è infatti concepibile che i limiti alla libertà di espressione vigenti per i mezzi di comunicazione tradizionali non si estendano anche ai nuovi ritrovati come la Rete.

Purtroppo, l'ambiguità, per non dire peggio, dei commenti a caldo di vari esponenti dell'opposizione, di fronte al volto sanguinante del premier, non indurrebbe propriamente al massimo dell'ottimismo circa le reali intenzioni di certe forze politiche di voltare pagina nel senso sopra auspicato.

Sembrerebbe esserci un elemento, in questa dolorosa vicenda, comune ad un'altra clamorosa performance in una piazza milanese di Silvio Berlusconi: il predellino dell'automobile del leader. Da lì, nel 2007, fu lanciata l'idea del partito unico di centro-destra, che poi si realizzò, portò all'eccezionale risultato delle elezioni successive, a tante iniziali speranze legate ad una situazione parlamentare finalmente chiara, con una maggioranza solidissima, pochi gruppi parlamentari in campo ed un'opposizione moderata dichiaratamente disposta a giocare il suo ruolo correttamente e civilmente. Poi forse qualosa, per strada, si è guastato. Ora, in un'altra piazza poco distante da quell'altra, già dopo essere stato colpito, il Presidente del Consiglio, sfidando il pericolo di eventuali nuovi attacchi, nel caso quel pazzo non fosse stato solo, si è rizzato in piedi su quello that the step, as if to reassure the supporters present was not yet been conclusively demolished.

We take the analogy between the two phases: find the conditions for a peaceful policy, averting the climate of hate, by overcoming the misunderstandings inside the PDL.

us leave that step.

Tommaso Pellegrino

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Grannieswho Suck Cock

Travel intestines - Dont Know Da Mae Salong

Since the dawn of preparing various noises were coming to us through the dull pain in bone created by the typical body movements Delprete awakening of our sleep on the hard floor.
All of a sudden you open your eyes, me and Mao, looks perplexed surrounded by gusts of halitosis chilli meet and exchange ideas slowly rising, but the party and then called off, it rubs us properly and go out.
even off junction that sweet face takes us by the arm and leads us to the village for breakfast
Beneath a canopy multitude of people all intent on slicing more 'for some pork definitely still alive before the rise of the Sun God each with its own task: those dedicated to the intestines, another to the lungs, to those who do not know as the most' remote body pig. It was all offal.
We settle at the table, the village head shows up and greets us with open arms while others molitudini of lay people and strives to bring all good things.
We start with the amazing fried diced bacon, then move on to the tripe, all drowned by the rivers of Fanta (False).
Good start for seven in the morning. The Lake is his anointed few cubes, leaving the unpleasant Mao (or thank) the task of brushing the All, who is returning often wrote with guttural roar.
Just enough time to remove the boogers eyed sweet girl who takes the Lake by the hand and leads him by the sorceress Dont Know, in a cabin just a few hundred yards downstream.
There welcome her husband and parents of the masseuse, offering beer and shy smiles.
The Santa smokes a pipe, even as it was a time, before the tobacco, while Mamy, as a kind of scarf on his head and teeth Sheikh holidays, presents us with shy smiles with his mouth wide.
The Lake sits in the chair, throws his feet in the air and you get maimed. Shirt and Jeans King's decree.
Watch the cause of pain and quickly set to work. For almost an hour and a half, I could write down. After just half an hour of agony and the soothing foot bath Lake gets back up and ... walk!
I leave a little 'tip, more' to fill the consciousness socialoccidentale that request.
cicciole have a few more here and there, listening to some 'the Monaco litaneggiare incomprehensible songs, are packaged 4 to rags, are greeted with folded hands a bit' and we all threw in the street, the Lake will be testing the brand-new pair of feet.
And what better time if not to take just those 3 km distance ourselves from the intersection with the highway? On, which are 11.30 and the sun still does not flaky.
arrival Luckily there is a bamboo hut, 'so you can relax a bit' in the shade. Time for a cigarette machine and a separate approaches and agrees to take us to the junction to Mae Salong, which he then turns around and goes to Chiang Mai. You know the Japanese animation of our childhood? The teacher type with gray hair lacquered back? Here, our Caccamo hills it is a living example!
Ci accompagna silenzioso al nostro "punto" che coincide anche con la "frontiera" tra le due province (Chiang Mai, si entra a Chiang Rai).
Il Lake si appanica un pochetto per la presenza delle forze dell'ordine, tipo "ecco, e ora? e se l'autostop è proibito?" e mentre grufola altre paranoie occidentali ecco che il milite con fare agguerrito si avvicina e come in ogni classica occasione fallacea esclama: "dove dovete andare?" " Mae Salong ma...ma..." Il gendarme sussurra qualcosa al suo compare il quale si dirige verso una macchina in arrivo e gli impone di darci un passaggio. Tre ragazzi alla guida di un pick up, rosso fuoco e cabinato, "acconsentono" with a nod and we loaded in the cargo compartment. From the absurd travel speed of all winding hilly roads, it seems we want to pay dearly, that is through clenched teeth.
But the road is a bit 'so, take what comes and accept your fate. With a hidden scratch the horse.
In less than no time you get to Mae Salong, a city of fifty founded by a dissident general of Mao, who left the nefarious designs dictatorial and led his troops from Yunnan on the other side of the border, in Prathet Thai (Land of the Free Men), to four thousand feet of sweeping views of the valleys below and protected from Giugliano lush.
Here tea is grown, the green of the highest quality. It replaced the massive cultivation of opium, which allowed these isolated people, inhabitants of a land inaccessible to survive in the exchange.
Mae Salong always raining, or if they are better in the rain and do a hundred meters, which is not raining here '. But then if I do another five raining again, this microscopic that even get wet.
and gray clouds torn from burning rays of the sun. The eagles nest in short.
Mae Salong all merchandise market is haggling. Numerous unspoilt charming shops and stalls they made their way to the view that broadens the horizon at every step.
Peddler hucksters simple merchants loudly extolled the numerous tea estates of their products, offering small tastes delicious qualified the highest quality. More 'some customer curious tourists are carried away by custom and way give valuable minutes of absolute pleasure, a sort of gallery of scents infusions and explosion of the palate, a perfect mechanism as those clocks on the hour that the east offer pieces of life (no more ') policy.
Toto and I are hard at bay, for the moment, which means rice belly. So little rice panza.
The first restaurant is doing well, even if it cost us more in the thirty baht '. C'est la Vie.
We decide to rent a scooter, given the ups and downs and the Lake still limping. You go to Megatempio four kilometers upstream, right on the top, from where the Lake takes some of these photos.
He looks around for the usual sun canopy but there is no trace. It is drizzling here, as already mentioned.
We descend back to the country, takes every single path that could lead to the center of the country (the stairs SHOULD be), it often results in burial pagodas that oh well the free spirit but the hammock next to the dead is something of a creaking every night is mine.
now exhausted and without a bancarellina result you end up with a beautiful view over the village. It was decided to try. Go with the dance of the tea.
Oulong, Yasmine, Ginseng, Oulong first choice, all designed, everything is perfect, gestures, and according to tradition. The Lake is enchanting, like Mao, but not overjoyed, he echoed again in the ancient flavors maialiferi.

