P arthritis in the late afternoon towards Mae Hong Son, after a few hours scooters have decided not to want to travel at night. The first country and 'ours. Lisu Lodge, nothing in the hut, spot for a hammock, done. Who are we? Rudy tetesco thailantia that fifteen years before I said enough to the chaos of life and Western and 'moved here from some ill-defined area between the rugged hills of Pai. Indeed one of the. Rudy (Rudolf?) e' un esperto di tribu' e grotte e pure di cascate e mostrandoci a petto gonfio la cartina delle colline, direttamente disegnata da lui, riempiva i nostri occhi di leggende inenarrabili e luoghi "paradisicamente" incontaminati. E piu' raccontava e piu' i nostri motorini ruggivano inferociti come belve fameliche della selva piu' oscura. Ma, dice Rudy, niente motorini. Qui si va a piedi, 20 km per quel villaggio, quindici per l'altro 7 per...e piu' parlava piu' i nostri occhi si ri sgonfiavano come meduse in secca. Il giorno dopo, non totalmente convinti, Maostralopitechi accettano una proposta di perlustrazione da parte del Lake che testera' il territorio con il After that his Yamaha Mio 'containing additional' to the Committee suituazione the road. The Lake sees that as everyone knows what 'he wants, obviously shows sporadic pools of water and a gravel surface tuttosommato viable. said than done. Hello Rudy, we are going to Manara '. The road, of course dirt but compact, and 'really beautiful, and runs between the left and a hill overlooking a constant on the right. Up and down 'up and down'. Up up up up. Giu 'Giu' Giu 'Giu'. Curve 45, curve 90, curve 180. Right left. June 'down' down 'down. Su LagoDub on the same Yamaha, cautious and tourists do it yourself, enjoy the narrow valleys of rice verdebrillante surrounded by rugged hills with sheer cliffs covered walls of forest supertropicale;
Mao, in the grip of a Mugellesca Bacteria, rides his Honda angry marches, easy rider helmet and beard to the wind (a lot of beard. so much that seems ZZTop) biting the way for pedal stroke. get to the first village, piles of wood, leaf roof, dogs, pigs, hens, perched on a mountainside. Kharen race. Tourist ride, fruit and cigarettes. The road in front of us is not 'too long, but the danger is always around the banana tree. The secondo villaggio e' completamente diverso, la gente pure. Capanne di legno, tetti di foglie differenti, il paesello si sviluppa in tondo, tutt'attorno a un'ipotetica piazza che pero' non e' una piazza. Non lo so, sembra un po' uno di quei luoghi dove once upon a time ci vendono le bestie. La gente pure e' differente, non somaticamente, comportamentalmente si. Li' c'era poco da girare, amenoche' non volessimo fare qualche girotondo della fantomatica piazzetta, e dopo averlo fatto siamo ripartiti. Qualche chilomentro ed entriamo in una valle stretta con il fiume a scendere con noi cimpletamente dominata da alberi secolari, rampicanti fittissimi e cespugli profumati. Ogni tanto ci touched the scent of lemongrass just moved. Here the road 'and curvy descent, which means that sooner or later we would due to the climb. Precisely because the 'My, that' my, my word is Yamaha Mio (clarification was the Dubinci but the road .. the road without running into two ...!) 20 per hour makes the climbs, which then means that we're two hours to get back, anyway in the midst of multiple orgasms eye opens before us Manara ', again built on wood and leaves a sort of terrace of four levels. Lap, usually fruit and nicotine and .... E. It starts to rain. After an hour of intense negotiations about what to do under a roof of metal, Maostralop. to decide retreat. What if you soften the clay bar, pools, rivers overflow, landslides, ruins, the famous snows of Pai, the fact is that we turned on his heels and beat (wisely) in retreat. Adios Manara 'sooner or later we will review'. Easy to say. He looked like a water aerobics. You hop on your scooter, you throw in arguably geometric curves, rising with infinitesimally small rivulets of water that melted the clay and took away the slender grip grommets mounted on our cheap irons combat. And then come down ... uhuuuu down! Step One: Dubay jumping on the callus of Mao, and that 'then' powerful. Move down to number two in the Dubai each and every climb down. Virtually walks. Number three, go up in the backcountry, downhill ride you feet on the ground with its wheels stuck in a stream of mud. Cosi 'splitting. Lake falls twice. Obviously situation. rains that you think you are pulling the balls in the face. E and walk up and down and up and down and crosses, after an hour we have already '7 km behind, in front of us a Ute with two wheels deep in mud and lots of small Thai or something' to which ethnic pushing and joyful laugh. And when the going gets tough .... The first question and 'bad, also because' it had yet to take steps ... and the usual excuses, but second "Mao Pai The Doctor" and throw themselves into the Lake pushing more 'world's strongest and as the car was leaving everyone except me off that same mind keeps teeth to make his contribution was struck repeatedly by a burst of shits liberated from the wheel of slime that rained on the right and left and center and over and under each piece of body surface Laghesca that already 'walked on my knees' cause collapsed as the Jeep. A submersion. Urla greetings and hugs when we see '. That there are still 10 miles and who knows what you are '. Solito su giu 'balls left and right at dusk we see in the distance the Guesthouse. And Rudy. on the door looking at us and laughs in his sleeve.
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