Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Grannieswho Suck Cock

Travel intestines - Dont Know Da Mae Salong

Since the dawn of preparing various noises were coming to us through the dull pain in bone created by the typical body movements Delprete awakening of our sleep on the hard floor.
All of a sudden you open your eyes, me and Mao, looks perplexed surrounded by gusts of halitosis chilli meet and exchange ideas slowly rising, but the party and then called off, it rubs us properly and go out.
even off junction that sweet face takes us by the arm and leads us to the village for breakfast
Beneath a canopy multitude of people all intent on slicing more 'for some pork definitely still alive before the rise of the Sun God each with its own task: those dedicated to the intestines, another to the lungs, to those who do not know as the most' remote body pig. It was all offal.
We settle at the table, the village head shows up and greets us with open arms while others molitudini of lay people and strives to bring all good things.
We start with the amazing fried diced bacon, then move on to the tripe, all drowned by the rivers of Fanta (False).
Good start for seven in the morning. The Lake is his anointed few cubes, leaving the unpleasant Mao (or thank) the task of brushing the All, who is returning often wrote with guttural roar.
Just enough time to remove the boogers eyed sweet girl who takes the Lake by the hand and leads him by the sorceress Dont Know, in a cabin just a few hundred yards downstream.
There welcome her husband and parents of the masseuse, offering beer and shy smiles.
The Santa smokes a pipe, even as it was a time, before the tobacco, while Mamy, as a kind of scarf on his head and teeth Sheikh holidays, presents us with shy smiles with his mouth wide.
The Lake sits in the chair, throws his feet in the air and you get maimed. Shirt and Jeans King's decree.
Watch the cause of pain and quickly set to work. For almost an hour and a half, I could write down. After just half an hour of agony and the soothing foot bath Lake gets back up and ... walk!
I leave a little 'tip, more' to fill the consciousness socialoccidentale that request.
cicciole have a few more here and there, listening to some 'the Monaco litaneggiare incomprehensible songs, are packaged 4 to rags, are greeted with folded hands a bit' and we all threw in the street, the Lake will be testing the brand-new pair of feet.
And what better time if not to take just those 3 km distance ourselves from the intersection with the highway? On, which are 11.30 and the sun still does not flaky.
arrival Luckily there is a bamboo hut, 'so you can relax a bit' in the shade. Time for a cigarette machine and a separate approaches and agrees to take us to the junction to Mae Salong, which he then turns around and goes to Chiang Mai. You know the Japanese animation of our childhood? The teacher type with gray hair lacquered back? Here, our Caccamo hills it is a living example!
Ci accompagna silenzioso al nostro "punto" che coincide anche con la "frontiera" tra le due province (Chiang Mai, si entra a Chiang Rai).
Il Lake si appanica un pochetto per la presenza delle forze dell'ordine, tipo "ecco, e ora? e se l'autostop è proibito?" e mentre grufola altre paranoie occidentali ecco che il milite con fare agguerrito si avvicina e come in ogni classica occasione fallacea esclama: "dove dovete andare?" " Mae Salong" Il gendarme sussurra qualcosa al suo compare il quale si dirige verso una macchina in arrivo e gli impone di darci un passaggio. Tre ragazzi alla guida di un pick up, rosso fuoco e cabinato, "acconsentono" with a nod and we loaded in the cargo compartment. From the absurd travel speed of all winding hilly roads, it seems we want to pay dearly, that is through clenched teeth.
But the road is a bit 'so, take what comes and accept your fate. With a hidden scratch the horse.
In less than no time you get to Mae Salong, a city of fifty founded by a dissident general of Mao, who left the nefarious designs dictatorial and led his troops from Yunnan on the other side of the border, in Prathet Thai (Land of the Free Men), to four thousand feet of sweeping views of the valleys below and protected from Giugliano lush.
Here tea is grown, the green of the highest quality. It replaced the massive cultivation of opium, which allowed these isolated people, inhabitants of a land inaccessible to survive in the exchange.
Mae Salong always raining, or if they are better in the rain and do a hundred meters, which is not raining here '. But then if I do another five raining again, this microscopic that even get wet.
and gray clouds torn from burning rays of the sun. The eagles nest in short.
Mae Salong all merchandise market is haggling. Numerous unspoilt charming shops and stalls they made their way to the view that broadens the horizon at every step.
Peddler hucksters simple merchants loudly extolled the numerous tea estates of their products, offering small tastes delicious qualified the highest quality. More 'some customer curious tourists are carried away by custom and way give valuable minutes of absolute pleasure, a sort of gallery of scents infusions and explosion of the palate, a perfect mechanism as those clocks on the hour that the east offer pieces of life (no more ') policy.
Toto and I are hard at bay, for the moment, which means rice belly. So little rice panza.
The first restaurant is doing well, even if it cost us more in the thirty baht '. C'est la Vie.
We decide to rent a scooter, given the ups and downs and the Lake still limping. You go to Megatempio four kilometers upstream, right on the top, from where the Lake takes some of these photos.
He looks around for the usual sun canopy but there is no trace. It is drizzling here, as already mentioned.
We descend back to the country, takes every single path that could lead to the center of the country (the stairs SHOULD be), it often results in burial pagodas that oh well the free spirit but the hammock next to the dead is something of a creaking every night is mine.
now exhausted and without a bancarellina result you end up with a beautiful view over the village. It was decided to try. Go with the dance of the tea.
Oulong, Yasmine, Ginseng, Oulong first choice, all designed, everything is perfect, gestures, and according to tradition. The Lake is enchanting, like Mao, but not overjoyed, he echoed again in the ancient flavors maialiferi.

Despite the ecstasy saporifera si decide di non comprare, che questa è la prima e magari lo paghiamo il doppio.
Il venditore quindi si gioca l'asso e invita all'assaggio della frutta caramellata. Risparmio la manfrina (nostra), porto direttamente a conoscenza i costi: 350 bath ai quali si devono aggiungere baht 200 investiti dal Lago per un chilo di costosissimo Macadamia. Tè no grazie tutto il resto è mio.
Si riscende, si inforca senza speranze l'ultima viuzza che porta "su" e...le scale! La pagoda! Meraviglioso, anche stanotte si dorme.
Si riscende a valle per uno spuntino e poi si stende l'amaca. Ma non si dorme subito.
Questa notte il cielo torbido di Mae Salong ci fa un dono. Ha deciso di dar spazio alle incontenibili stelle di una tiepida notte tropicale.
 Coltivazione del Tè
"Fabbrica" del Tè


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