Despite the ecstasy saporifera si decide di non comprare, che questa è la prima e magari lo paghiamo il doppio.
Il venditore quindi si gioca l'asso e invita all'assaggio della frutta caramellata. Risparmio la manfrina (nostra), porto direttamente a conoscenza i costi: 350 bath ai quali si devono aggiungere baht 200 investiti dal Lago per un chilo di costosissimo Macadamia. Tè no grazie tutto il resto è mio.
Si riscende, si inforca senza speranze l'ultima viuzza che porta "su" e...le scale! La pagoda! Meraviglioso, anche stanotte si dorme.
Si riscende a valle per uno spuntino e poi si stende l'amaca. Ma non si dorme subito.
Questa notte il cielo torbido di Mae Salong ci fa un dono. Ha deciso di dar spazio alle incontenibili stelle di una tiepida notte tropicale.
 Coltivazione del Tè
"Fabbrica" del Tè

Monday, October 26, 2009

Religious/sports Mottos

The Duel - Do not Know from Thaton to Mae Kok

Al risveglio il Mae Kok era ancora lì, a suonare la sua litania ancestrale.
Noi ci si alza, si riflette un po' sul prendere una barca, che ci avrebbe portato a Chiang Rai, inclusa visita a qualche villaggio sperduto, poi però un po' la voglia di raggiungere il Triangolo d'Oro, un po' il prezzo del battello stesso, fissato in 350 baht a capoccia, ci hanno riportato sulla amatissima strada, a dito alzato e attacchi di disidratazione acuti.
Dopo circa un'ora ci si trova ancora sotto il sole, e l'unico che si ferma è un motorino con in sella un uomo panzottello e una dolce ragazza dai tratti decisamente oriundi, che facevano pendere le sue radici tra Cina, Birmania e chissà quale area remota del MyanVietThaiCamb.
"I am the director of a nearby school, on the road (the only) that leads to the river and through the villages of the tribes of the North" begins ThaiPanz "follow integration projects between the various villages and the people of Thailand. The school is now closed for the holidays, but tomorrow there will be more 'student because of some of the monks are praying for us. It would be my honor to have you as guests "
" You can stay at my place, "concludes sweet girl is.
E 'at a glance, because Maostralo of these occasions, if they do not escape.
Now, in four the scooter is a bit 'tight, it was not for her I almost Panzona ..... away, still a bit' with his finger on. Just another hour.
What then stops the usual pick-up, well pleased (and quite fast considering the speed supported) to take us right there at that intersection that if you turn right and then you die you see the tribes in Mae Kok
Glug Glug
a camminatina And then, just a couple of chilometrini.
"Hello! Hello!" the first village, the shy smiles and here we are second in front of the gate, with all ThaiPanz intent to prepare a feast.
We eat like pigs, it collapses aul floor (on mat ed) home sweet girl and faints for at least 4 hours.
Outside it began to animate people laden tables and benches for the day tomorrow and the two of us snored like animals greasy.
In the morning it helps to settle the last bench, have a look around to see if ... e. ... e. .... and you see a soccer ball, and children and chase the boys' or pallune same.
Half an hour at sunset, do not you let this slip away, we like good Italian average rose to Zoff Dear Cabrini ... and Oronzo Canà. Syndrome because of the coach Bring It dwells forever in the heart of every self-respecting Italian average.
Mao called to gather, looks like Toto (Toto who? Schillaci, Christmas?) And divides the teams average age fair. 75 years a team.
Porter, a promising young football tribal (7 years), two thoroughbred foals of 16 years each on the flanks, while Toto is in the middle row ("Toto "Baths? Mysteries of the zone)
The Lake ranks instead a very young team but reckless, composed by goalkeeper (7 years, too) right wing (8) the left wing (20? 30? physical young man, face covered with old-style haircut Millian Crime at Chinese Restaurant (uelà, now you mention all our own masterpieces!), whereas the same lake, Expert gray, went to the center to Franz, the style was the same (because otherwise the average person who pulled up?)

