Monday, October 26, 2009

Religious/sports Mottos

The Duel - Do not Know from Thaton to Mae Kok

Al risveglio il Mae Kok era ancora lì, a suonare la sua litania ancestrale.
Noi ci si alza, si riflette un po' sul prendere una barca, che ci avrebbe portato a Chiang Rai, inclusa visita a qualche villaggio sperduto, poi però un po' la voglia di raggiungere il Triangolo d'Oro, un po' il prezzo del battello stesso, fissato in 350 baht a capoccia, ci hanno riportato sulla amatissima strada, a dito alzato e attacchi di disidratazione acuti.
Dopo circa un'ora ci si trova ancora sotto il sole, e l'unico che si ferma è un motorino con in sella un uomo panzottello e una dolce ragazza dai tratti decisamente oriundi, che facevano pendere le sue radici tra Cina, Birmania e chissà quale area remota del MyanVietThaiCamb.
"I am the director of a nearby school, on the road (the only) that leads to the river and through the villages of the tribes of the North" begins ThaiPanz "follow integration projects between the various villages and the people of Thailand. The school is now closed for the holidays, but tomorrow there will be more 'student because of some of the monks are praying for us. It would be my honor to have you as guests "
" You can stay at my place, "concludes sweet girl is.
E 'at a glance, because Maostralo of these occasions, if they do not escape.
Now, in four the scooter is a bit 'tight, it was not for her I almost Panzona ..... away, still a bit' with his finger on. Just another hour.
What then stops the usual pick-up, well pleased (and quite fast considering the speed supported) to take us right there at that intersection that if you turn right and then you die you see the tribes in Mae Kok
Glug Glug
a camminatina And then, just a couple of chilometrini.
"Hello! Hello!" the first village, the shy smiles and here we are second in front of the gate, with all ThaiPanz intent to prepare a feast.
We eat like pigs, it collapses aul floor (on mat ed) home sweet girl and faints for at least 4 hours.
Outside it began to animate people laden tables and benches for the day tomorrow and the two of us snored like animals greasy.
In the morning it helps to settle the last bench, have a look around to see if ... e. ... e. .... and you see a soccer ball, and children and chase the boys' or pallune same.
Half an hour at sunset, do not you let this slip away, we like good Italian average rose to Zoff Dear Cabrini ... and Oronzo Canà. Syndrome because of the coach Bring It dwells forever in the heart of every self-respecting Italian average.
Mao called to gather, looks like Toto (Toto who? Schillaci, Christmas?) And divides the teams average age fair. 75 years a team.
Porter, a promising young football tribal (7 years), two thoroughbred foals of 16 years each on the flanks, while Toto is in the middle row ("Toto "Baths? Mysteries of the zone)
The Lake ranks instead a very young team but reckless, composed by goalkeeper (7 years, too) right wing (8) the left wing (20? 30? physical young man, face covered with old-style haircut Millian Crime at Chinese Restaurant (uelà, now you mention all our own masterpieces!), whereas the same lake, Expert gray, went to the center to Franz, the style was the same (because otherwise the average person who pulled up?)

The game is glowing tones, with the Lake scatenatissimo to sort and right missing and Toto intent on hindering the CannavaroCastAway. And also that the Lake in a somewhat 'Rudelli.
The result will not unlock my young team and a bit' demoralized, and the captain starts to lose shots, so that the team off guard equine Mao stabs. Once, twice, five times in the face of countless occasions LagoTeam resulted in a few markings.
Mao's team continues to score a landslide, we will die together with the setting sun and lost count of how many times we pierce.
We mostly 'one reel, and stumbles. And the Lake trims also a kick from a triple expulsion of the Colts, who jumps up and takes over the gallop, while I, already crippled left (deflated ball and bare feet onto concrete) finish the work well smashing right .
Again a couple of tantrums opponent and ends the match. In the dark night.
000-7-1 ... and good night.
Actually no, dinners with professors was. Men on one side. Women on the other. Just as we are. Reeks.
You eat a little 'hands, chatting in Thai (them) and finally free.
Megadocciona disinfectant and then he jumps there, the entrance of the house sweet girl, with legs in the air massaging superinfortunato Lake with all kinds of TigerUnguento and Mao ago by shuttling between the shower room and ThaiPanz.
Sweet tells us a bit 'its history, at times romantic at times difficult.
We scratched a bit 'beard disconsolate, we each can boast of its fragrant armpit and go to Ninno. That tomorrow is long and I must find a way to be able to walk again.

The Valley Where the school is - one -
The Valley Where the school is - two -


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