The next day we decided to visit some caves, a couple of other tribes '(more' easy) and go through a loop in the mountains, strictly scooter. Final Destination Uncle Rudy again. In the end it feels good, Mao has his spot on the hammock and we our bamboo hut 'and woven leaves.
The Lod Cave (Cave) in reality 'is a passageway into a hill probably eroded from the river that runs inside us. Required then, the boat ride (also of bamboo ').
a sort of descent into hell, where everything and 'darkness' and smell of bat caccozio (anywhere). One of the Thai Charon ferries us to the first of three caves, where you walk down, you look at and climb. Ditto for the other two. Final conclusion nice but not exceptional.
resumed our shoes we started towards tribes' Kharen, remote village not far from Myanmar. After miles of constant ups and downs we arrive at the destination. Some shy smile, a couple of purchasing and leave again.
The road leading to Mae Hong Son runs on top of a chain of hills with panoramic views over the surrounding valleys, crossed by a network of rivers, rain, and surrounded by steep hills that emerge from the plain like panettone in the sun. I smiled and raised his hands caress the travelers as they pass through countries but not forgotten by God with joy.
few hours and we're back from Rudy, waiting for us with a dinner all together passionately.
the morning and 'already' time to say goodbye. Maostralopitechi moving in Mae Hong Son, for a while '.
long tour, here some waterfall and 'right before you get there and decide to visit a Buddhist monastery. No time to park the scooter and the Dubix 'already' in as drawn by invisible threads of silk.
few minutes later we enter it and is talking with the Bonzo head, sitting in front of Buddha and the Bonzo same.
"Guys, here are the Vipassana retreat, seven days of meditation. I feel that I have to stop" begins budd-Dub just out of the monastery.
And so 'it is.
Go back to regroup. Ninety miles of mountains, dodging rain and bring us back to Pai, now the crossroads of our department.
Serata tutti assieme e l'indomani ci si divide.
Erika in meditazione serrata, Lake che adotta il metodo Lupacchini (Mao): amaca e autostop. Destinazione finale Golden Triangle.
L'uomo delle Caverne

Dubix Monastic leaving
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