The game is glowing tones, with the Lake scatenatissimo to sort and right missing and Toto intent on hindering the CannavaroCastAway. And also that the Lake in a somewhat 'Rudelli.
The result will not unlock my young team and a bit' demoralized, and the captain starts to lose shots, so that the team off guard equine Mao stabs. Once, twice, five times in the face of countless occasions LagoTeam resulted in a few markings.
Mao's team continues to score a landslide, we will die together with the setting sun and lost count of how many times we pierce.
We mostly 'one reel, and stumbles. And the Lake trims also a kick from a triple expulsion of the Colts, who jumps up and takes over the gallop, while I, already crippled left (deflated ball and bare feet onto concrete) finish the work well smashing right .
Again a couple of tantrums opponent and ends the match. In the dark night.
000-7-1 ... and good night.
Actually no, dinners with professors was. Men on one side. Women on the other. Just as we are. Reeks.
You eat a little 'hands, chatting in Thai (them) and finally free.
Megadocciona disinfectant and then he jumps there, the entrance of the house sweet girl, with legs in the air massaging superinfortunato Lake with all kinds of TigerUnguento and Mao ago by shuttling between the shower room and ThaiPanz.
Sweet tells us a bit 'its history, at times romantic at times difficult.
We scratched a bit 'beard disconsolate, we each can boast of its fragrant armpit and go to Ninno. That tomorrow is long and I must find a way to be able to walk again.

The Valley Where the school is - one -
The Valley Where the school is - two -

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hp 1500 Driver For Windows 7

Monsieur - from Thaton to Mae Malai

the morning wake up at dawn, with the first workers to head to the gate of the factory and some sunshine lick the cardboard cover that a few days ago I bought at 60 cents. Mao instead use the Sarong, which is cool and Eastern Europe (and is more 'cald0). Early workers and first zanzarine, who enjoy dancing between a lobe and the other of our ears, The Lake has thankfully come up with the saves ankle sock and then goes free, while Mao is scratching like a gibbon for micropunturine. We gets up, wraps around and he jumps into the street. Outside the city of course. Dell'autostoppista that the first rule is never to raise his thumb in urban centers. Fact or superstition? The fact is that the city is so "small" and for taming walk for at least 4-5 km, accompanied by a behind the sun already blazing. There ASSEP under the sign of Goodbye, just before a bend and while waiting we devoured a pound of Rambutan. Breakfast is done. And at least two fruits to stay here two Thai women who, in the saddle to pick up their black, seemed just out of a Rodeo, many muscle shirts with sleeves that curled 'left glimpse. Together we load a Thai boy (just to be safe ...) that goes into the cabin, however, the recommended. They go to Chang Dao, famous for the presence of one of three mountains (possibly the third) most 'high in Thailand, the tail end of the Himalayas, while we in Thaton, 5 km from the hills of Burma. But we do not care about and you go along. What then will the fate put us in the right place. Dao Chang arrived at the beginning of an hour we worked on the Internet, more 'to the fact that it cost 20 cents an hour, that a compelling need. But certain things when you're penniless gypsy, not the you can lose.
As we said, we give up at the beginning of Chang Dao alias to hitchhike to the end you have to walk there. Having said that, some do not spoil another kilometer. Arriving at the other end, another pick-up stops almost immediately. Husband, wife and daughter. You go, at least up to Fang. Like the popes to the Grand Prix at full speed and throws to cut the curves of hills submerged by more green 'on,

sballottolando the little heads of the happy little family as those who used canetti plush fashion in the eighties. sballottolando the little heads of the happy little family as those who used canetti plush fashion in the eighties. Maostralo (pitechi must remember is Monastery) made merry, sun in my face and wind in their sails, until out of nowhere (and nothing) the nailing machine. And while we are preparing to remove, trying to figure out which destination we had ever taken, dad nods to sit and wait. Mom and daughter last fall and is preparing to throw the impossible. Poor child, we believe you!
After the flush, vomit back into the car and dad again exactly as before, that the unexpected pit-stop has away precious seconds.
Fang is Not good, and after the rite of pisciatina we threw on the road, firmly convinced that they sleep in Thaton. The Golden Triangle is far away, time is running out and money is short.
Solita infinite mileage e. .. tock, not even we stop that locks up another pick, this time maroon. A seller of fake flowers and bold two cronies. He moves away a few leaves of plastic, it sits on and go hard.

And you get well!
And the first thing you study the area, to understand where to hang the hammock.
You must know that every self-respecting northern temple is perched on the top of a hill. Hundreds of steps offer breathtaking views, to give them a little time 'to stop the pilgrim under the roof of a pagoda contemplative.
And since we're in town, what better place if the sun canopy over the Mae Kok River, which enters into Thailand from Myanmar just a few kilometers upstream?
found the spot we have to go to the second of the four sacred Clochard hammock needs of the shower. Here are 40 degrees and it smells like wild sheep.
the astonishing figures of 60cents, who lives with us 2.5 euros per day including accommodation, we have met our vanity dive under a cold shower in one of the Guest House the country, not happy, the bosses, they lost perhaps the only customer of the day.
And then dinner, savor from early morning, in one of the usual bettolacce decadent, where Mao decides to remain a bit more 'light of the previous evening, Porco all spit and soup, while diving on Lake of the catfish Mae Kok, a silurino pound fried in the shape of a vibrator that you do not know what is the back, let the belly.
evening stroll, just to wait for the rest, a couple of winks from those of two tourists, "I like the man but only Zozzo pe 'na night," here is that it's time to swing a bit'.
You pull the hammock, thrusts calzinetto and listen.
You will hear the Mae Kok boil in his bed, gait slowly gaining territory in the silence of a tropical night. How symphony cradle our beds helped by a breeze wise who knows which side was born in Myanmar, sly rubs the skirts of a thousand hills that separate the two lands, and does not care about borders and guards, dancing hand in hand with the water dark brown of the river's history and traditions.
Good Night!

