Free Samantha Anderson
The eso (r) d (i) or - Pai in Mae Malai
Where were we? Ah, yes, the Dubai-San accompany the bus and we await his arrival from Pai to the Monastery, after which he jumps on the road. Direction Mae Malai. By chance they were two in the afternoon on a hot day in the wet season, which means that head up and thumbs-up at least you sturio 2 litrozzi of water per hour. But never mind, we feel fortunate. The Lake, improvised hitchhiker, thumb up with clumsy grace, as if to say "if you are not too bisturbo ..." gambina bends and blushes at every turn, while Dr. Lupacchitch now well unstopped hull, yellow shirt acchiappasguardi, auxiliary type of traffic is a sign with his right hand stop or break you, and left thumb to the sky, as if to pierce the clouds that pass you enjoyed the show. After Mao took about an hour in the eye can see a brownish color which would be the envy of any holiday throughout the Lake while the sun begins to reflect on the why of life, the first step of the invocations to God And while you peel a banana from the helmet purchased shortly before the shooting to stop here is a pick up with another Farang crowded in the back. - I'm just going for 10 miles, if you like ... - Ten is better than zero, we go. A moment of socialization, four wind in your hair funny and here we are again on the ground. In anything. And from nothing comes out behind a farmer who says, 'bus! Bus! " "No, no, no bus, do not talk, go as he goes" "I live here," answered vaguely English words and gestures between the man of Earth showing an entrance among the branches of non-tropical Climbing know what "tonight if they have not come to sleep uploaded by me. There will also be my son, he speaks English!" thank joined hands and we salute you. Thanks Grandpa, you never know. And as soon as we salute the fate wants another pick-up stops. Two boys and a Monaco. "Mae Malai? Mae Malai!" Really cool, you go! After a couple of hours between the scent of tropical jungle and cheerful chirps, we arrive at Mae Malai where there is a night market food. A couple of tanks, just to check prices and goods, a couple of refusals to supply fruit because we are poor and people of the road a bit 'you must contract and enjoy the views of Mao is kidnapped and raped by a frog to bacon a couple of inches thick, breaded and fried in who knows such as oil subtropical. Lagus instead falls back on a nice brown caught Pescetto river near some kind of sewer pipe. a papaya for the post and you're done. Well, almost. Where
. We found a table right out of the market, toh, that ass (again). While more free ride 'to cop a few buzzing around us, but smiling. The Lake is not used to these patients is a bit easy 'on her, until a man in semiborghese, or in civilian clothes but with Pistolozzi approach for a chat. But just four runs on his heels and then because you are blissfully cacacci her. Other policemen walking and smiling in a few fish-bone on one side and the thick curls of hair breading tarzanellati BARBAL of Mao, then you end the dinner and there is about the last days of the mission. Ando pulls the hammock. Yours faithfully getting up the order that men reciprocate love, and we realize that we had dinner at the table on the patio of the barracks. Hmmmm, well, thank you! After more than 'a few miles in the dark looking for two trees or poles that are, which is not easy in a city, best place to elect a gazebo of Mae Malai in front of a factory by the lights still on. Not far from us two inhabited by Bar a bunch of people hugging each other all intent on rattling the bottles to the rhythm of the music of Siam. is pulling the strings, or Mao pulls the strings, you roll 'na cigarette and behold .... a car at full speed rocketed into the yard of the factory at full and illuminates the Gazebo per day. goes down fighting e. .. "but you are Farang" exclaims with joy as she recognizes the pale faces and beards impossibly East. "No, because I thought they were Thai" (!) Continues the funny Thai ladies, "I am the owner of the factory. But if you are Farang then there is no problem. In fact, you are my guests! What do you want something to drink, you need water ? "No because "we still do not accept a lot 'stunned. " Well ... enjoy your staying! "says the entrepreneur back in the car" See you tomorrow! "
The Lake and its" Why?
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