Monsieur and Madame Mae Kok Birman

Our home in the Temple

Myanmar Good Morning!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Free Samantha Anderson

The eso (r) d (i) or - Pai in Mae Malai

Where were we? Ah, yes, the Dubai-San accompany the bus and we await his arrival from Pai to the Monastery, after which he jumps on the road. Direction Mae Malai. By chance they were two in the afternoon on a hot day in the wet season, which means that head up and thumbs-up at least you sturio 2 litrozzi of water per hour. But never mind, we feel fortunate. The Lake, improvised hitchhiker, thumb up with clumsy grace, as if to say "if you are not too bisturbo ..." gambina bends and blushes at every turn, while Dr. Lupacchitch now well unstopped hull, yellow shirt acchiappasguardi, auxiliary type of traffic is a sign with his right hand stop or break you, and left thumb to the sky, as if to pierce the clouds that pass you enjoyed the show. After Mao took about an hour in the eye can see a brownish color which would be the envy of any holiday throughout the Lake while the sun begins to reflect on the why of life, the first step of the invocations to God And while you peel a banana from the helmet purchased shortly before the shooting to stop here is a pick up with another Farang crowded in the back. - I'm just going for 10 miles, if you like ... - Ten is better than zero, we go. A moment of socialization, four wind in your hair funny and here we are again on the ground. In anything. And from nothing comes out behind a farmer who says, 'bus! Bus! " "No, no, no bus, do not talk, go as he goes" "I live here," answered vaguely English words and gestures between the man of Earth showing an entrance among the branches of non-tropical Climbing know what "tonight if they have not come to sleep uploaded by me. There will also be my son, he speaks English!" thank joined hands and we salute you. Thanks Grandpa, you never know. And as soon as we salute the fate wants another pick-up stops. Two boys and a Monaco. "Mae Malai? Mae Malai!" Really cool, you go! After a couple of hours between the scent of tropical jungle and cheerful chirps, we arrive at Mae Malai where there is a night market food. A couple of tanks, just to check prices and goods, a couple of refusals to supply fruit because we are poor and people of the road a bit 'you must contract and enjoy the views of Mao is kidnapped and raped by a frog to bacon a couple of inches thick, breaded and fried in who knows such as oil subtropical. Lagus instead falls back on a nice brown caught Pescetto river near some kind of sewer pipe. a papaya for the post and you're done. Well, almost. Where
We found a table right out of the market, toh, that ass (again). While more free ride 'to cop a few buzzing around us, but smiling. The Lake is not used to these patients is a bit easy 'on her, until a man in semiborghese, or in civilian clothes but with Pistolozzi approach for a chat. But just four runs on his heels and then because you are blissfully cacacci her. Other policemen walking and smiling in a few fish-bone on one side and the thick curls of hair breading tarzanellati BARBAL of Mao, then you end the dinner and there is about the last days of the mission. Ando pulls the hammock. Yours faithfully getting up the order that men reciprocate love, and we realize that we had dinner at the table on the patio of the barracks. Hmmmm, well, thank you! After more than 'a few miles in the dark looking for two trees or poles that are, which is not easy in a city, best place to elect a gazebo of Mae Malai in front of a factory by the lights still on. Not far from us two inhabited by Bar a bunch of people hugging each other all intent on rattling the bottles to the rhythm of the music of Siam. is pulling the strings, or Mao pulls the strings, you roll 'na cigarette and behold .... a car at full speed rocketed into the yard of the factory at full and illuminates the Gazebo per day. goes down fighting e. .. "but you are Farang" exclaims with joy as she recognizes the pale faces and beards impossibly East. "No, because I thought they were Thai" (!) Continues the funny Thai ladies, "I am the owner of the factory. But if you are Farang then there is no problem. In fact, you are my guests! What do you want something to drink, you need water ? "No because "we still do not accept a lot 'stunned. " Well ... enjoy your staying! "says the entrepreneur back in the car" See you tomorrow! "

The Lake and its" Why?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lost Immunization Record Ontario

On the hills Act According

The next day we decided to visit some caves, a couple of other tribes '(more' easy) and go through a loop in the mountains, strictly scooter. Final Destination Uncle Rudy again. In the end it feels good, Mao has his spot on the hammock and we our bamboo hut 'and woven leaves.
The Lod Cave (Cave) in reality 'is a passageway into a hill probably eroded from the river that runs inside us. Required then, the boat ride (also of bamboo ').
a sort of descent into hell, where everything and 'darkness' and smell of bat caccozio (anywhere). One of the Thai Charon ferries us to the first of three caves, where you walk down, you look at and climb. Ditto for the other two. Final conclusion nice but not exceptional.
resumed our shoes we started towards tribes' Kharen, remote village not far from Myanmar. After miles of constant ups and downs we arrive at the destination. Some shy smile, a couple of purchasing and leave again.
The road leading to Mae Hong Son runs on top of a chain of hills with panoramic views over the surrounding valleys, crossed by a network of rivers, rain, and surrounded by steep hills that emerge from the plain like panettone in the sun. I smiled and raised his hands caress the travelers as they pass through countries but not forgotten by God with joy.
few hours and we're back from Rudy, waiting for us with a dinner all together passionately.
the morning and 'already' time to say goodbye. Maostralopitechi moving in Mae Hong Son, for a while '.
long tour, here some waterfall and 'right before you get there and decide to visit a Buddhist monastery. No time to park the scooter and the Dubix 'already' in as drawn by invisible threads of silk.
few minutes later we enter it and is talking with the Bonzo head, sitting in front of Buddha and the Bonzo same.
"Guys, here are the Vipassana retreat, seven days of meditation. I feel that I have to stop" begins budd-Dub just out of the monastery.
And so 'it is.
Go back to regroup. Ninety miles of mountains, dodging rain and bring us back to Pai, now the crossroads of our department.
Serata tutti assieme e l'indomani ci si divide.
Erika in meditazione serrata, Lake che adotta il metodo Lupacchini (Mao): amaca e autostop. Destinazione finale Golden Triangle.
L'uomo delle Caverne

Dubix Monastic leaving

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vice City Unhandled Exception C0000005 00652f30


massacre averted at the barracks, "Santa Barbara" in Milan, on the morning of October 12, undoubtedly thanks to a providential eye on was, for us, someone from up there, but even more ground to the courage of our corporal who has avoided the worst acting in person and addressing a slight wound in the right cheek (well, hopefully in the future, to a medal). The electronic engineer
Game Libyan Mohamed had in fact slipped in the guard of the military structure with a kit containing five kilograms of a mixture of homemade explosives that, if broken out properly, could easily cause damage to people and things around respect even if not apocalyptic, but, fortunately, the bomb worked only partially, causing the loss of one hand and sight, attack, and the slight injury, as mentioned above, the brave corporal who gave it 's alt.
would seem, for now, be the gesture of a "cell" of a few local elements and without ties to major organized Islamic networks, as surely inspired by the mysticism of jihad and delusional dell'autoimmolazione seed of death among the "infidels", who is also from the barracks, as it happens, leave for their missions in Afghanistan. However, this should certainly lead us to underestimate the danger of such terrorists "do it yourself", and are obliged to seriously consider the religious and socio-cultural environment, within the Islamic community from which they come and What criteria should guide a policy of integration while safeguarding the basic needs of collective security in times such as these are critical for civil coexistence among different races and cultures so different. Game
Mohamed was in Italy for several years, regular immigrants, on the shoulders with a regular family of Italian wife and four children and a regular job, though plagued by some surmountable problem working and accommodation. Well, now almost a "Bausch" seemingly peaceful and integrated, which had also recently got to attend the controversial "mosque" in Viale Jenner, the one where the actual content of the promotion of peace and firm condemnation of all violence of the sermons that have spoken in language incomprehensible to us, has never been able to honestly put my hand on fire.
But it is precisely among Muslim immigrants in Western society placed more externally and law-abiding here and now that experience has taught us, can hide the agents of fundamentalist terrorism: hardly one of them will conceal behind one of those washer or sellers of junk that beset us at traffic lights, and very unlikely, too, will be one of those dedicated to the common petty crime, such as a drug dealer or a rapist.
To be able to plan, prepare, maintain secret contacts right in the shadow, undisturbed and without arousing suspicion, it is most useful with a facade of respectability accompanied by sufficient material possibilities, not to mention which is a fanatical adherence albeit distorted visions of Islamic doctrine, the main spring animator of such phenomena, while, in the behavior of criminal offenders and non-drifters who lives hand to mouth, did not look like a tendency to conform to any kind of religious discipline, however understood. A
pushing these potted against our people, things and institutions are therefore grounds of social order, or of desperate reaction to a presumed reality of exclusion and discrimination suffered by the poor immigrants of their origins within our society, like so many souls beautiful homegrown would rather continue to believe, perhaps because of a materialist tradition of thought hard to remove from the left, which makes it difficult to conceive so much drive, to the supreme sacrifice di sè stessi, motivato soltanto da ragioni religiose o spirituali.
Non è, quindi, con le ricette "buoniste" delle sempre maggiori concessioni, delle maniche sempre più larghe in fatto di libertà di riunirsi a "pregare" e di erigere luoghi di culto, al di fuori di ogni controllo, che si favorirà un'integrazione costruttiva e sicura di tali soggetti nei nostri paesi. Questa sarebbe pura illusione ed una "Monaco" che, a lungo andare, ci costerebbe cara. E' bene ribadire fino alla nausea che questa gente, da buonismo, tolleranza e disponibilità nei suoi confronti, non si lascerà mai intenerire, che i suoi obiettivi non sono infatti rivendicativi di maggiore rispetto o di migliori condizioni di vita per gli immigrati or the Islamic peoples in general, but the fight to the Western world for what it represents, and that every small failure, which he judges to take advantage weakness without hesitation.
The interests of the true integration of our security and protect it rather than preventing the preaching hatred in mosques through strict controls by imposing the transparency of financial statements (who finances them? Who finances?), Requiring verification and received training on the curriculum "imam" who work there, perhaps by setting up a "register of imams" as suggested by Minister Ronchi, promoting, as far as possible the pronunciation of the sermons in Italian, strict discipline and finally the emergence of new sites Islamic worship.
Meanwhile, more immediately, do not let it rest intelligence and all other bodies dealing with investigations in areas at risk and prevention, repression of crime such as this occurred.
Above all, Milan's attack is still fresh, and if you act very little talk, so as not to tempt any potential emulators that might feel, they, Cham Allah by trying to hit the disastrous results missed by a whisker 'Libyan engineer.
Tommaso Pellegrino

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where To Get Motocross Birthday Cakes


P arthritis in the late afternoon towards Mae Hong Son, after a few hours scooters have decided not to want to travel at night. The first country and 'ours. Lisu Lodge, nothing in the hut, spot for a hammock, done. Who are we? Rudy tetesco thailantia that fifteen years before I said enough to the chaos of life and Western and 'moved here from some ill-defined area between the rugged hills of Pai. Indeed one of the. Rudy (Rudolf?) e' un esperto di tribu' e grotte e pure di cascate e mostrandoci a petto gonfio la cartina delle colline, direttamente disegnata da lui, riempiva i nostri occhi di leggende inenarrabili e luoghi "paradisicamente" incontaminati. E piu' raccontava e piu' i nostri motorini ruggivano inferociti come belve fameliche della selva piu' oscura. Ma, dice Rudy, niente motorini. Qui si va a piedi, 20 km per quel villaggio, quindici per l'altro 7 per...e piu' parlava piu' i nostri occhi si ri sgonfiavano come meduse in secca. Il giorno dopo, non totalmente convinti, Maostralopitechi accettano una proposta di perlustrazione da parte del Lake che testera' il territorio con il After that his Yamaha Mio 'containing additional' to the Committee suituazione the road. The Lake sees that as everyone knows what 'he wants, obviously shows sporadic pools of water and a gravel surface tuttosommato viable. said than done. Hello Rudy, we are going to Manara '. The road, of course dirt but compact, and 'really beautiful, and runs between the left and a hill overlooking a constant on the right. Up and down 'up and down'. Up up up up. Giu 'Giu' Giu 'Giu'. Curve 45, curve 90, curve 180. Right left. June 'down' down 'down. Su LagoDub on the same Yamaha, cautious and tourists do it yourself, enjoy the narrow valleys of rice verdebrillante surrounded by rugged hills with sheer cliffs covered walls of forest supertropicale;

Mao, in the grip of a Mugellesca Bacteria, rides his Honda angry marches, easy rider helmet and beard to the wind (a lot of beard. so much that seems ZZTop) biting the way for pedal stroke. get to the first village, piles of wood, leaf roof, dogs, pigs, hens, perched on a mountainside. Kharen race. Tourist ride, fruit and cigarettes. The road in front of us is not 'too long, but the danger is always around the banana tree. The secondo villaggio e' completamente diverso, la gente pure. Capanne di legno, tetti di foglie differenti, il paesello si sviluppa in tondo, tutt'attorno a un'ipotetica piazza che pero' non e' una piazza. Non lo so, sembra un po' uno di quei luoghi dove once upon a time ci vendono le bestie. La gente pure e' differente, non somaticamente, comportamentalmente si. Li' c'era poco da girare, amenoche' non volessimo fare qualche girotondo della fantomatica piazzetta, e dopo averlo fatto siamo ripartiti. Qualche chilomentro ed entriamo in una valle stretta con il fiume a scendere con noi cimpletamente dominata da alberi secolari, rampicanti fittissimi e cespugli profumati. Ogni tanto ci touched the scent of lemongrass just moved. Here the road 'and curvy descent, which means that sooner or later we would due to the climb. Precisely because the 'My, that' my, my word is Yamaha Mio (clarification was the Dubinci but the road .. the road without running into two ...!) 20 per hour makes the climbs, which then means that we're two hours to get back, anyway in the midst of multiple orgasms eye opens before us Manara ', again built on wood and leaves a sort of terrace of four levels. Lap, usually fruit and nicotine and .... E. It starts to rain. After an hour of intense negotiations about what to do under a roof of metal, Maostralop. to decide retreat. What if you soften the clay bar, pools, rivers overflow, landslides, ruins, the famous snows of Pai, the fact is that we turned on his heels and beat (wisely) in retreat. Adios Manara 'sooner or later we will review'. Easy to say. He looked like a water aerobics. You hop on your scooter, you throw in arguably geometric curves, rising with infinitesimally small rivulets of water that melted the clay and took away the slender grip grommets mounted on our cheap irons combat. And then come down ... uhuuuu down! Step One: Dubay jumping on the callus of Mao, and that 'then' powerful. Move down to number two in the Dubai each and every climb down. Virtually walks. Number three, go up in the backcountry, downhill ride you feet on the ground with its wheels stuck in a stream of mud. Cosi 'splitting. Lake falls twice. Obviously situation. rains that you think you are pulling the balls in the face. E and walk up and down and up and down and crosses, after an hour we have already '7 km behind, in front of us a Ute with two wheels deep in mud and lots of small Thai or something' to which ethnic pushing and joyful laugh. And when the going gets tough .... The first question and 'bad, also because' it had yet to take steps ... and the usual excuses, but second "Mao Pai The Doctor" and throw themselves into the Lake pushing more 'world's strongest and as the car was leaving everyone except me off that same mind keeps teeth to make his contribution was struck repeatedly by a burst of shits liberated from the wheel of slime that rained on the right and left and center and over and under each piece of body surface Laghesca that already 'walked on my knees' cause collapsed as the Jeep. A submersion. Urla greetings and hugs when we see '. That there are still 10 miles and who knows what you are '. Solito su giu 'balls left and right at dusk we see in the distance the Guesthouse. And Rudy. on the door looking at us and laughs in his sleeve.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Canon Rebel Xti Firmware

Mao Tao Pai

Nestling gently in a wide and lush valley, surrounded by hills that seem huge teeth of a biting mouth all intent on the sky, Pai and 'doze a village during the dry season turns into a tourist center to a considerable extent.
In reality 'we expected an Australopithecus Posticciola of bamboo huts' and little else, but fortunately the season "hot" is yet to come.
We found a guesthouse closed for renovation on the other side of the chaotic life of the traveler a bit 'with the hippies and backpackers for a few baht we perched in a hut among the banana trees and lotus flowers blooming giustappunto.
Mao and 'pulled the hammock in the garden

and we then created the chill out area on a bench nailed on the front porch of a house on stilts in Bambu'. You have spent entire afternoons, waiting for a tropical dipping or just listening to the rustle of innumerable plants rice a refreshing breeze to shake enjoyed playing the grains of gold as thousands of English castanets.
Maostralopitechi-famous half-asia for the propensity to local food, they set out to conquer the market afternoon, charged with first fruits and sumptuous home-made seasonal fruit.

Mao has instead given way to the expression of Asian art by an artist who has given a Tao strictly between the ribs with Thai technique: the tattoo Bambu '.
Dubilake you are ever given to the solace by visiting the falls on a motorbike in the surrounding hills, where a snake of a meter has decided di dar un occhio a questi due Farang un po' troppo da vicino, e, rigorosamente all'alba, andando in ammollo per alcune ore nelle vasche di una sorgente naturale di acqua termale a dir poco cocente (alcuni Thai ci cucinavano gli ovetti sodi) circondate da una vegetazione a dir poco Sandokanesca.

E tra un'abbuffata di sticky rice e una sguazzata riscaldante, i giorni a Pai si sono fatti e quindi oggi stesso si parte. Piano Dubay accolto.
E come dei Bikers delle Malacche, due motorini, un cambio di stracci sulle spalle, due bottiglie di benzina e liberta' da inspirare, via, Phat Thai in search of more 'pristine.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Free Hdloader Telcharger

After a return is not easy in Italy, after a return even less likely in Australia, where things did not go there 'good will' bad or both good and bad , Australopithecus visiting Thailand, for the usual gastronomic tour priced 3x2 and some fresh air, more 'cool wet that, among the rice paddies at the foot of the hills descending from the eastern Himalayas. Bangkok shows how crafty and always a bitch, a melting pot of cultures and races in harmony with each other connected by a skein of noodles and soy sprouts.
Bangkok capital of perfume and stench, with your nose runs more 'fast your body to grigliatine tiger prawns rather than multi-colored fish deep fried in coconut oil, and that sometimes goes wrong target and snoop between the open drains and the smell of a dignified poverty 'that is still visibly disappearing. And then frangipani, ginger and fruits of all kinds, fresh, ripe, heady.
With us, of course, Mao, who since his return sailing from Australia to Europe, arrived in the Strait of Malacca as the Tiger of Mompracen, complete with beard, turban and boxcutter Switzerland (sword in Malaysia could offend because the unexploded shells), decided to give pause to its raids in the dangerous seas of the Sargasso to land in Bangkok after a 24in of hours by train, third class, of course.
Here at home the King of Siam in addition to food we are also dedicated to various markets, although our imagination already 'green-gold traveling to the vast expanses of the north, still populated by tribes' ancient indigenous origins, has always been a crossroads exchange, precious metals, spices and substances little appreciated in modern times', then peace, jennies' and a lot of humidity '.
But back to Bangkok, as everyone knows the capital of the massage also "diverse", the Lake record (but not full test) the last frontier of the treatment of pleasure: the arrival of the squares of water massage. What then is dipping your feet dry and filthy (but not puzzosi - no shoes no stinks) in a tub full of some fishes with picciotti Jolie lips that gently surround your limbs and deep kiss away that you Spettoli that of your skin 's dead and old. A kind of deep cleansing and solletichinoda red cheeks and a hand over her mouth to hide partially timid adolescent giggles.
Other facts to be recorded output of the Thai male in the various clubs where Mao and 'launched in exotic dancing and buckets of sweat to the rhythm of local music or "localized", whereas the Lake, from the top of his old age '(for clubs) has left his gambetta run away in more' for some time, but always under control with the bust and shoulders un'attaccapanni hard as teak and always Lake , who made his record time in his first cagarella tropical, thank God that you and 'expressed in all its glory only after a long night in a bus which took us to Chiang Mai, the capital of the North. Ideal starting point for the areas most 'remote, and in fact 24 hours and we partiti.Noi with Mao Bussetto hitch.
and Now 'to Pai, but that' another story.

See ya!

Monday, August 17, 2009

How Long Can You Live With Renal Stage 5

Life must go on a little 'break ...

... but come back soon!
Meanwhile I embrace you all

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Orange Juice Stain Removal


The events of our many years of military mission in Afghanistan, cause overheating of the situation on the ground and the consequent increase in the frequency with which we hear sad news of attacks on our quota, such as those of other allied nations, often with soldiers killed or wounded, have recently jumped into the spotlight of public attention like few times before, and have raised some doubts and made creaking-established certainties even in those who had never before slightest waver in supporting the needs of the Italian contribution to the international effort to promote the physical reconstruction and civil engineering, essential security framework, of that battered country.
Mind you, the words vaguely accennanti to an improbable "withdrawal" of our soldiers pronounced in recent days, representatives from the Northern League should not be interpreted as something other than what is actually been: simple outbursts "paternal" in front of the sad fate of so many good guys, as defined in the same Defense Minister La Russa, independent of the role of political parties, which in fact are not really broke commitments to support the government line in the confirmation vote of military missions abroad. Are therefore completely unjustified, in that props, so the fears of the allies as the attempts to exploit the case by the opposition, keen to see signs of fractures within the governing coalition.
However, a disturbing question of whether the place and in many regards, but rather the nature of our military engagement in Afghanistan, after the rise of the Taliban, the loosening of certain caveats "national and sending in the theater also means more which typically offensive bombers "Tornado" (which now, from simple reconnaissance, it seems to be used are also better suited to their tasks of attack) seem to have gradually made the mission more like a real war campaign that not all 'Operation Peace "was originally much-vaunted, also known by the imperative to continue to use proven formulas of the usual euphemisms and" politically correct "in order to make these interventions abroad to digest how our public opinion, as long as they fniscono to take, sorry to say, ipocrsia bitter tones, as it becomes clear that the most appropriate terms to define certain situations would be very different now.
And also, since this is really a war, a war which we would be entitled to take part, and the famous vigendo always cited, and about more often inappropriately, Article 11 of the Constitution?
Meanwhile, it should be noted that since we in the middle of armed military contingents, the boundary between the factual situation of "peace" and "war" is always very smooth. Even the most classic of the proper mission of "peace", that is the one sent to supervise the observance of a ceasefire signed by the previously two contenders, one of type, so to speak, often assigned to "blue helmets" of the UN (eg Lebanon), it can turn into an episode of War in fact, even if not declared (formally, this, however, fallen into disuse for over sixty years, even if true conflicts "traditional"), if someone decides to break the truce and the soldiers on duty were attacked or involved in the clashes. Of course, the practical risk of degeneration of war is indeed much lower in this kind of missions that in operations like Afghanistan or Iraq, but if you really would be totally invalid, there would not even need to send international armed contingents. Exactly
in Afghanistan, following a brief objectively "combat", that is waged war ended with the dissolution of the Taliban regime, the protector of the Islamic terrorists responsible dell'ecatombe September 11, the quota for the NATO-led ISAF, which participates in the 'Italy, shall bear the burden of military support and protect the process of reconstruction material, moral, political and civil life of the country, in the power vacuum that has arisen.
E 'is also undoubtedly an "peace": the foreign troops, especially the Italian ones and someone else of the participating nations, engaged in service the people, public works etc.. are bound by strict caveats "and the use of weapons has been developed for the defense in a strict sense. Unlike in the case examined previously, however, this is not a truce monitors compliance reached between the two rivals, the "enemy" has not signed any agreement or made, it's just been soundly beaten in the open field, driven by levers power and forced into hiding, where he needs time to regroup before returning to danger.
In fact, after a few years of relative peace, which Duante in Afghanistan seemed to become almost a routine peacekeeping mission like many others, the Taliban insurgency explodes unexpected virulence, making some parts of the country particularly in scenarios guerrillas and forcing NATO units deployed there for a sudden change of attitude.
For Italy, deployed in areas less directly ivestite by the phenomenon, but still exposed to greater dangers and tensions, begin the crisis of identity and its role on the political balance to find, at the same time not to lose prestige among allies, who are pushing for a larger commitment of everyone in the theater, and save at least within the rhetorical image of the mission of "peace", which is essential, especially with a majority as that of two years Prodi, not to lose the parliamentary support to the mission.
The prudence with which they are veiled, the bad news coming from the front reaches sublime heights: For years, for example, each ad to attack suffered by our troops, be careful not to use the word "Taliban", but to give the blame for everything in general "hostile elements" and the existence of a well identified opponent does in fact think of a situation of ongoing war, while the 'hostile element "anyone who can meet even walking peacefully in any Italian city. Only very recently, with the change of political leadership in our country and the advent of the Minister of Defence as Ignazio La Russa, has begun to call a little 'more things by their name, ammettere con maggior franchezza la realtà della situazione, a lasciare un poco da parte certe forme che, ripeto, sanno troppo di tragica ipocrisia.
Siamo dunque in guerra o no, in Afghanistan? Da un punto di vista giuridico, sicuramente la risposta a tale quesito dev'essere negativa, ma è inutile negare che, laggiù, ci si trova a dover agire in un ambiente infestato da formazioni organizzate ed armate che si considerano perfettamente in guerra con noi, come con ogni altro appartenente alle forze militari internazionali, anche se noi ci ostiniamo a non ritenerci in guerra con loro. Diciamo che è una missione di pace nella quale le armi più idonee a fronteggiare le minacce esercitate non possono purtroppo essere soltanto un elemento almost decorative, as in other theaters, but must be used, without excess and sparingly, in the context of the tasks assigned to us as part of the international effort, but must be more than war, but also of "winning hearts and minds "of local real support for the reconstruction of any real dialogue with those with whom it was possible.
would be absurd to advocate the withdrawal right now, just because the mission is more difficult as we would want.
The stakes are too high and too decisive moment: to help bring security and stability in a corner of the world where the risk is remote that even the fifty Pakistani nuclear warheads could fall into terrorist hands is an act of defense is so vital that no course, no article 11 of the Constitution may be considered unlawful.
Tommaso Pellegrino